/* Decoded by unphp.net */
'rowIndex' => 0,
'childIndex' => null
@includeWhen(isset($setUp['responsive']), powerGridThemeRoot() . '.toggle-detail-responsive', [
'theme' => data_get($theme, 'table'),
'rowId' => $rowId,
'view' => data_get($setUp, 'detail.viewIcon') ?? null,
// =============* Get Rules *=====================
$rowRules = $actionRulesClass->recoverFromAction($row, RuleManager::TYPE_ROWS);
// =============* Toggle Detail Rules *=====================
$showToggleDetail = data_get($setUp, 'detail.showCollapseIcon');
$toggleDetailVisibilityRowRules = collect(data_get($rowRules, 'ToggleDetailVisibility', []));
if ($toggleDetailVisibilityRowRules) {
// Has permission, but Row Action Rule is changing to hide
if ($showToggleDetail && $toggleDetailVisibilityRowRules->last() == 'hide')
$showToggleDetail = false;
// No permission, but Row Action Rule is forcing to show
if (!$showToggleDetail && $toggleDetailVisibilityRowRules->last() == 'show')
$showToggleDetail = true;
$toggleDetailView = powerGridThemeRoot() . ($showToggleDetail ? '.toggle-detail' : '.no-toggle-detail');
@includeWhen(data_get($setUp, 'detail.showCollapseIcon'), $toggleDetailView, [
'theme' => data_get($theme, 'table'),
'view' => data_get($setUp, 'detail.viewIcon') ?? null,
@includeWhen($radio, 'livewire-powergrid::components.radio-row', [
'attribute' => $row->{$radioAttribute},
@includeWhen($checkbox, 'livewire-powergrid::components.checkbox-row', [
'attribute' => $row->{$checkboxAttribute},
@foreach ($columns as $column)
$content = $row->{$column->field} ?? '';
$contentClassField = $column->contentClassField != '' ? $row->{$column->contentClassField} : '';
$content = preg_replace('##is', '', $content ?? '');
$field = $column->dataField != '' ? $column->dataField : $column->field;
$contentClass = $column->contentClasses;
if (is_array($column->contentClasses)) {
$contentClass = array_key_exists($content, $column->contentClasses) ? $column->contentClasses[$content] : '';
style="{{ $column->hidden === true ? 'display:none' : '' }}; {{ data_get($theme, 'table.tdBodyStyle'). ' ' . $column->bodyStyle ?? '' }}"
wire:key="row-{{ $column->field }}-{{ $childIndex }}"
@if(empty(data_get($row, 'actions')) && $column->isAction)
@if (method_exists($this, 'actionsFromView') && $actionsFromView = $this->actionsFromView($row))
{!! $actionsFromView !!}
@if (filled(data_get($row, 'actions')) && $column->isAction)
@foreach (data_get($row, 'actions') as $key => $action)
{!! $action !!}
// =============* Get Field Rules *=====================
$hasFieldRules = $actionRulesClass->recoverActionForField($row, $field);
// =============* Edit On Click *=====================
$showEditOnClick = false;
if (data_get($column->editable, 'hasPermission')) {
$showEditOnClick = true;
// Check if there is any Role Row for Edit on click
$editOnClickRowRules = collect(data_get($rowRules, 'EditOnClickVisibility', []));
if ($editOnClickRowRules) {
// Has permission, but Row Action Rule is changing to hide
if ($showEditOnClick && $editOnClickRowRules->last() == 'hide')
$showEditOnClick = false;
// No permission, but Row Action Rule is forcing to show
if (!$showEditOnClick && $editOnClickRowRules->last() == 'show')
$showEditOnClick = true;
// Particular Rule for this field
if (isset($hasFieldRules['field_hide_editonclick'])) {
$showEditOnClick = !$hasFieldRules['field_hide_editonclick'];
if (str_contains($field, '.') === true) {
$showEditOnClick = false;
@if($showEditOnClick === true)
@include(data_get($theme, 'editable.view') ?? null, ['editable' => $column->editable])
{{-- =============* Toggleable *===================== --}}
@elseif(count($column->toggleable) > 0)
//Default Toggle Permission
$showToggleable = data_get($column->toggleable, 'enabled', false);
$toggleableRowRules = collect(data_get($rowRules, 'ToggleableVisibility', []));
// Has permission, but Row Action Rule is changing to hide
if ($showToggleable && $toggleableRowRules->last() == 'hide')
$showToggleable = false;
// No permission, but Row Action Rule is forcing to show
if (!$showToggleable && $toggleableRowRules->last() == 'show')
$showToggleable = true;
// Particular Rule for this field
if (isset($hasFieldRules['field_hide_toggleable'])) {
$showToggleable = !$hasFieldRules['field_hide_toggleable'];
if (str_contains($field, '.') === true) {
$showToggleable = false;
@include(data_get($theme, 'toggleable.view'), ['tableName' => $tableName])
{!! $column->index ? $rowIndex : $content !!}