/* Decoded by unphp.net */ (Warning: PHP cURL extension is not installed or disabled)

"; Qkv: if (mo_saml_is_extension_installed("openssl")) { goto zhC; } echo "\xd

(Warning: PHP openssl extension is not installed or disabled)

"; zhC: echo "

"; if ($D9 == "licensing") { goto WZN; } update_option("mo_license_plan_from_feedback", ''); update_option("mo_saml_license_message", ''); echo "miniOrange SSO using SAML 2.0 \xd "licensing"), htmlentities($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); echo "">Premium Plans\xd FAQs \xa Ask questions on our forum"; goto iwU; WZN: echo "
miniOrange SSO using SAML 2.0
"save"), htmlentities($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); echo ""> Back To Plugin Configuration
\xa \xd

You are currently on the Multisite version of the plugin\xd
  • \xa
  • "; iwU: echo "

    "; echo "\xd
    "; $bO = array(); foreach (mo_saml_options_addons::$RECOMMENDED_ADDONS_PATH as $tK => $Cd) { if (!is_plugin_active($Cd)) { goto ot8; } $VN = $tK; $bO[$VN] = $VN; ot8: LVe: } ELN: if (empty($bO)) { goto iqs; } if (get_site_option("mo_saml_show_addons_notice")) { goto U8s; } echo " \xa
    "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_addons_message"); echo "\xd
    \xd\xa We have a good recommendation for you. Please check out our "; $AL = 0; foreach ($bO as $tK => $Cd) { foreach (mo_saml_options_addons::$ADDON_TITLE as $ga => $lZ) { if (!($bO[$tK] == $ga)) { goto oG1; } $AL += 1; if ($AL == 1) { goto BiT; } echo ", "; echo $lZ; echo ""; goto j95; BiT: echo ""; echo $lZ; echo ""; j95: oG1: sC1: } Eno: CyY: } SiO: echo " addon. \xa \xd\xa
    \xa "; U8s: iqs: if ($D9 != "licensing") { goto t47; } if (!($D9 == "licensing")) { goto q60; } mo_saml_show_pricing_page(); q60: goto OPQ; t47: if (!mo_check_certificate_expiry()) { goto ILQ; } $gS = get_site_option("mo_saml_current_cert"); $sd = openssl_x509_parse($gS); $Kc = $sd["validTo_time_t"]; $Bt = $Kc - time(); $eW = round($Bt / (60 * 60 * 24)); if ($eW >= 0) { goto hMN; } echo "

    Security Alert : Your certificate has expired, please upgrade your certificate immediately. "; echo " \x9 \x9 "custom_certificate"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); echo "">"; echo "Upgrade your certificate"; echo ""; echo " or your SSO will stop.

    "; goto v6v; hMN: echo "

    Security Alert : Your certificate is expiring soon, please upgrade your certificate. "; echo "\x9 \x9 \x9 "custom_certificate"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); echo "">"; echo "Upgrade your certificate"; echo ""; echo " or your SSO may stop in " . $eW . " days.

