/* Decoded by unphp.net */ goto gbjgc; zg9RV: function exthemes_theme_license_admin_notices() { if (isset($_GET["sl_theme_activation"]) && !empty($_GET["message"])) { switch ($_GET["sl_theme_activation"]) { case "false": $message = urldecode($_GET["message"]); ?>

exthemes, "download_id" => '', "theme_slug" => get_template(), "item_name" => '', "license" => '', "version" => '', "author" => '', "renew_url" => '', "beta" => false)); $this->remote_api_url = $config["remote_api_url"]; $this->item_name = $config["item_name"]; $this->theme_slug = sanitize_key($config["theme_slug"]); $this->version = $config["version"]; $this->author = $config["author"]; $this->download_id = $config["download_id"]; $this->renew_url = $config["renew_url"]; $this->beta = $config["beta"]; if ('' == $config["version"]) { $theme = wp_get_theme($this->theme_slug); $this->version = $theme->get("Version"); } $this->strings = $strings; add_action("init", array($this, "updater_edd_themes")); add_action("admin_init", array($this, "register_option")); add_action("admin_init", array($this, "license_action"), 20); add_action("admin_menu", array($this, "license_menu")); add_action("add_option_" . $this->theme_slug . "_license_key", array($this, "activate_license"), 20, 2); add_action("update_option_" . $this->theme_slug . "_license_key", array($this, "activate_license"), 20, 2); add_filter("http_request_args", array($this, "disable_wporg_request"), 5, 2); } function updater_edd_themes() { if (!current_user_can("manage_options")) { return; } if (get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key_status", false) != "valid") { return; } if (!class_exists("edd_theme_updater")) { include EX_THEMES_DIR . "/libs/plugins/appa.php"; } new edd_theme_updater(array("remote_api_url" => $this->remote_api_url, "version" => $this->version, "license" => trim(get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key")), "item_name" => $this->item_name, "author" => $this->author, "beta" => $this->beta), $this->strings); } function license_menu() { $strings = $this->strings; add_menu_page($strings["theme-license"], $strings["theme-license"], "manage_options", $this->theme_slug . '', array($this, "license_page"), "dashicons-admin-network"); } function license_page() { $strings = $this->strings; $license = trim(get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key")); if (!$license) { $message = $strings["enter-key"]; } else { delete_transient($this->theme_slug . "_license_message"); if (!get_transient($this->theme_slug . "_license_message", false)) { set_transient($this->theme_slug . "_license_message", $this->check_license(), 60 * 60 * 24); } $message = get_transient($this->theme_slug . "_license_message"); } $status = get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key_status", false); global $post; $license = trim(get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key")); $strings = $this->strings; $api_params = array("edd_action" => "check_license", "license" => $license, "item_name" => urlencode($this->item_name), "url" => home_url("/")); $response = $this->get_api_response($api_params); $license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); $site_count = isset($license_data->site_count) ? $license_data->site_count : ''; $customer_name = isset($license_data->customer_name) ? $license_data->customer_name : ''; $customer_email = isset($license_data->customer_email) ? $license_data->customer_email : ''; $license_limit = isset($license_data->license_limit) ? $license_data->license_limit : ''; $expires = false; if (isset($license_data->expires) && "lifetime" != $license_data->expires) { $expires = date_i18n(get_option("date_format"), strtotime($license_data->expires, current_time("timestamp"))); $renew_link = "get_renewal_link()) . "" target="_blank">" . $strings["renew"] . ""; } elseif (isset($license_data->expires) && "lifetime" == $license_data->expires) { $expires = "lifetime"; } if (0 == $license_limit) { $license_limit = $strings["unlimited"]; } $gravatar_link = "//gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5($customer_email); $user_info = get_userdata(1); $author_names = $user_info->user_login; ?>

~ for v. ~

~ how to setting ~

My License Key : get_hidden_license($license); ?>

get_hidden_email($customer_email), $license_limit); ?>

theme_slug . ''); wp_nonce_field($this->theme_slug . "_nonce", $this->theme_slug . "_nonce"); if ($license) { if (in_array($status, array("valid"))) { } elseif (in_array($status, array("site_inactive"))) { } else { } } else { ?>

Hello  , Please Enter your license key     Themes


" /> "/>

Your License Key : get_hidden_license($license); ?> .

