/* Decoded by unphp.net */ {$I03eS} = preg_replace_callback("/()([\s\S]+)(<\/autodoc>)/mU", function ($Bt1g0) use($I03eS, $mqhpq, $i4sro) { goto qHpx5; YTE0c: hdTti: goto r0pr4; qHpx5: foreach ($i4sro[$I03eS] ?? [] as $Pc94l => $iv9Oq) { goto THFto; fOgzQ: BoxRp: goto TpTeS; vPLjt: array_unshift($iv9Oq, "@method"); goto Cun3n; Cun3n: $mqhpq[] = $iv9Oq; goto fOgzQ; THFto: $iv9Oq[1] = $Pc94l . "(" . $iv9Oq[1] . ")"; goto vPLjt; TpTeS: } goto YTE0c; V0imj: return $Bt1g0[1] . "\xa *{$MqGfH}\xa *\xa * " . $Bt1g0[3]; goto CuPZl; r0pr4: $MqGfH = SjMyp($mqhpq, $I03eS); goto V0imj; CuPZl: }, $e4ujR, 1); goto NYwHU; hLq63: $e4ujR = file_get_contents($I03eS); goto OzmW0; ZPk8a: } goto wGB1z; dF1kd: file_put_contents($Mf8gK, preg_replace("/(\/\/ )([\s\S]+)(<\/methods>)/mU", "$1\xa\xa // $3", file_get_contents($Mf8gK), 1)); goto vyKO1; xUnqq: $Af10q = new stdClass(); goto zh2DK; RDCXy: zIo2I: goto zHhoi; NfINH: function m6_B3($KB6iZ) { goto TF9ou; SnlEE: return preg_replace("/(centur)y$/i", "$1ie", $KB6iZ) . "s"; goto lUgjh; x8oQw: return preg_replace("/(millenni)um$/i", "$1a", $KB6iZ); goto u4GNs; u4GNs: iX9o0: goto SnlEE; TF9ou: if (!preg_match("/(millenni)um$/i", $KB6iZ)) { goto iX9o0; } goto x8oQw; lUgjh: } goto fibuM; jXlFb: $I_xVY = get_class_methods(c4j4V::class); goto fvHbQ; lZTVx: $nIdND = ["microseconds", "milliseconds", "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "quarters", "years", "decades", "centuries", "millennia"]; goto xJh3z; NDcqS: $hx70l = [__DIR__ . "/src/Carbon/Factory.php" => $qZQz5, __DIR__ . "/src/Carbon/FactoryImmutable.php" => $bKosa]; goto sIyHJ; vyKO1: require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"; goto oe19w; fibuM: function Enla9($ilWQl) { goto aYmoK; SaTDP: wMIyB: goto WEWR7; T9BnN: N0V3u: goto N4nFw; N4nFw: $ilWQl = preg_replace("/^array\s*\(\s*\)$/", "[]", var_export($ilWQl, true)); goto ZaQJd; sL6GN: return "CarbonInterface::TRANSLATE_ALL"; goto T9BnN; ZaQJd: $ilWQl = preg_replace("/^array\s*\(([\s\S]+)\)$/", "[$1]", $ilWQl); goto QD_YC; QD_YC: return $ilWQl; goto JXmSM; dnCqu: return "null"; goto SaTDP; aYmoK: if (!($ilWQl === null)) { goto wMIyB; } goto dnCqu; WEWR7: if (!($ilWQl === yqIXk::Ed_bU)) { goto N0V3u; } goto sL6GN; JXmSM: } goto yMbnd; ZSSS_: $oamrg = []; goto hnDvi; ggtte: $XGGZK = ''; goto jXlFb; GGE6l: $Qg75C = __DIR__ . "/src/Carbon/CarbonImmutable.php"; goto m8GfU; oFWuP: $t0un3 = []; goto AXCoi; hg5kg: E7N7A: goto w23wx; oDTr9: foreach (glob(__DIR__ . "/src/Carbon/Traits/*.php") as $I03eS) { $tc_HV .= file_get_contents($I03eS); bbHRF: } goto hg5kg; wGB1z: IE75e: goto jZhwv; jZhwv: $qZQz5 = []; goto u5RpK; TnhDf: array_push($mqhpq, ...array_values(array_filter($WNViH))); goto Vkj48; N6fsW: $i4sro = [$MaQQ6 => [], $Qg75C => []]; goto oDTr9; OVzHc: $MUFwh = preg_replace("/^[\s\S]*%line1%([\s\S]*)%line2%[\s\S]*$/", "$1", $lgXJ4); goto Qlpe1; HI0Ua: $XYg0u = ["property", "property-read", "property-write", PHP_EOL, "mode", ["call", "is"], ["call", "isDayOfWeek"], ["call", "isSameUnit"], ["call", "setUnit"], ["call", "addUnit"], ["call", "addUTCUnit"], ["call", "roundUnit"], ["call", "diffForHumans"]]; goto ElETm; xJh3z: $WNViH = ["dayOfYear" => false, "weeksInYear" => false]; goto w6K9C; Vkj48: $lgXJ4 = "\xa /**\xa * %description% * * @var %type% *\xa * @deprecated %line1%\xa * %line2%\xa */ public $%variable%;\xa"; goto OVzHc; Akk_Y: $tc_HV = ''; goto N6fsW; zc18b: i3sLh: goto lZTVx; w6K9C: foreach ($nIdND as $tn0Cy) { goto Oe2ew; ana2o: QFRxC: goto A7wqS; Oe2ew: array_shift($nIdND); goto pbNuH; A7wqS: ykLe3: goto Jdrjh; pbNuH: foreach ($nIdND as $aNgoM) { goto naOLv; JEySu: $iY7bf = $tn0Cy . "In" . ucfirst($Y7BGK); goto VVeQK; n1GuU: Zen4n: goto H4Cpm; VVeQK: $WNViH[$iY7bf] ??