/* Decoded by unphp.net */ product_id = 'GWUpRepo01'; $this->api_url = 'https://uprepo.gatewify.com/'; $this->api_key = '0797ACF3211BE30D1C4C'; $this->api_language = 'english'; $this->current_version = 'v1.0.0'; $this->verify_type = 'non_envato'; $this->verification_period = 1; $this->current_path = realpath(__DIR__); $this->root_path = realpath($this->current_path.'/..'); $this->license_file = $this->current_path.'/.lic'; } public function check_local_license_exist(){ return is_file($this->license_file); } public function get_current_version(){ return $this->current_version; } private function call_api($method, $url, $data = null){ $curl = curl_init(); switch ($method){ case "POST": curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); if($data) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); break; case "PUT": curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); if($data) curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); break; default: if($data) $url = sprintf("%s?%s", $url, http_build_query($data)); } $this_server_name = getenv('SERVER_NAME')?: $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']?: getenv('HTTP_HOST')?: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $this_http_or_https = (( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])&&($_SERVER['HTTPS']=="on"))or (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https') )?'https://':'http://'); $this_url = $this_http_or_https.$this_server_name.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this_ip = getenv('SERVER_ADDR')?: $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']?: $this->get_ip_from_third_party()?: gethostbyname(gethostname()); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'GW-API-KEY: '.$this->api_key, 'GW-URL: '.$this_url, 'GW-IP: '.$this_ip, 'GW-LANG: '.$this->api_language) ); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); $result = curl_exec($curl); if(!$result&&!GW_API_DEBUG){ $rs = array( 'status' => FALSE, 'message' => GW_TEXT_CONNECTION_FAILED ); return json_encode($rs); } $http_status = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if($http_status != 200){ if(GW_API_DEBUG){ $temp_decode = json_decode($result, true); $rs = array( 'status' => FALSE, 'message' => ((!empty($temp_decode['error']))? $temp_decode['error']: $temp_decode['message']) ); return json_encode($rs); }else{ $rs = array( 'status' => FALSE, 'message' => GW_TEXT_INVALID_RESPONSE ); return json_encode($rs); } } curl_close($curl); return $result; } public function check_connection(){ $get_data = $this->call_api( 'POST', $this->api_url.'api/check_connection_ext' ); $response = json_decode($get_data, true); return $response; } public function get_latest_version(){ $data_array = array( "product_id" => $this->product_id ); $get_data = $this->call_api( 'POST', $this->api_url.'api/latest_version', json_encode($data_array) ); $response = json_decode($get_data, true); return $response; } public function activate_license($license, $client, $create_lic = true){ $data_array = array( "product_id" => $this->product_id, "license_code" => $license, "client_name" => $client, "verify_type" => $this->verify_type ); $get_data = $this->call_api( 'POST', $this->api_url.'api/activate_license', json_encode($data_array) ); $response = json_decode($get_data, true); if(!empty($create_lic)){ if($response['status']){ $licfile = trim($response['lic_response']); file_put_contents($this->license_file, $licfile, LOCK_EX); }else{ @chmod($this->license_file, 0777); if(is_writeable($this->license_file)){ unlink($this->license_file); } } } return $response; } public function verify_license($time_based_check = false, $license = false, $client = false){ if(!empty($license)&&!empty($client)){ $data_array = array( "product_id" => $this->product_id, "license_file" => null, "license_code" => $license, "client_name" => $client ); }else{ if(is_file($this->license_file)){ $data_array = array( "product_id" => $this->product_id, "license_file" => file_get_contents($this->license_file), "license_code" => null, "client_name" => null ); }else{ $data_array = array(); } } $res = array('status' => TRUE, 'message' => GW_TEXT_VERIFIED_RESPONSE); if($time_based_check && $this->verification_period > 0){ ob_start(); if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE){ session_start(); } $type = (int) $this->verification_period; $today = date('d-m-Y'); if(empty($_SESSION["5636db352224731"])){ $_SESSION["5636db352224731"] = '00-00-0000'; } if($type == 1){ $type_text = '1 day'; }elseif($type == 3){ $type_text = '3 days'; }elseif($type == 7){ $type_text = '1 week'; }elseif($type == 30){ $type_text = '1 month'; }elseif($type == 90){ $type_text = '3 months'; }elseif($type == 365) { $type_text = '1 year'; }else{ $type_text = $type.' days'; } if(strtotime($today) >= strtotime($_SESSION["5636db352224731"])){ $get_data = $this->call_api( 'POST', $this->api_url.'api/verify_license', json_encode($data_array) ); $res = json_decode($get_data, true); if($res['status']==true){ $tomo = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($today. ' + '.$type_text)); $_SESSION["5636db352224731"] = $tomo; } } ob_end_clean(); }else{ $get_data = $this->call_api( 'POST', $this->api_url.'api/verify_license', json_encode($data_array) ); $res = json_decode($get_data, true); } return $res; } public function deactivate_license($license = false, $client = false){ if(!empty($license)&&!empty($client)){ $data_array = array( "product_id" => $this->product_id, "license_file" => null, "license_code" => $license, "client_name" => $client ); }else{ if(is_file($this->license_file)){ $data_array = array( "product_id" => $this->product_id, "license_file" => file_get_contents($this->license_file), "license_code" => null, "client_name" => null ); }else{ $data_array = array(); } } $get_data = $this->call_api( 'POST', $this->api_url.'api/deactivate_license', json_encode($data_array) ); $response = json_decode($get_data, true); if($response['status']){ @chmod($this->license_file, 0777); if(is_writeable($this->license_file)){ unlink($this->license_file); } } return $response; } public function check_update(){ $data_array = array( "product_id" => $this->product_id, "current_version" => $this->current_version ); $get_data = $this->call_api( 'POST', $this->api_url.'api/check_update', json_encode($data_array) ); $response = json_decode($get_data, true); return $response; } public function download_update($update_id, $type, $version, $license = false, $client = false, $db_for_import = false){ if(!empty($license)&&!empty($client)){ $data_array = array( "license_file" => null, "license_code" => $license, "client_name" => $client ); }else{ if(is_file($this->license_file)){ $data_array = array( "license_file" => file_get_contents($this->license_file), "license_code" => null, "client_name" => null ); }else{ $data_array = array(); } } ob_end_flush(); ob_implicit_flush(true); $version = str_replace(".", "_", $version); ob_start(); $source_size = $this->api_url."api/get_update_size/main/".$update_id; echo GW_TEXT_PREPARING_MAIN_DOWNLOAD."
"; if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} ob_flush(); echo GW_TEXT_MAIN_UPDATE_SIZE." ".$this->get_remote_filesize($source_size)." ".GW_TEXT_DONT_REFRESH."
"; if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} ob_flush(); $temp_progress = ''; $ch = curl_init(); $source = $this->api_url."api/download_update/main/".$update_id; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $source); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_array); $this_server_name = getenv('SERVER_NAME')?: $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']?: getenv('HTTP_HOST')?: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $this_http_or_https = (( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])&&($_SERVER['HTTPS']=="on"))or (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https') )?'https://':'http://'); $this_url = $this_http_or_https.$this_server_name.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this_ip = getenv('SERVER_ADDR')?: $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']?: $this->get_ip_from_third_party()?: gethostbyname(gethostname()); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'GW-API-KEY: '.$this->api_key, 'GW-URL: '.$this_url, 'GW-IP: '.$this_ip, 'GW-LANG: '.$this->api_language) ); if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, array($this, 'progress'));} if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, false);} curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); echo GW_TEXT_DOWNLOADING_MAIN."
"; if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} ob_flush(); $data = curl_exec($ch); $http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if($http_status != 200){ if($http_status == 401){ curl_close($ch); exit("
".GW_TEXT_UPDATE_PERIOD_EXPIRED); }else{ curl_close($ch); exit("
".GW_TEXT_INVALID_RESPONSE); } } curl_close($ch); $destination = $this->root_path."/update_main_".$version.".zip"; $file = fopen($destination, "w+"); if(!$file){ exit("
".GW_TEXT_UPDATE_PATH_ERROR); } fputs($file, $data); fclose($file); if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} ob_flush(); $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open($destination); if($res === TRUE){ $zip->extractTo($this->root_path."/"); $zip->close(); unlink($destination); echo GW_TEXT_MAIN_UPDATE_DONE."

"; if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} ob_flush(); }else{ echo GW_TEXT_UPDATE_EXTRACTION_ERROR."

"; ob_flush(); } if($type == true){ $source_size = $this->api_url."api/get_update_size/sql/".$update_id; echo GW_TEXT_PREPARING_SQL_DOWNLOAD."
"; ob_flush(); echo GW_TEXT_SQL_UPDATE_SIZE." ".$this->get_remote_filesize($source_size)." ".GW_TEXT_DONT_REFRESH."
"; if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} ob_flush(); $temp_progress = ''; $ch = curl_init(); $source = $this->api_url."api/download_update/sql/".$update_id; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $source); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_array); $this_server_name = getenv('SERVER_NAME')?: $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']?: getenv('HTTP_HOST')?: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $this_http_or_https = (( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])&&($_SERVER['HTTPS']=="on"))or (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https') )?'https://':'http://'); $this_url = $this_http_or_https.$this_server_name.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this_ip = getenv('SERVER_ADDR')?: $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']?: $this->get_ip_from_third_party()?: gethostbyname(gethostname()); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'GW-API-KEY: '.$this->api_key, 'GW-URL: '.$this_url, 'GW-IP: '.$this_ip, 'GW-LANG: '.$this->api_language) ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); echo GW_TEXT_DOWNLOADING_SQL."
"; if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} ob_flush(); $data = curl_exec($ch); $http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if($http_status!=200){ curl_close($ch); exit(GW_TEXT_INVALID_RESPONSE); } curl_close($ch); $destination = $this->root_path."/update_sql_".$version.".sql"; $file = fopen($destination, "w+"); if(!$file){ exit(GW_TEXT_UPDATE_PATH_ERROR); } fputs($file, $data); fclose($file); echo GW_TEXT_SQL_UPDATE_DONE."

"; if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} ob_flush(); if(is_array($db_for_import)){ if(!empty($db_for_import["db_host"])&&!empty($db_for_import["db_user"])&&!empty($db_for_import["db_name"])){ $db_host = strip_tags(trim((string) $db_for_import["db_host"])); $db_user = strip_tags(trim((string) $db_for_import["db_user"])); $db_pass = strip_tags(trim((string) $db_for_import["db_pass"])); $db_name = strip_tags(trim((string) $db_for_import["db_name"])); $con = @mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); if(mysqli_connect_errno()){ echo GW_TEXT_UPDATE_WITH_SQL_IMPORT_FAILED; }else{ $templine = ''; $lines = file($destination); foreach($lines as $line){ if(substr($line, 0, 2) == '--' || $line == '') continue; $templine .= $line; $query = false; if(substr(trim($line), -1, 1) == ';'){ $query = mysqli_query($con, $templine); $templine = ''; } } @chmod($destination,0777); if(is_writeable($destination)){ unlink($destination); } echo GW_TEXT_UPDATE_WITH_SQL_IMPORT_DONE; } }else{ echo GW_TEXT_UPDATE_WITH_SQL_IMPORT_FAILED; } }else{ echo GW_TEXT_UPDATE_WITH_SQL_DONE; } if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} ob_flush(); }else{ if(GW_SHOW_UPDATE_PROGRESS){echo '';} echo GW_TEXT_UPDATE_WITHOUT_SQL_DONE; ob_flush(); } ob_end_flush(); } private function progress($resource, $download_size, $downloaded, $upload_size, $uploaded){ static $prev = 0; if($download_size == 0){ $progress = 0; }else{ $progress = round( $downloaded * 100 / $download_size ); } if(($progress!=$prev) && ($progress == 25)){ $prev = $progress; echo ''; ob_flush(); } if(($progress!=$prev) && ($progress == 50)){ $prev=$progress; echo ''; ob_flush(); } if(($progress!=$prev) && ($progress == 75)){ $prev=$progress; echo ''; ob_flush(); } if(($progress!=$prev) && ($progress == 100)){ $prev=$progress; echo ''; ob_flush(); } } private function get_ip_from_third_party(){ $curl = curl_init (); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "http://ipecho.net/plain"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $response; } private function get_remote_filesize($url){ $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, TRUE); $this_server_name = getenv('SERVER_NAME')?: $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']?: getenv('HTTP_HOST')?: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $this_http_or_https = (( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])&&($_SERVER['HTTPS']=="on"))or (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https') )?'https://':'http://'); $this_url = $this_http_or_https.$this_server_name.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this_ip = getenv('SERVER_ADDR')?: $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']?: $this->get_ip_from_third_party()?: gethostbyname(gethostname()); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'GW-API-KEY: '.$this->api_key, 'GW-URL: '.$this_url, 'GW-IP: '.$this_ip, 'GW-LANG: '.$this->api_language) ); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); $result = curl_exec($curl); $filesize = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD); if ($filesize){ switch ($filesize){ case $filesize < 1024: $size = $filesize .' B'; break; case $filesize < 1048576: $size = round($filesize / 1024, 2) .' KB'; break; case $filesize < 1073741824: $size = round($filesize / 1048576, 2) . ' MB'; break; case $filesize < 1099511627776: $size = round($filesize / 1073741824, 2) . ' GB'; break; } return $size; } } } goto d4lkaEA0; ArSBLLuQ:define( "DlgP6FRs", "Connection to server failed or the server returned an error, please contact support." ); goto qOiauKyo; PORJoa7n:define("lbI3Kt1y", true); goto ArSBLLuQ; xkhPMQf4:define( "qnpMk8T0", "Your update period has ended or your license is invalid, please contact support." ); goto mQuN4R1j; mQuN4R1j:define( "DXE5jfGR", "Folder does not have write permission or the update file path could not be resolved, please contact support." ); goto Dhcc7l10; H7yIZyM2:define("RfxN84X4", "SQL Update size:"); goto lNBLNmFF; xUE0oRyD:@ini_set("memory_limit", "256M"); goto QoeKhl7R; mxEPmhHR: if (!function_exists("minify_html")) { function minify_html($q8c52m6T) { goto FOpmLbOU; FOpmLbOU:$IbfL7egm = array( "/(\n|^)(\x20+|\t)/", "/(\n|^)\/\/(.*?)(\n|$)/", "/\n/", "/\<\!--.*?-->/", "/(\x20+|\t)/", "/\>\s+\/", "/=\s+(\"|')/" ); goto uxx8u4UM; hEEu9hek:return $S0saiEjd; goto EGPFFrKX; uxx8u4UM:$WSeq0vg5 = array("\xa", "\xa", " ", '', " ", "><", "$1>", "=$1"); goto fETdp2Fb; fETdp2Fb:$S0saiEjd = preg_replace($IbfL7egm, $WSeq0vg5, $q8c52m6T); goto hEEu9hek; EGPFFrKX: } } goto ngIA5ldv; hm_G2yxh: if (!function_exists("thousands_currency_format")) { function thousands_currency_format($o17C8ddB, $lpqZ8tWl = false) { goto KwjbT7ZJ; PHIAoAGH:$D7lsesc5 = round($o17C8ddB); goto s3d5UmyS; sFXtHtn1:$j4o4sjJa = explode(",", $neCKiqCi); goto