" /> "/>

How to Get a License Key v. Wordpress Themes?

  1. if You ALREADY Buy , Login to the member area
  2. if You Forget License Key , See My License Key
  3. if You haven't bought yet , Buy

theme_slug . '', $this->theme_slug . "_license_key", array($this, "sanitize_license")); } function sanitize_license($new) { $old = get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key"); if ($old && $old != $new) { delete_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key_status"); delete_transient($this->theme_slug . "_license_message"); } return $new; } function get_api_response($api_params) { $response = wp_remote_post($this->remote_api_url, array("timeout" => 15, "sslverify" => false, "body" => $api_params)); return $response; } function activate_license() { $license = trim(get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key")); $api_params = array("edd_action" => "activate_license", "license" => $license, "item_name" => urlencode($this->item_name), "url" => home_url("/")); $response = $this->get_api_response($api_params); if (is_wp_error($response) || 200 !== wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) { if (is_wp_error($response)) { $message = $response->get_error_message(); } else { $message = __("An error occurred, please try again.", TEXT_DOMAIN); } } else { $license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); if (false === $license_data->success) { switch ($license_data->error) { case "expired": $message = sprintf(__("Your license code has expired on%s.", TEXT_DOMAIN), date_i18n(get_option("date_format"), strtotime($license_data->expires, current_time("timestamp")))); break; case "revoked": $message = __("Your license code has been disabled and can no longer be used.", TEXT_DOMAIN); break; case "missing": $message = __("Invalid license.", TEXT_DOMAIN); break; case "invalid": case "site_inactive": $message = __("Your license is currently inactive on this website.", TEXT_DOMAIN); break; case "item_name_mismatch": $message = sprintf(__("This license code does not appear to be valid for %s.", TEXT_DOMAIN), $this->item_name); break; case "no_activations_left": $message = __("Your license code has reached the limit of license activation.", TEXT_DOMAIN); break; default: $message = __("An error occurred, please try again.", TEXT_DOMAIN); break; } if (!empty($message)) { $base_url = admin_url("themes.php?page=" . $this->theme_slug . ''); $redirect = add_query_arg(array("sl_theme_activation" => "false", "message" => urlencode($message)), $base_url); wp_redirect($redirect); die; } } } if ($license_data && isset($license_data->license)) { update_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key_status", $license_data->license); delete_transient($this->theme_slug . "_license_message"); } wp_redirect(admin_url("themes.php?page=" . $this->theme_slug . '')); die; } function deactivate_license() { $license = trim(get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key")); $api_params = array("edd_action" => "deactivate_license", "license" => $license, "item_name" => urlencode($this->item_name), "url" => home_url("/")); $response = $this->get_api_response($api_params); if (is_wp_error($response) || 200 !== wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) { if (is_wp_error($response)) { $message = $response->get_error_message(); } else { $message = __("An error occurred, please try again.", TEXT_DOMAIN); } } else { $license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); if ($license_data && $license_data->license == "deactivated") { delete_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key"); delete_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key_status"); delete_transient($this->theme_slug . "_license_message"); } } if (!empty($message)) { $base_url = admin_url("themes.php?page=" . $this->theme_slug . ''); $redirect = add_query_arg(array("sl_theme_activation" => "false", "message" => urlencode($message)), $base_url); wp_redirect($redirect); die; } wp_redirect(admin_url("themes.php?page=" . $this->theme_slug . '')); die; } function change_license() { delete_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key"); delete_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key_status"); delete_transient($this->theme_slug . "_license_message"); wp_redirect(admin_url("themes.php?page=" . $this->theme_slug . '')); die; } function get_renewal_link() { if ('' != $this->renew_url) { return $this->renew_url; } $license_key = trim(get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key", false)); if ('' != $this->download_id && $license_key) { $url = esc_url($this->remote_api_url); $url .