= ["@method", "int", $iY7bf . "()", "Return the number of " . $tn0Cy . " contained in the current " . $Y7BGK]; goto n1GuU; KIs3c: $Y7BGK = C4J4v::F4GcH($aNgoM); goto Ld3nK; LtmEI: $WNViH[$iY7bf] ??= ["@method", "int|static", $iY7bf . "(?int $" . $xw26O . " = null)", "Return the value of the " . $xw26O . " starting from the beginning of the current " . $Y7BGK . " when called with no parameters, change the current " . $xw26O . " when called with an integer value"]; goto JEySu; Ld3nK: $iY7bf = $xw26O . "Of" . ucfirst($Y7BGK); goto LtmEI; naOLv: $xw26O = c4J4v::f4gch($tn0Cy); goto KIs3c; H4Cpm: } goto ana2o; Jdrjh: } goto j9vLH; mdceX: function sJMyP($mqhpq, $I03eS) { goto borrF; D1KF3: return $MqGfH; goto kKKG5; DJgyY: $fOyXK = $Fv9xi[1]; goto XCYDa; V2nEC: $SR1vN = []; goto shZTE; rNunh: if (!preg_match("`[\\/](Carbon\w*)\.php$`", $I03eS, $Fv9xi)) { goto qP2DV; } goto DJgyY; Cf0dI: ddbzK: goto D1KF3; LJtha: $MqGfH = ''; goto V2nEC; borrF: $fOyXK = "CarbonInterface"; goto rNunh; shZTE: foreach ($mqhpq as &$dOkbz) { goto Fn41y; tEcSi: iZ2kl: goto PULm6; HC6zX: OY6MY: goto W6ynE; W6ynE: mp41M: goto tEcSi; V8Uq1: if (!(($dOkbz[1] ?? '') === "self")) { goto cCbLV; } goto y4rux; mCxrm: foreach ($dOkbz as $ha2ei => $LveSo) { goto FeT85; aAojc: if (!($pxKbD > $E3VVU)) { goto tEnM_; } goto O_FhV; Xpkfp: tEnM_: goto IGf9a; IGf9a: tFYxI: goto nCjHj; FeT85: $pxKbD = \strlen($LveSo); goto IuaCl; O_FhV: $SR1vN[$ha2ei] = $pxKbD; goto Xpkfp; IuaCl: $E3VVU = $SR1vN[$ha2ei] ?? 0; goto aAojc; nCjHj: } goto HC6zX; VJiIS: cCbLV: goto mCxrm; Fn41y: if (!\is_array($dOkbz)) { goto mp41M; } goto V8Uq1; y4rux: $dOkbz[1] = $fOyXK === "Carbon" ? "$this" : $fOyXK; goto VJiIS; PULm6: } goto Ah3as; XCYDa: qP2DV: goto LJtha; QAZ58: foreach ($mqhpq as $iv9Oq) { goto DOYsP; l3Evu: $MqGfH .= rtrim($SU8Iv); goto Ni2OQ; DOYsP: $MqGfH .= " *"; goto Hn_z5; aarSw: $SU8Iv = " "; goto UrV4J; I0bF8: $MqGfH .= " {$iv9Oq}"; goto kvkvT; ftlGY: EIwX9: goto aarSw; OTqva: CYX3K: goto l3Evu; Kw8HD: if (empty($iv9Oq)) { goto BKQ7d; } goto I0bF8; UrV4J: foreach ($iv9Oq as $ha2ei => $LveSo) { $SU8Iv .= str_pad($LveSo, $SR1vN[$ha2ei] + 1, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); cYC56: } goto OTqva; Ni2OQ: hC1KG: goto bQiXt; Hn_z5: if (!\is_string($iv9Oq)) { goto EIwX9; } goto Kw8HD; U1fvT: goto hC1KG; goto ftlGY; kvkvT: BKQ7d: goto U1fvT; bQiXt: } goto Cf0dI; Ah3as: sxp2Z: goto QAZ58; kKKG5: } goto xUnqq; YF_5R: ksort($WNViH); goto TnhDf; w23wx: function BCpmY($mdPyx) { return match ($mdPyx) { "milli" => "millisecond", "micro" => "microsecond", default => $mdPyx, }; } goto NfINH; j9vLH: VoNxF: goto YF_5R; sIyHJ: foreach ($hx70l as $I03eS => $XGGZK) { goto FmI2X; p9VSF: $Af10q->{$I03eS} = preg_replace_callback("/()([\s\S]+)(<\/autodoc>)/mU", static fn($Bt1g0) => "{$Bt1g0[1]}\xa *{$MqGfH}\xa *\xa * {$Bt1g0[3]}", $e4ujR, 1); goto Ddk9Z; FmI2X: $MqGfH = SJmYp($XGGZK, $I03eS); goto nOaR0; nOaR0: $e4ujR = file_get_contents($I03eS); goto p9VSF; Ddk9Z: kF7B5: goto e8x32; e8x32: } goto RDCXy; u5RpK: $bKosa = []; goto ggtte; fvHbQ: sort($I_xVY); goto htrkO; hnDvi: foreach ($XYg0u as $ik6rP) { goto TC_SA; mJdnm: dz5uE: goto dd5wC; LVZis: [$ik6rP, $cimJA] = $ik6rP; goto NPdQy; RAWq4: eqYA7: goto ZZulL; IsvxJ: preg_match_all("/\/\/ @" . $ik6rP . "\s+(?" . $cimJA . ")(?:\s+\$(?\S+)(?:[^\S\n](?.*))?\n|(?:[^\S\n](?.*))?\n(?(?:[ \t]+\/\/[^\n]*\n)*)[^']*'(?[^']+)')/", $tc_HV, $mXtjt, PREG_SET_ORDER); goto LKJBf; keUjz: qwKqK: goto e5Emd; GUklI: if (!