/* Decoded by unphp.net */ if (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'hostixo.com') === false) { echo 'Ykd Script Sanal Pos Modülü Lisans Hatasi'; exit; } # Required File Includes //include("../../../dbconnect.php"); include("../../../init.php"); include("../../../includes/functions.php"); include("../../../includes/gatewayfunctions.php"); include("../../../includes/invoicefunctions.php"); $gatewaymodule = "qnbfinans"; # Enter your gateway module name here replacing template $GATEWAY = getGatewayVariables($gatewaymodule); if (!$GATEWAY["type"]) die("Module Not Activated"); # Checks gateway module is active before accepting callback //YKD $UserCode = $GATEWAY["qnbfinans_usercode"]; $MerchantPass = $GATEWAY["qnbfinans_storekey"]; $status = '0'; if ($_GET['oid'] != '') { $ResponseMessage = $_POST['ErrorMessage']; $response = $_POST["ProcReturnCode"]; if (($_POST['3DStatus'] == '1' || $_POST['3DStatus'] == '2' || $_POST['3DStatus'] == '3' || $_POST['3DStatus'] == '4') && ($response == "00")){ //hash kontrol $hashstr = $_POST['MerchantID'] . $MerchantPass . $_POST['OrderId'] . $_POST['AuthCode'] . $_POST['ProcReturnCode'] . $_POST['3DStatus'] . $_POST['ResponseRnd'] . $UserCode; $hash = base64_encode(pack('H*',sha1($hashstr))); // if($hash != $_POST['ResponseHash']) { $status = '0'; }else{ $status = '1'; } }else{ $status = '0'; } } else { //$_SESSION['BilgiMesaji']['Mesaj'] = "Geçersiz Sayısal İmza !"; //$_SESSION['BilgiMesaji']['Tip'] = "hata"; $status = '0'; } //YKD son # Get Returned Variables - Adjust for Post Variable Names from your Gateway's Documentation //$status = $_POST["x_response_code"]; $invoiceid = $_GET['oid']; $transid = $_GET['oid']; //$amount = $_POST["x_amount"]; $amount = ''; $fee = 0; $invoiceid = checkCbInvoiceID($invoiceid,$GATEWAY["name"]); # Checks invoice ID is a valid invoice number or ends processing checkCbTransID($transid); # Checks transaction number isn't already in the database and ends processing if it does if ($status=="1") { # Successful addInvoicePayment($invoiceid,$transid,$amount,$fee,$gatewaymodule); # Apply Payment to Invoice: invoiceid, transactionid, amount paid, fees, modulename logTransaction($GATEWAY["name"],$_POST,"Successful"); # Save to Gateway Log: name, data array, status //echo ''; //echo ''; callback3DSecureRedirect($invoiceid, true); exit; } else { # Unsuccessful logTransaction($GATEWAY["name"],$_POST,"Unsuccessful"); # Save to Gateway Log: name, data array, status //echo ''; } //header("Location:".$GATEWAY['systemurl']."/viewinvoice.php?id=".$invoiceid); //echo ''; callback3DSecureRedirect($invoiceid, false);