    "; v6v: ILQ: echo " \xa\x9 \x9\x9\xd\xa \x9 "; if ($D9 == "add-ons") { goto xgi; } if ($D9 !== "attribute_role") { goto Ttv; } echo " \xa \x9\x9\x9 \xd \x9\x9\x9 \xd\xa\x9\x9\x9
    "; goto enB; Ttv: echo ""; enB: goto cUk; xgi: echo ""; echo ""; cUk: if ($D9 == "save") { goto cJl; } if ($D9 == "attribute_role") { goto LAr; } if ($D9 == "help") { goto e37; } if ($D9 == "sp_metadata") { goto ltf; } if ($D9 == "general") { goto MNe; } if ($D9 == "add-ons") { goto Brh; } if ($D9 == "licensing") { goto v22; } if ($D9 == "custom_certificate") { goto uV_; } if ($D9 == "custom_messages") { goto W2A; } if ($D9 == "account_info" && mo_saml_is_customer_registered_saml() && mo_saml_is_customer_license_key_verified()) { goto PFY; } if (get_site_option("mo_saml_verify_customer") == "true") { goto S9k; } if (trim(get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email")) != '' && trim(get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_api_key")) == '' && get_site_option("mo_saml_new_registration") != "true") { goto a6c; } if (!mo_saml_is_customer_registered_saml()) { goto l9I; } if (mo_saml_is_customer_registered_saml() && (!mo_saml_is_customer_license_key_verified() || mo_saml_is_trial_active())) { goto xWF; } mo_saml_general_login_page(); goto n_k; xWF: $ni = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email"); $jX = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email_old"); if (!(strcmp($ni, $jX) && !empty($jX))) { goto oCW; } delete_site_option("sml_lk"); delete_site_option("no_sbs"); oCW: delete_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email_old"); mo_saml_show_verify_license_page(); n_k: goto eEL; l9I: mo_saml_show_verify_password_page_saml(); eEL: goto bMG; a6c: mo_saml_show_verify_password_page_saml(); bMG: goto xac; S9k: mo_saml_show_verify_password_page_saml(); xac: goto Etf; PFY: mo_saml_display_account_information(); Etf: goto eg1; W2A: mo_saml_add_custom_messages(); eg1: goto Z58; uV_: mo_saml_add_custom_certificate(); Z58: goto YFO; v22: mo_saml_show_pricing_page(); echo ""; YFO: goto hhO; Brh: mo_saml_show_addons_page(); hhO: goto iRu; MNe: mo_saml_general_login_page(); iRu: goto Dh1; ltf: mo_saml_configuration_steps(); Dh1: goto zP5; e37: mo_saml_show_faqs(); zP5: goto nkC; LAr: mo_saml_save_optional_config(); nkC: goto nui; cJl: mo_saml_apps_config_saml(); nui: echo ""; if ($D9 !== "attribute_role" || !get_site_option("mo_saml_test_config_attrs")) { goto kPv; } mo_saml_display_attrs_list(); goto rH4; kPv: miniorange_support_saml(); if (!(mo_saml_is_customer_registered_saml() && mo_saml_is_customer_license_key_verified())) { goto SNd; } miniorange_keep_configuration_saml(); SNd: rH4: if (!($D9 == "general")) { goto UlF; } mo_saml_display_subsite_box(); UlF: echo "
    "; OPQ: echo "
    "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_check_license"); echo "
    \xa \x9 \xd\xa\x9 \x9"; } function mo_saml_is_extension_installed($hD) { if (Utilities::mo_saml_in_array($hD, get_loaded_extensions())) { goto TSx; } return 0; goto m_i; TSx: return 1; m_i: } function sanitize_element() { $Vy = file_get_contents(plugins_url("resources/en_li.mo", __FILE__)); $lA = get_site_option("mo_saml_customer_token"); $Vy = AESEncryption::decrypt_data($Vy, $lA); if (!empty($Vy)) { goto dPT; } return ''; dPT: $dH = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_api_key"); $Vy = AESEncryption::decrypt_data($Vy, $dH); $Yu = simplexml_load_string($Vy); return strval($Yu->expirationTime); } function mo_saml_show_verify_password_page_saml() { echo "
    "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_verify_customer"); echo " \xa "; update_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email_old", get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email")); echo " \xa

    Login with miniOrange


    Click here if you forgot your password?

    \xd\xa \xd\xa \xa \xd\xa \xd \xd\xa \xd \xa \xa \xa \xd\xa
    "; } function mo_saml_show_verify_license_page() { echo "
    "; if (!(!signElement() || site_check())) { goto LgF; } $xH = get_site_option("no_sbs"); $F9 = get_site_option("mo_saml_customer_token"); if ($xH && $F9) { goto SJl; } mo_saml_show_license_verification_form(); goto W2B; SJl: $gt = AESEncryption::decrypt_data($xH, $F9); $oL = Utilities::get_sites(); if ($gt < count($oL)) { goto Gvc; } mo_saml_show_license_verification_form(); goto lza; Gvc: echo "
    \xa You have purchased the license for " . $gt . " sites. But you have " . count($oL) . " sites in your multisite network. Click here to buy license for more sites.\xd\xa

    Confirm your license

    \xa Once you have upgraded your license, click the below button to confirm your license.

    "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_go_back"); echo " \xa
    "; lza: W2B: LgF: echo "
    "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_check_license"); echo " \xa
    \xd \xa \xd\xa
    "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_remove_account"); echo "
    "; } function mo_saml_show_license_verification_form() { echo "

    Verify License [ Click here to view your license key ]

    \xd \xa
    "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_verify_license"); echo " \xa \xd

    *Enter your license key to activate the plugin:\xd\xa


    *Please check this to confirm that you have read it:   

    1. License key you have entered here is associated with this site instance. In future, if you are re-installing the plugin or your site for any reason. You should deactivate and then delete the plugin from wordpress console and should not manually delete the plugin folder. So that you can resuse the same license key.