($ik6rP === "property")) { goto eqYA7; } goto z7J7X; fawTf: $mqhpq[] = ''; goto Mufl1; rTkPI: foreach ($nIdND as $tn0Cy) { goto VXSrO; VXSrO: array_shift($nIdND); goto ssYEz; E6y_T: aGbRm: goto zzOaS; Wgs8k: w4DYu: goto E6y_T; ssYEz: foreach ($nIdND as $aNgoM) { goto KxGen; A0uPz: $Y7BGK = C4J4V::F4gCH($aNgoM); goto rTufh; KxGen: $xw26O = C4J4V::f4GcH($tn0Cy); goto A0uPz; rTufh: $iY7bf = $tn0Cy . "In" . ucfirst($Y7BGK); goto F1WMU; RL6k6: P7eu9: goto k8vId; F1WMU: $WNViH[$iY7bf] ??= ["@property-read", "int", "$" . $iY7bf, "The number of " . $tn0Cy . " contained in the current " . $Y7BGK]; goto RL6k6; k8vId: } goto Wgs8k; zzOaS: } goto mJdnm; ZZulL: if (!($ik6rP === "property-read")) { goto qwKqK; } goto I7PVm; V25Mt: array_push($mqhpq, ...array_values($WNViH)); goto RAWq4; TC_SA: if (!\is_array($ik6rP)) { goto D7F1o; } goto LVZis; aYboP: array_push($mqhpq, ...array_values($WNViH)); goto keUjz; kDOzO: if (!($ik6rP === PHP_EOL)) { goto c7fhu; } goto fawTf; Mufl1: goto b6amU; goto LCA81; Pe24b: SHnzr: goto xeMy8; I7PVm: $nIdND = ["microseconds", "milliseconds", "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "quarters", "years", "decades", "centuries", "millennia"]; goto rTkPI; NPdQy: D7F1o: goto rHTqE; LKJBf: preg_match_all("/\/\* *@" . $ik6rP . "\s+(?" . $cimJA . ") *\*\/[^']*'(?[^']+)'/", $tc_HV, $IOkVJ, PREG_SET_ORDER); goto wCRaU; IR3sM: zw52n: goto GUklI; xeMy8: ksort($WNViH); goto V25Mt; z7J7X: $nIdND = ["microseconds", "milliseconds", "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "quarters", "years", "decades", "centuries", "millennia"]; goto V3OTn; LCA81: c7fhu: goto MUY2e; dd5wC: ksort($WNViH); goto aYboP; wCRaU: foreach ([...$mXtjt, ...$IOkVJ] as $Fv9xi) { goto R7RF0; oIRpd: goto LEEyV; goto mK8OQ; GiGox: XhsnF: goto vCkLc; h4IJs: if (!($XuYJr !== null)) { goto Ws1tO; } goto FnSr3; DX7K9: HNGFx: goto b13h4; OKgjR: $t0un3[$Cs4kO->FHWOo] ??= []; goto f2Zk6; vCkLc: E151g: goto zxbw0; FnSr3: $oamrg[$ik6rP] = $oamrg[$ik6rP] ?? []; goto a1ui7; edr9D: fzjWx: goto g7DlQ; J8qV9: if (!(\in_array($ik6rP, ["property", "property-read"], true) && preg_match("/^[a-z]{2,}(?In|Of)[A-Z][a-z]+$/", $Cs4kO->name, $Fv9xi))) { goto s3GZd; } goto fKkpP; b_Y4V: goto LEEyV; goto cdQ92; L5Gs9: goto fzjWx; goto w9IIF; bXtd4: $Cs4kO->hwocE = $Cs4kO->hwocE ?? null ?: $Cs4kO->htvt0 ?? ''; goto GAO8v; yS0pq: $qhQhh = ltrim($qhQhh); goto i3rNV; mi4en: goto LEEyV; goto GQmHD; UiLnS: if (preg_match("/^(?:[a-z]+:[^\n]+\n)+$/", "{$XuYJr} ")) { goto USHQJ; } goto aXsk2; pgEgP: [$J5jeR, $qhQhh] = explode(" ", $qhQhh, 2); goto tH5rf; x40bv: $XuYJr = preg_replace("/^\s*(\/\/|#|\*) {0,3}/m", '', trim($XuYJr)); goto UiLnS; GAO8v: if (!($ik6rP === "mode")) { goto GLmjE; } goto OKgjR; xErlR: $mqhpq[] = ["@" . $ik6rP, $Cs4kO->FHWOo, "$" . $J5jeR, $qhQhh ?: '']; goto HaT3E; eT1TT: if (!(isset($Cs4kO->L7iJN) && preg_match("`^[ \t]+(//|/*|#)[ \t]*@deprecated(?:\s(?[\s\S]*))?$`", $Cs4kO->L7iJN, $i198A))) { goto SehY9; } goto Swuoh; w9IIF: USHQJ: goto wxA27; tH5rf: $J5jeR = ltrim($J5jeR, "$"); goto yS0pq; mK8OQ: Ws1tO: goto J8qV9; HaT3E: LEEyV: goto uSl1Y; GQmHD: s3GZd: goto xErlR; R7RF0: $Cs4kO = (object) $Fv9xi; goto qUSGf; lCbaC: foreach (explode("\xa", $XuYJr) as $iv9Oq) { goto IHTjA; iDL3C: $yihRE[$iY7bf] = $ilWQl; goto N0QMz; N0QMz: lCycL: goto AJ2J1; IHTjA: [$iY7bf, $ilWQl] = array_map("trim", explode(":", $iv9Oq, 2)); goto iDL3C; AJ2J1: } goto DX7K9; nIKu3: $qhQhh = trim($Cs4kO->hwocE); goto rb3nY; cdQ92: GLmjE: goto jK7QB; Swuoh: ["deprecation" => $XuYJr] = $i198A; goto x40bv; zxbw0: goto LEEyV; goto RlD4K; jK7QB: if (!