= "/checkout/?edd_license_key=" . $license_key . "&download_id=" . $this->download_id; return $url; } return $this->remote_api_url; } function license_action() { if (isset($_POST[$this->theme_slug . "_license_activate"])) { if (check_admin_referer($this->theme_slug . "_nonce", $this->theme_slug . "_nonce")) { $this->activate_license(); } } if (isset($_POST[$this->theme_slug . "_license_deactivate"])) { if (check_admin_referer($this->theme_slug . "_nonce", $this->theme_slug . "_nonce")) { $this->deactivate_license(); } } if (isset($_POST[$this->theme_slug . "_license_change"])) { if (check_admin_referer($this->theme_slug . "_nonce", $this->theme_slug . "_nonce")) { $this->change_license(); } } } function check_license() { $license = trim(get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key")); $strings = $this->strings; $api_params = array("edd_action" => "check_license", "license" => $license, "item_name" => urlencode($this->item_name), "url" => home_url("/")); $response = $this->get_api_response($api_params); if (is_wp_error($response) || 200 !== wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) { if (is_wp_error($response)) { $message = $response->get_error_message(); if (strpos($message, "Could not resolve host") !== false) { $message = esc_html__("Could not connect to license server", TEXT_DOMAIN); } } else { $message = $strings["license-status-unknown"]; } } else { $license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); if (!isset($license_data->license)) { $message = $strings["license-status-unknown"]; return $message; } if ($license_data && isset($license_data->license)) { update_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key_status", $license_data->license); } $expires = false; if (isset($license_data->expires) && "lifetime" != $license_data->expires) { $expires = date_i18n(get_option("date_format"), strtotime($license_data->expires, current_time("timestamp"))); $renew_link = "get_renewal_link()) . "" target="_blank">" . $strings["renew"] . ""; } elseif (isset($license_data->expires) && "lifetime" == $license_data->expires) { $expires = "lifetime"; } $site_count = isset($license_data->site_count) ? $license_data->site_count : ''; $customer_name = isset($license_data->customer_name) ? $license_data->customer_name : ''; $customer_email = isset($license_data->customer_email) ? $license_data->customer_email : ''; $license_limit = isset($license_data->license_limit) ? $license_data->license_limit : ''; if (0 == $license_limit) { $license_limit = $strings["unlimited"]; } if ($license_data->license == "valid") { $message = $strings["license-key-is-active"] . " "; if (isset($expires) && "lifetime" != $expires) { $message .= "
" . sprintf($strings["expires%s"], $expires) . " "; } if (isset($expires) && "lifetime" == $expires) { $message .= "
" . $strings["expires-never"]; } if ($site_count && $license_limit) { $message .= "
" . sprintf($strings["%1$s/%2$-sites"], $site_count, $license_limit); } if ($customer_name && $license_limit) { $message .= "
" . sprintf($strings["customer-name-%1$s"], $customer_name, $license_limit); } if ($customer_email && $license_limit) { $message .= "
" . sprintf($strings["customer-email-%1$s"], $customer_email, $license_limit); } } else { if ($license_data->license == "expired") { if ($expires) { $message = "
" . sprintf($strings["license-key-expired-%s"], $expires); } else { $message = $strings["license-key-expired"]; } if ($renew_link) { $message .= " " . $renew_link; } } else { if ($license_data->license == "invalid") { $message = $strings["license-keys-do-not-match"]; } else { if ($license_data->license == "inactive") { $message = $strings["license-is-inactive"]; } else { if ($license_data->license == "disabled") { $message = $strings["license-key-is-disabled"]; } else { if ($license_data->license == "site_inactive") { $message = $strings["site-is-inactive"]; } else { $message = $strings["license-status-unknown"]; } } } } } } } return $message; } function disable_wporg_request($r, $url) { if (0 !== strpos($url, "https://api.wordpress.org/themes/update-check/1.1/")) { return $r; } $themes = json_decode($r["body"]["themes"]); $parent = get_option("template"); $child = get_option("stylesheet"); unset($themes->themes->{$parent}); unset($themes->themes->{$child}); $r["body"]["themes"] = json_encode($themes); return $r; } } goto zg9RV; gbjgc: if (!defined("ABSPATH")) { die; } goto fidck; fidck: error_reporting(SALAH); goto Oa97k; TM4gY: