/* Decoded by unphp.net */ echo ' LocalHost Mailer Inbox Sender Version 1.7 '; $user_ml_file = "MailList.txt"; $user_body_file = "Body.txt"; $user_from_email = ""; $user_from_name = ""; $user_subject = ""; if(!isset($_POST)){$_POST=$HTTP_POST_VARS;} if(!isset($_SERVER)){$_SERVER=$HTTP_SERVER_VARS;} $PHP_SELF=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; foreach($_POST as $PName=>$PValue) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $PValue=stripslashes($PValue); } $PValue=trim($PValue); $$PName=trim($PValue); } ;echo ' ';echo"";;echo '

LocalHost Mailer Mailsender from Hmei7

Registered Version.
';$E = "True";;echo '
   Reset      Help   Status list all   Send without emailing
'; error_reporting(E_ERROR); $def_ml = stripslashes($SendList); $def_from_email = stripslashes($SendEmail); $def_from_name = stripslashes($SendName); $def_subject = stripslashes($SendSubject); $def_body = stripslashes($SendBody); $def_ml_file = stripslashes($ml_file); $def_body_file = stripslashes($body_file); $body_label = "Email Body"; $body_title = "Input your email Body. NAME in the Email Body will be replaced with the name in the Mailing List for each email."; set_time_limit(0); if($Action == "Load") { if (!file_exists($ml_file)) { $def_ml_file = "File not found"; } if(!file_exists($body_file)) { $def_body_file = "File not found"; } } elseif ($Action == "Save") { if (file_exists($ml_file)) { $write_contents = stripslashes($SendList); $fp = fopen( $ml_file,"w"); fwrite ( $fp,$write_contents); fclose( $fp ); echo" Mailing List $ml_file Saved- "; } else { echo" Mailing List file $ml_file Not Found- "; } if(file_exists($body_file)) { $write_contents = stripslashes($SendBody); $fp = fopen( $body_file,"w"); fwrite ( $fp,$write_contents); fclose( $fp ); echo" Body file $body_file Saved "; } else { echo" Body file $body_file Not Found "; } } elseif ($Action == "Preview") { echo" "; $SendNameIn = stripslashes($SendName); $SendName = ereg_replace(""; $SendBodyIn = stripslashes($SendBody); $SendBody = ereg_replace("<","<",$SendBodyIn); $ml_lines = explode ( " ",$SendList ); list( $email,$name ) = explode( ',',$ml_lines[0] ); $email = trim($email); $name = trim($name); echo" "; $SendBodyAdj = str_replace("NAME",$name,$SendBody); $send_lines = explode ( " ",$SendBodyAdj ); foreach ( $send_lines as $sendline ) { $sendline = rtrim($sendline); echo" "; } echo" "; $def_from_email = $SendEmailIn; $def_from_name = $SendNameIn; $def_subject = $SendSubjectIn; $def_body = $SendBodyIn; if ($email) { $ml_num = count($ml_lines); } else { $ml_num = 0; } echo" Current Mailing List contacts $ml_num "; } elseif ($Action == "Send") { if ($NoSend) { echo"Send without Emailing -"; } echo" Sending..... "; $SendNameIn = stripslashes($SendName); $SendName = ereg_replace(""; $SendBody = stripslashes($SendBody); $count = 0; $ml_lines = explode ( " ",$SendList ); $ml_num = count($ml_lines); foreach ( $ml_lines as $mlline ) { list( $email,$name ) = explode( ',',$mlline ); $email = trim($email); $name = trim($name); if ($email) { $SendBodyAdj = str_replace("NAME",$name,$SendBody); set_time_limit ( 30 ); $count = $count+1; if($NoSend) { if($ListAll) { $sendCk = "$count, OK $email; "; } else { $sendCk = "$count; "; } } else { $xheaders="Content-Type: text/html;charset='iso-8859-1' "; $xheaders.="From:$from_email "; $xheaders.="Reply-To:$from_email Return-path:$SendEmail X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion(); if(mail($email,$SendSubject,$SendBodyAdj,$xheaders)) { if($ListAll) { $sendCk = "$count, OK $email; "; } else { $sendCk = "$count; "; } } else { $sendCk = "$count, FAIL $email; "; } } echo" "; } } echo" Send Complete. Emails sent $count. "; $def_from_email = $SendEmailIn; $def_from_name = $SendNameIn; $def_subject = $SendSubjectIn; $def_body = $SendBodyAdj; $body_label = "Last Email Body Sent"; $body_title = "This is the body of the last email sent."; } elseif ($Action=="Fail") { echo" softSWOT access is broken and is required for evaluation software, click for solutions. "; } else { $def_ml_file = $user_ml_file; $def_body_file = $user_body_file; $def_from_email = $user_from_email; $def_from_name = $user_from_name; $def_subject = $user_subject; $def_ml = stripslashes($SendList); $def_body = stripslashes($SendBody); } ;echo '
Mailing List
From Email     Name 
';echo $body_label;;echo '
Load File Names Mailing List     Email Body       