($ik6rP === "call")) { goto jMU08; } goto Wyrwn; wxA27: $yihRE = []; goto lCbaC; g7DlQ: SehY9: goto RbmIa; aXsk2: $XuYJr = ["reason" => $XuYJr]; goto L5Gs9; f2Zk6: $t0un3[$Cs4kO->FHWOo][] = $Cs4kO->name; goto b_Y4V; Wyrwn: switch ($Cs4kO->FHWOo) { case "diffForHumans": goto WVz4V; qo10M: goto E151g; goto dlPoK; WVz4V: foreach ($t0un3[$Cs4kO->FHWOo] as $n6NfB) { $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "string", "{$n6NfB}{$Cs4kO->name}DiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1)", "Get the difference ({$n6NfB} format, '{$Cs4kO->name}' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)"]; Emzug: } goto vmRUP; vmRUP: ejCLO: goto qo10M; dlPoK: case "isDayOfWeek": $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "bool", "is" . ucFirst($Cs4kO->name) . "()", "Checks if the instance day is " . BcpMY(strtolower($Cs4kO->name)) . "."]; goto E151g; case "is": $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "bool", "is" . ucFirst($Cs4kO->name) . "()", $Cs4kO->hwocE]; goto E151g; case "isSameUnit": goto M35Xj; GuJdJ: G0bxL: goto QDCaU; SHkmj: goto E151g; goto YgiXf; Xr6M0: $Pc94l = "isSame" . ucFirst($mdPyx); goto FU5kn; rImUP: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "bool", "isLast" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "()", "Checks if the instance is in the same {$xqnB2} as the current moment last {$xqnB2}."]; goto SHkmj; M35Xj: $mdPyx = $Cs4kO->name; goto Muw8_; Muw8_: $xqnB2 = bcPMY($mdPyx); goto Xr6M0; X_OKv: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "bool", $Pc94l . "(DateTimeInterface|string $date)", "Checks if the given date is in the same {$xqnB2} as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone)."]; goto GuJdJ; VHgU8: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "bool", "isNext" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "()", "Checks if the instance is in the same {$xqnB2} as the current moment next {$xqnB2}."]; goto rImUP; QDCaU: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "bool", "isCurrent" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "()", "Checks if the instance is in the same {$xqnB2} as the current moment."]; goto VHgU8; FU5kn: if (method_exists(C4J4v::class, $Pc94l)) { goto G0bxL; } goto X_OKv; YgiXf: case "setUnit": goto s3sky; MW_5f: $xqnB2 = BCPmy($mdPyx); goto NjJha; X4hwt: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "set" . ucfirst($jdjY9) . "({$VECkO}int $value)", "Set current instance {$xqnB2} to the given value."]; goto Q5gRz; NjJha: $jdjY9 = M6_b3($mdPyx); goto j2EW1; mXMGJ: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "{$mdPyx}({$VECkO}int $value)", "Set current instance {$xqnB2} to the given value."]; goto X4hwt; s3sky: $mdPyx = $Cs4kO->name; goto MW_5f; KwtR5: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "{$jdjY9}({$VECkO}int $value)", "Set current instance {$xqnB2} to the given value."]; goto mXMGJ; Q5gRz: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "set" . ucfirst($mdPyx) . "({$VECkO}int $value)", "Set current instance {$xqnB2} to the given value."]; goto phY5l; j2EW1: $VECkO = $xqnB2 === "month" ? "Month|" : ''; goto KwtR5; phY5l: goto E151g; goto kus22; kus22: case "addUnit": goto PnlJv; P3iRi: foreach (["WithoutOverflow", "WithNoOverflow", "NoOverflow"] as $g1ei7) { goto OJYOn; BfTgS: hXTgq: goto tGP9Y; lLwpz: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "sub" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "{$g1ei7}(int|float $value = 1)", "Sub {$U4PYO} (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden."]; goto es6J4; OJYOn: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "add" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "{$g1ei7}(int|float $value = 1)", "Add {$U4PYO} (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden."]; goto be6JF; be6JF: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "add" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "{$g1ei7}()", "Add one {$xqnB2} to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden."]; goto lLwpz; es6J4: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "sub" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "{$g1ei7}()", "Sub one {$xqnB2} to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden."]; goto BfTgS; tGP9Y: } goto RWMpj; FhFSb: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "add" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "()", "Add one {$xqnB2} to the instance (using date interval)."]; goto ayTZ5; p52Ie: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "sub" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "()", "Sub one {$xqnB2} to the instance (using date interval)."]; goto tUANZ; PnlJv: $mdPyx = $Cs4kO->name; goto b4zQW; YskmP: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "sub" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "WithOverflow()", "Sub one {$xqnB2} to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed."]; goto P3iRi; tUANZ: if (!\in_array($mdPyx, ["month", "quarter", "year", "decade", "century", "millennium"])) { goto rZbk6; } goto DXyye; aFWzj: $jdjY9 = M6_B3($mdPyx); goto phkNI; DXyye: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "add" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "WithOverflow(int|float $value = 1)", "Add {$U4PYO} (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed."]; goto uBu0C; Jz3ml: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "sub" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "WithOverflow(int|float $value = 1)", "Sub {$U4PYO} (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed."]; goto YskmP; b4zQW: $xqnB2 = bcPMy($mdPyx); goto aFWzj; ayTZ5: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "sub" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "(int|float $value = 1)", "Sub {$U4PYO} (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval)."]; goto p52Ie; tHbyO: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "add" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "(int|float $value = 1)", "Add {$U4PYO} (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval)."]; goto FhFSb; ourXy: goto E151g; goto K90VI; K90VI: rZbk6: goto oqidJ; oqidJ: goto E151g; goto DgKxL; uBu0C: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "add" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "WithOverflow()", "Add one {$xqnB2} to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed."]; goto Jz3ml; RWMpj: HWpvK: goto ourXy; phkNI: $U4PYO = M6_B3($xqnB2); goto tHbyO; DgKxL: case "addUTCUnit": goto LMt7h; o0sIh: $xqnB2 = BcpmY($mdPyx); goto R_i53; U2HPR: goto E151g; goto hYOFo; P119h: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "subUTC" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "()", "Sub one {$xqnB2} to the instance (using timestamp)."]; goto H9kKn; ZgWU4: $U4PYO = M6_B3($xqnB2); goto e6Mi8; LMt7h: $mdPyx = $Cs4kO->name; goto o0sIh; fpypB: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "float", "diffInUTC" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "(DateTimeInterface|string|null $date, bool $absolute = false)", "Convert current and given date in UTC timezone and return a floating number of {$U4PYO}."]; goto U2HPR; g0gR4: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "addUTC" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "()", "Add one {$xqnB2} to the instance (using timestamp)."]; goto okJ2q; H9kKn: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "CarbonPeriod", $jdjY9 . "Until($endDate = null, int|float $factor = 1)", "Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each {$xqnB2} or every X {$U4PYO} if a factor is given."]; goto