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{$row['user_from']} {$date}
HTML; } if( count($pm_list) ) { $pm_list = ""; } else { $pm_list = "
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PREFIX . "_admin_sections" ); while ( $row = $db->get_array() ) { if ($row['allow_groups'] != "all") { $groups = explode(",", $row['allow_groups']); if ( !in_array($member_id['user_group'], $groups) AND $member_id['user_group'] !=1 ) continue; } $row['name'] = totranslit($row['name'], true, false); $row['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($row['title'])); $options['admin_sections'][] = array ( 'name' => $row['title'], 'url' => "?mod={$row['name']}", 'mod' => "{$row['name']}", 'access' => 1 ); } foreach ( $options as $sub_options => $value ) { $count_options = count( $value ); for($i = 0; $i < $count_options; $i ++) { if ($member_id['user_group'] == 1 ) continue; if ($member_id['user_group'] != 1 AND $value[$i]['access'] == "admin") unset( $options[$sub_options][$i] ); if ( !$value[$i]['access'] ) unset( $options[$sub_options][$i] ); } } $subs = 0; $sidebar= ""; $menu_item = array(); $menu_item[] = "
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