mZaK3css; AODCV1uM:$b6E1SFOm = array($o17C8ddB, ''); goto zlXwcPZQ; mZaK3css:$ZLg21xLl = array("k", "m", "b", "t"); goto iDkZZ5vz; s33ESOSi:$vRb7R5Hf = $D7lsesc5; goto iCkDynFr; lZ50KdZK:$b6E1SFOm = array($vRb7R5Hf, $HEJYwMRI); goto Bo5Uel3k; Bo5Uel3k:return !empty($lpqZ8tWl) ? $b6E1SFOm : $vRb7R5Hf . $HEJYwMRI; goto gIDmMMvD; zlXwcPZQ:return !empty($lpqZ8tWl) ? $b6E1SFOm : $o17C8ddB; goto SEqXu9U7; KwjbT7ZJ: if ($o17C8ddB > 1000) { goto kjIIbnXR; } goto AODCV1uM; SEqXu9U7:goto ZQ29Yaay; goto QyQy1o6m; QyQy1o6m:kjIIbnXR:goto PHIAoAGH; s3d5UmyS:$neCKiqCi = number_format($D7lsesc5); goto sFXtHtn1; demZ8kZ7:$HEJYwMRI = $ZLg21xLl[$CmPgY2Zo - 1]; goto lZ50KdZK; iDkZZ5vz:$CmPgY2Zo = count($j4o4sjJa) - 1; goto s33ESOSi; gIDmMMvD:ZQ29Yaay:goto zmiUNORT; iCkDynFr:$vRb7R5Hf = $j4o4sjJa[0] . ((int)$j4o4sjJa[1][0] !== 0 ? "." . $j4o4sjJa[1][0] : ''); goto demZ8kZ7; zmiUNORT: } } goto kBAyI0zg; kBAyI0zg: if (!function_exists("generate_breadcrumb")) { function generate_breadcrumb($iltgeV97 = null) { goto vcGWRl72; xGyylFY3:$xrnKj4fR .= "
  • "; goto C5lRLi_d; j5e0YBYS:e2URBgLI:goto xGyylFY3; T_wtLHfn:osXj2Ylq:goto MTB5s3g3; wjTG_7U3: if (!($Ce4zfv7T <= $g5KsOuFH)) { goto r9h0l6Ni; } goto v10e2gOs; MTB5s3g3:$g5KsOuFH++; goto GodkDXob; J7enZQiV:$g5KsOuFH = 1; goto UUHJDyBT; m2y5j6nb:MSXxLhQs:goto B2pCrUI0; I07yEhAo:$xrnKj4fR .= ucfirst($ltoxvzGt->uri->segment($g5KsOuFH)) . "
  • "; goto YaikCk7H; XgAlcVsU:$xrnKj4fR .= ucfirst($ltoxvzGt->uri->segment($g5KsOuFH)) . ""; goto yV_AM42Q; V8fpgIAJ:goto JJsZ3tlC; goto m2y5j6nb; yV_AM42Q:goto osXj2Ylq; goto Edt2zdmU; SFaPsB7_: if (!($dXPI7NBd != '')) { goto MSXxLhQs; } goto ma29Zu11; ohtZLYXB:VoMBt3jB:goto T_wtLHfn; vsUphCnh:$xrnKj4fR .= "
  • "; goto XgAlcVsU; C5lRLi_d:$xrnKj4fR .= ucfirst($iltgeV97) . "
  • "; goto ohtZLYXB; A2E7dmo5:goto NnmeUAI2; goto i_oiUl5F; vcGWRl72:$ltoxvzGt = &get_instance(); goto J7enZQiV; UUHJDyBT:$dXPI7NBd = $ltoxvzGt->uri->segment($g5KsOuFH); goto enn2JhJ2; i_oiUl5F:r9h0l6Ni:goto CPGjQups; v10e2gOs:$QwgTzU0d .= $ltoxvzGt->uri->segment($Ce4zfv7T) . "/"; goto JKlLKxrB; BxGaUzgK:return $xrnKj4fR; goto RV0M8jv9; MJ8FzlGf: if ($iltgeV97) { goto e2URBgLI; } goto NhGYc7dw; ma29Zu11:$QwgTzU0d = ''; goto PCUaYnOX; GodkDXob:$dXPI7NBd = $ltoxvzGt->uri->segment($g5KsOuFH); goto V8fpgIAJ; enn2JhJ2:$xrnKj4fR = ""; goto BxGaUzgK; YaikCk7H:goto VoMBt3jB; goto j5e0YBYS; JKlLKxrB:YSr0L1Ao:goto JWzGJYnz; htmKGsiy:JJsZ3tlC:goto SFaPsB7_; V3i6tuCs:NnmeUAI2:goto wjTG_7U3; RV0M8jv9: } } goto WLBxQFPn; R4g2IMf0:define( "eC9iiUrH", "Update successful, there were no SQL updates. So you can run the updated application directly." ); goto OZeo_kaE; qOiauKyo:define( "OapaIOcN", "Server returned an invalid response, please contact support." ); goto b0p4GqfU; d4lkaEA0: if (!function_exists("config_item")) { function config_item($nRJmsZF4) { goto ULWg64g1; ULWg64g1:static $ALcVNWlo; goto H493qYgG; yMAIhEVq:$ALcVNWlo[0] = &get_config(); goto b6wI8mQO; H493qYgG: if (!empty($ALcVNWlo)) { goto vykwYJ_b; } goto yMAIhEVq; oOrk2mFz:return isset($ALcVNWlo[0][$nRJmsZF4]) ? $ALcVNWlo[0][$nRJmsZF4] : null; goto T07AZuKy; b6wI8mQO:vykwYJ_b:goto oOrk2mFz; T07AZuKy: } } goto QvuSzgjV; H_6ut3H_:define( "zCxijzKj", "Update zip extraction failed." ); goto pCiu0Nkt; lNBLNmFF:define( "VOz6qFzC", "Downloading