fpypB; okJ2q: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "subUTC" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "(int|float $value = 1)", "Sub {$U4PYO} (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp)."]; goto P119h; e6Mi8: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "addUTC" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "(int|float $value = 1)", "Add {$U4PYO} (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp)."]; goto g0gR4; R_i53: $jdjY9 = M6_b3($mdPyx); goto ZgWU4; hYOFo: case "roundUnit": goto Fm2hb; QrQpu: $xqnB2 = bcpmy($mdPyx); goto jxAUb; rGyvD: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "ceil" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "(float $precision = 1)", "Ceil the current instance {$xqnB2} with given precision."]; goto GUlci; Fm2hb: $mdPyx = $Cs4kO->name; goto QrQpu; PjRQO: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "round" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")", "Round the current instance {$xqnB2} with given precision using the given function."]; goto Np8hJ; Pq7k0: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "floor" . ucFirst($jdjY9) . "(float $precision = 1)", "Truncate the current instance {$xqnB2} with given precision."]; goto Sw9kz; jxAUb: $jdjY9 = M6_b3($mdPyx); goto BObFM; BObFM: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "round" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")", "Round the current instance {$xqnB2} with given precision using the given function."]; goto PjRQO; GUlci: goto E151g; goto yx95k; Sw9kz: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "ceil" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "(float $precision = 1)", "Ceil the current instance {$xqnB2} with given precision."]; goto rGyvD; Np8hJ: $mqhpq[] = ["@method", "self", "floor" . ucFirst($mdPyx) . "(float $precision = 1)", "Truncate the current instance {$xqnB2} with given precision."]; goto Pq7k0; yx95k: } goto GiGox; qUSGf: $XuYJr = null; goto eT1TT; acSQ3: if (!str_starts_with($qhQhh, "$")) { goto kCO4k; } goto pgEgP; RbmIa: $Cs4kO->name = $Cs4kO->name ?? null ?: $Cs4kO->QFy0Y ?? ''; goto bXtd4; RlD4K: jMU08: goto nIKu3; a1ui7: $oamrg[$ik6rP][] = ["deprecation" => $XuYJr, "type" => $Cs4kO->FHWOo, "variable" => $J5jeR, "description" => $qhQhh ?: '']; goto oIRpd; i3rNV: kCO4k: goto h4IJs; b13h4: $XuYJr = $yihRE; goto edr9D; rb3nY: $J5jeR = $Cs4kO->name; goto acSQ3; fKkpP: $WNViH[$Cs4kO->name] = ["@" . ($Fv9xi["operator"] === "Of" ? "property" : "property-read"), $Cs4kO->FHWOo, "$" . $J5jeR, $qhQhh ?: '']; goto mi4en; uSl1Y: } goto IR3sM; V3OTn: foreach ($nIdND as $tn0Cy) { goto BO2kq; y7VRP: Qgyh_: goto aCO63; fjie3: foreach ($nIdND as $aNgoM) { goto ptC0n; ptC0n: $xw26O = c4J4V::f4gch($tn0Cy); goto sS1_e; wWssJ: $iY7bf = $xw26O . "Of" . ucfirst($Y7BGK); goto filUI; xgNhC: yTh17: goto yF66f; sS1_e: $Y7BGK = C4J4v::f4GCh($aNgoM); goto wWssJ; filUI: $WNViH[$iY7bf] ??= ["@property", "int", "$" . $iY7bf, "The value of the " . $xw26O . " starting from the beginning of the current " . $Y7BGK]; goto xgNhC; yF66f: } goto UUHku; BO2kq: array_shift($nIdND); goto fjie3; UUHku: x2HG7: goto y7VRP; aCO63: } goto Pe24b; MUY2e: $WNViH = []; goto IsvxJ; rHTqE: $cimJA ??= "\S+"; goto kDOzO; e5Emd: b6amU: goto k9PIM; k9PIM: } goto zc18b; wAlxB: function AqqlO(string $Pc94l, ReflectionParameter $AYDGP) : string { goto iG6vh; i1awU: if (!isset($CHa4c[$Pc94l])) { goto gANZX; } goto KbLJc; YJRGy: $CPtgD = "$" . $iY7bf; goto EAFee; JIWYf: $CPtgD .= " = " . ENLA9($AYDGP->getDefaultValue()); goto mPau3; oHFat: if (!$AYDGP->hasType()) { goto tIgQV; } goto xBeuJ; kq09t: g5gTt: goto oHFat; qThI8: tIgQV: goto i1awU; mPau3: v6wZu: goto XAQ5t; OXokz: T9cnH: goto MXxM9; QZYJG: $iY7bf = $AYDGP->getName(); goto YJRGy; KbLJc: if (!isset($CHa4c[$Pc94l][$iY7bf])) { goto T9cnH; } goto ehDPg; EAFee: if (!$AYDGP->isVariadic()) { goto g5gTt; } goto EU3C_; s4aRZ: if (!$AYDGP->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { goto v6wZu; } goto JIWYf; iG6vh: global $CHa4c; goto QZYJG; z0Yh1: gANZX: goto s4aRZ; ehDPg: $CPtgD .= " = " . enLa9($CHa4c[$Pc94l][$iY7bf]); goto OXokz; xBeuJ: $CPtgD = VkjMa($AYDGP->getType(), false, $AYDGP->allowsNull()) . " {$CPtgD}"; goto qThI8; MXxM9: return $CPtgD; goto z0Yh1; EU3C_: $CPtgD = "...{$CPtgD}"; goto kq09t; XAQ5t: return $CPtgD; goto kmI7A; kmI7A: } goto ZSSS_; AXCoi: $mqhpq = []; goto vLb1L; yMbnd: function HLzE0($iY7bf) { goto mrEbS; vgTHv: iwUrz: goto J9bQl; mrEbS: if (!($iY7bf === "CarbonInterval")) { goto iwUrz; } goto e9QYV; kZnaW: $iY7bf = "\{$iY7bf}"; goto UHglu; J9bQl: if (!preg_match("/^[A-Z]/", $iY7bf)) { goto nsvHK; } goto kZnaW; IQete: return preg_replace("/^\\(Date(?:Time(?:Immutable|Interface|Zone)?|Interval)|[a-z]*Exception|Closure)$/i", "$1", preg_replace("/^\\Carbon\\/", '', $iY7bf)); goto dW7S_; iyEFv: u5Mci: goto IQete; X21bD: return "TranslatorInterface"; goto iyEFv; k3yvC: if (!($iY7bf === "\Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface")) { goto u5Mci; } goto X21bD; UHglu: nsvHK: goto k3yvC; e9QYV: throw new \Exception("stop"); goto vgTHv; dW7S_: } goto S2MAT; vLb1L: $MaQQ6 = __DIR__ . "/src/Carbon/Carbon.php"; goto GGE6l; S2MAT: function vKJmA(ReflectionType $eHkRC, bool $fRmGl = true, bool $m2KMw = false) : string { goto wttw8; nH8xZ: JIUUS: goto wek6v; R48gG: $EUDgT = $m2KMw && $iY7bf !== "mixed"; goto S7BUL; wek6v: $iY7bf = HLze0($eHkRC instanceof ReflectionNamedType ? $eHkRC->getName() : (string) $eHkRC); goto R48gG; wttw8: if (!$eHkRC instanceof ReflectionUnionType) { goto xdhRD; } goto t6Nzv; S7BUL: return (!$fRmGl && $EUDgT ? "?" : '') . $iY7bf . ($fRmGl && $EUDgT ? "|null" : ''); goto PvHM0; jUX7L: xdhRD: goto A8wuo; iOOmk: return ($fRmGl ? "(" : '') . implode("&", array_map(vKjMA(...), $eHkRC->getTypes())) . ($fRmGl ? ")" : ''); goto nH8xZ; A8wuo: if (!$eHkRC instanceof ReflectionIntersectionType) { goto JIUUS; } goto iOOmk; t6Nzv: return ($fRmGl ? "(" : '') . implode("|", array_map(vKjMa(...), $eHkRC->getTypes())) . ($fRmGl ? ")" : ''); goto jUX7L; PvHM0: } goto wAlxB; lG1d2: foreach ($I_xVY as $Pc94l) { goto SqhGN; zKOon: foreach ($EGOh1 as $rt3s3) { $qMJmM .= " #[" . $rt3s3->getName() . "]"; VB4vz: } goto sHOwH; SqhGN: if (!(!method_exists(Y52sK::class, $Pc94l) || method_exists(DateTimeInterface::class, $Pc94l) || \in_array($Pc94l, ["diff", "createFromInterface"], true))) { goto XDCgK; } goto wXBln; bQFg5: if (method_exists(SPfgZ::class, $Pc94l)) { goto ub0bp; } goto fy2KX; xwrG3: if (method_exists(h1Ta1::class, $Pc94l)) { goto YGgeX; } goto sYJNW; g_9hA: $hOFHP = vkJma($hOFHP, false, $hOFHP->allowsNull()); goto J0Cgh; XTSZs: Frzjk: goto wHjU8; JBKna: cn5fF: goto CQhiL; pFuyr: xNfoR: goto kfPCL; UipYO: $rttj6 = new ReflectionMethod(c4J4V::class, $Pc94l); goto Vttjp; gOpCi: XL25b: goto Xl8_J; hWF59: $kkIp2 = explode(" @", $kkIp2, 2); goto XkOK7; CLrqZ: goto XL25b; goto zyVzm; BbexJ: if (isset($f9jKQ[$Pc94l])) { goto BElex; } goto rbcvo; ThijT: $ZzGuy = 1; goto pFuyr; XkOK7: $kkIp2 = preg_split("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/", trim($kkIp2[0])); goto Oc56a; sVnms: Raqch: goto YNshn; fy2KX: $qZQz5[] = ["@method", str_replace(["self", "static"], "Carbon", $hOFHP), "{$Pc94l}({$vrt5p})", $kkIp2[0]]; goto ThijT; yVmkO: $kkIp2 = preg_replace("/^\/\*+\n([\s\S]+)\s*\*\//", "$1", $qMJmM); goto sOvC3; Kc2iF: if (!(!$hOFHP && preg_match("/\*\s*@returns?