SQL update..." ); goto L5XCHfGv; lUSQOS2I:exit("No direct script access allowed"); goto Mm2Hgo75; g3k3CVPH:define( "St4qVvxE", "(Please do not refresh the page)." ); goto jHjhfHmI; Dhcc7l10:define( "fwbqHPu0", "Main update files downloaded and extracted." ); goto H_6ut3H_; Mm2Hgo75:otzSd2gZ:goto nwQfvZdV; gsvIauhJ:@ini_set("max_execution_time", 600); goto sfjAUpPT; cdmtok_N:define( "UrNTGMos", "Update successful, SQL updates were successfully imported." ); goto R4g2IMf0; nwQfvZdV:define("atSEXsTF", true); goto PORJoa7n; i7cE1UX8: if (!(count(get_included_files()) == 1)) { goto otzSd2gZ; } goto lUSQOS2I; pCiu0Nkt:define( "Krr9HvME", "Preparing to download SQL update..." ); goto H7yIZyM2; OZeo_kaE: if (atSEXsTF) { goto DOseefRb; } goto Rj4Duyf_; L5XCHfGv:define( "tWLVMDua", "SQL update files downloaded." ); goto J4cBnyOa; b0p4GqfU:define( "tHaXM0ad", "Verified! Thanks for purchasing." ); goto OEjhEPRn; Rj4Duyf_:@ini_set("display_errors", 0); goto Fq5lyJj2; jHjhfHmI:define( "WeogxcvY", "Downloading main update..." ); goto xkhPMQf4; OEjhEPRn:define( "e_UjjApQ", "Preparing to download main update..." ); goto zc50cATx; QvuSzgjV: if (!function_exists("html_escape")) { function html_escape($w0SxRnFU, $JfDRXcby = true) { goto d8Ave_e5; jvMvDsmK:hbCUCETT:goto w1kSGS15; JMFBf550:jt7wImVY:goto nWZPYiJt; hMDWtMtI:return $w0SxRnFU; goto JMFBf550; w1kSGS15:return $w0SxRnFU; goto CFfRbYh2; MUUTMMJi: foreach (array_keys($w0SxRnFU) as $SOXFc430) { $w0SxRnFU[$SOXFc430] = html_escape($w0SxRnFU[$SOXFc430], $JfDRXcby); BQvu2lC2: } goto jvMvDsmK; XYLS15XJ:return htmlspecialchars($w0SxRnFU, ENT_QUOTES, config_item("charset"), $JfDRXcby); goto gtjNp0Od; d8Ave_e5: if (!empty($w0SxRnFU)) { goto jt7wImVY; } goto hMDWtMtI; nWZPYiJt: if (!is_array($w0SxRnFU)) { goto Oz6jM0sm; } goto MUUTMMJi; CFfRbYh2:Oz6jM0sm:goto XYLS15XJ; gtjNp0Od: } } goto hm_G2yxh; WLBxQFPn: if (!function_exists("get_system_info")) { function get_system_info($r1zEpaov) { $bfSbURQi = array( "Server" => $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"], "PHP Version" => phpversion(), "Max POST Size" => @ini_get("post_max_size"), "Max Memory Limit" => @ini_get("memory_limit"), "Max Upload Size" => @ini_get("upload_max_filesize"), "Curl Version" => function_exists("curl_version") ? curl_version()["version"] : "Nil", "Core Init" => $r1zEpaov ); return json_encode($bfSbURQi, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } } goto mxEPmhHR; ngIA5ldv: if (!function_exists("password_verify")) { function password_verify($Aci9zjqS, $suUy9m3F) { goto xVB41Psz; fTBkzmEy:goto J2kW_v2f; goto Ff0qiCeQ; UgKF0IGj:return false; goto LYQZu8Qg; lemktUm0: if (!($g5KsOuFH < 60)) { goto eTt67P3K; } goto yiS2iW5o; lVNEO6eN:J2kW_v2f:goto lemktUm0; f37EyBjh:$EHCA0JOD = 0; goto k11LGUhf; yiS2iW5o:$EHCA0JOD |= ord($Aci9zjqS[$g5KsOuFH]) ^ ord($suUy9m3F[$g5KsOuFH]); goto xwc6RU04; xVB41Psz: if (!(strlen($suUy9m3F) !== 60 or strlen($Aci9zjqS = crypt($Aci9zjqS, $suUy9m3F)) !== 60)) { goto DNBHnnhJ; } goto UgKF0IGj; CUGNjJ_Q:$g5KsOuFH++; goto fTBkzmEy; xwc6RU04:OIUFmVoK:goto CUGNjJ_Q; AebRz1zr:return $EHCA0JOD === 0; goto bO3m0vMb; LYQZu8Qg:DNBHnnhJ:goto f37EyBjh; k11LGUhf:$g5KsOuFH = 0; goto lVNEO6eN; Ff0qiCeQ:eTt67P3K:goto AebRz1zr; bO3m0vMb: } } ?>