\s+(\S+)/", $qMJmM, $Fv9xi))) { goto X_0yO; } goto oKMSb; Oc56a: $hOFHP = $rttj6->getReturnType(); goto Euejx; sYJNW: $bKosa[] = ["@method", str_replace(["self", "static"], "CarbonImmutable", $hOFHP), "{$Pc94l}({$vrt5p})", $kkIp2[0]]; goto xxRyg; ji6r1: t2Yei: goto dO__p; ma1gz: if (!(method_exists($rttj6, "getAttributes") && ($EGOh1 = $rttj6->getAttributes()))) { goto Frzjk; } goto zKOon; YNshn: $ZzGuy++; goto CLrqZ; dO__p: if (!(str_contains($rSM00, "self") && $HUFFN < 7.4)) { goto CpBRM; } goto v_4Cy; GWhxv: eTTnB: goto q6u1k; Euejx: if (!$hOFHP instanceof ReflectionType) { goto X0tn7; } goto g_9hA; q6uP1: GmhdI: goto ma1gz; di4up: if (!($Pc94l === "__toString" && $HUFFN < 8)) { goto GmhdI; } goto QzBUU; P8q0W: CpBRM: goto di4up; Od38y: X_0yO: goto GrXdO; CSlmy: XDCgK: goto UipYO; s6F2D: goto xNfoR; goto GWhxv; bu956: $qMJmM = " /** " . " * Calls DateTime::{$Pc94l} if mutable or DateTimeImmutable::{$Pc94l} else.\xa" . " * " . " * @see https://php.net/manual/en/datetime.{$umhEI}.php\xa" . " */"; goto ji6r1; sHOwH: DvIs0: goto XTSZs; q6u1k: ub0bp: goto xwrG3; wHjU8: $XGGZK .= "\xa{$qMJmM}\xa public{$m2nN3} function {$Pc94l}({$vrt5p}){$rSM00};"; goto JBKna; wo5mY: $rSM00 = y28hy($rttj6); goto wOg4F; wOg4F: if (!empty($qMJmM)) { goto COAKB; } goto BbexJ; Eh9vP: qjM5a: goto wo5mY; ob094: YGgeX: goto Eh9vP; J0Cgh: X0tn7: goto Kc2iF; Vttjp: $m2nN3 = $rttj6->isStatic() ? " static" : ''; goto Quiar; mI0Wh: $qMJmM = $rttj6->getDocComment() ?: ''; goto rEQaZ; kMl6x: $bKosa[] = ['', '', '', $kkIp2[$ZzGuy]]; goto sVnms; rEQaZ: if (!(!str_starts_with($Pc94l, "__") && $rttj6->isStatic())) { goto qjM5a; } goto yVmkO; wXBln: goto cn5fF; goto CSlmy; zyVzm: A5hMn: goto ob094; QzBUU: $rSM00 = ''; goto q6uP1; oKMSb: $hOFHP = $Fv9xi[1]; goto Od38y; sOvC3: $kkIp2 = preg_replace("/^\s*\*\s?/m", '', $kkIp2); goto hWF59; LStHo: $qMJmM = "\xa {$qMJmM}"; goto T4dOG; Xl8_J: if (!($ZzGuy < \count($kkIp2))) { goto A5hMn; } goto kMl6x; T4dOG: goto t2Yei; goto zNMTg; aUC2Z: $qZQz5[] = ['', '', '', $kkIp2[$ZzGuy]]; goto Y4EEk; zNMTg: BElex: goto LqRyc; DialS: $ZzGuy++; goto s6F2D; eBHfg: COAKB: goto LStHo; xxRyg: $ZzGuy = 1; goto gOpCi; rbcvo: goto t2Yei; goto eBHfg; Quiar: $vrt5p = implode(", ", array_map(function (ReflectionParameter $AYDGP) use($Pc94l) { return aqQLO($Pc94l, $AYDGP); }, $rttj6->getParameters())); goto mI0Wh; GrXdO: $hOFHP = str_replace("static|CarbonInterface", "static", $hOFHP ?: "static"); goto bQFg5; v_4Cy: $rSM00 = ''; goto P8q0W; Y4EEk: KvGCe: goto DialS; LqRyc: $umhEI = strtolower($Pc94l); goto bu956; kfPCL: if (!($ZzGuy < \count($kkIp2))) { goto eTTnB; } goto aUC2Z; CQhiL: } goto pHsR3; oe19w: $MHWm_ = __DIR__ . "/src/Carbon/Traits/Date.php"; goto Akk_Y; m8GfU: $Mf8gK = __DIR__ . "/src/Carbon/CarbonInterface.php"; goto vc2he; htrkO: function Y28hY(ReflectionMethod $Pc94l) : string { goto sMlVO; sMlVO: $eHkRC = $Pc94l->getReturnType(); goto iys0G; HCYY9: return $eHkRC ? ": " . $eHkRC : ''; goto GLlLR; iys0G: $eHkRC = $eHkRC ? vkjma($eHkRC, false, $eHkRC->allowsNull()) : null; goto HCYY9; GLlLR: } goto lG1d2; CuEtr: $Af10q->{$Mf8gK} = strtr(preg_replace_callback("/(\/\/ )([\s\S]+)(<\/methods>)/mU", static fn($Bt1g0) => "{$Bt1g0[1]}{$XGGZK} // {$Bt1g0[3]}", $Af10q->{$Mf8gK}, 1), ["|CarbonInterface" => "|self", "CarbonInterface::TRANSLATE_ALL" => "self::TRANSLATE_ALL"]); goto NDcqS; zHhoi: foreach ($Af10q as $I03eS => $Xosk0) { file_put_contents($I03eS, $Xosk0); EuNLt: } goto q5DMN; Qlpe1: $lgXJ4 = preg_replace("/(%line1%[\s\S]*%line2%)/", "%deprecation%", $lgXJ4); goto mdceX; pHsR3: gtyZr: goto CuEtr; ElETm: $f9jKQ = ["getOffset" => "int", "getTimestamp" => "int"]; goto oFWuP; vc2he: $HUFFN = 7.1; goto dF1kd; q5DMN: vZEW5: ?>