    2. \xd\xa
    3. This is not a developer's license. Making any kind of change to the plugin's code will delete all your configuration and make the plugin unusable.
    4. \xd
      \xd \xd\xa \xa "; } function postResponse() { $Vy = file_get_contents(plugins_url("resources/en_li.mo", __FILE__)); $lA = get_site_option("mo_saml_customer_token"); $Vy = AESEncryption::decrypt_data($Vy, $lA); if (!empty($Vy)) { goto lOX; } return ''; lOX: $dH = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_api_key"); $Vy = AESEncryption::decrypt_data($Vy, $dH); $Yu = simplexml_load_string($Vy); return strval($Yu->code); } function signElement() { if (!file_exists(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . "resources/en_li.mo")) { goto Y8I; } return true; Y8I: return false; } function site_check() { if (!get_site_option("site_ck_l")) { goto ws4; } $tK = get_site_option("mo_saml_customer_token"); if (!(AESEncryption::decrypt_data(get_site_option("site_ck_l"), $tK) == "true")) { goto anq; } return true; anq: ws4: return false; } function mo_saml_download_logs($Sv, $uh) { echo "
      "; echo "
      "; echo "

      Please try the solution given above.If the problem persists,download the plugin configuration by clicking on Export Plugin Configuration and mail us at samlsupport@xecurify.com.

      \xd\xa\x9 \x9

      We will get back to you soon!

      \xa\x9 \x9

      \x9 \x9\x9
      \x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9\x9
      \x9 \x9 \x9
      "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_export"); echo " \xa \x9 \x9\xd\xa \x9 \x9\x9
      \xd \x9\x9 \x9"; echo "  "; $k4 = $_POST["SAMLResponse"]; update_site_option("mo_saml_response", $k4); $kP = array("Error" => $Sv, "Cause" => $uh); update_site_option("mo_saml_test", $kP); echo "\x9\x9 \x9 \x9"; exit; } function miniorange_generate_metadata($jn = false, $mb = false) { $Eq = get_site_option("mo_saml_sp_base_url"); if (!empty($Eq)) { goto O4T; } $Eq = get_network_site_url(); O4T: $yo = get_site_option("mo_saml_sp_entity_id"); if (!empty($yo)) { goto BcX; } $yo = $Eq . "/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-saml-20-single-sign-on/"; BcX: $U9 = $yo; $Y1 = $Eq . "/"; if ($mb) { goto Afq; } $gS = get_site_option("mo_saml_current_cert"); goto XmV; Afq: $gS = file_get_contents(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . "resources" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . mo_options_enum_default_sp_certificate::SP_Public_Certificate); XmV: $pC = Utilities::getValidUntilDateFromCert($gS); $gS = Utilities::desanitize_certificate($gS); if (!ob_get_contents()) { goto Fxo; } ob_clean(); Fxo: header("Content-Type: text/xml"); if (!$jn) { goto G2x; } if ($mb) { goto YiI; } header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mo-saml-sp-metadata.xml""); goto Pr0; YiI: header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mo-saml-sp-new-metadata.xml""); Pr0: G2x: echo "\xd\xa\x9\x9\x9 \xa\x9 \xa\x9\x9 \xd \x9 \xd \x9 \xa \x9 " . $gS . " \xa\x9\x9 \x9\x9\xd \x9\x9\xd\xa \x9 \xd\xa \x9 \xa \x9 \xa \xa " . $gS . " \xa\x9\x9 \xa\x9\x9\x9 \xa \x9\x9\xd \xd \x9\x9\x9 \xa\x9\x9\x9urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress\xd \x9 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent\xd\xa\x9 \x9urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient \xa\x9 \x9\xd \x9 miniOrange \xa miniOrange\xd \x9 http://miniorange.com \xa \xa\x9miniOrange\xd\xa\x9info@xecurify.com\xd\xa \xa miniOrange\xd info@xecurify.com\xd\xa\xd\xa"; exit; } function mo_saml_get_test_url($mb = false) { $tX = get_network_site_url() . "/?option=testConfig"; $w_ = $mb ? $tX . "&newcert=true" : $tX; return $w_; } function mo_saml_get_saml_request_url() { $tX = home_url() . "/?option=getsamlrequest"; return $tX; } function mo_saml_get_saml_response_url() { $tX = home_url() . "/?option=getsamlresponse"; return $tX; } function mo_saml_get_attribute_mapping_url() { return add_query_arg(array("tab" => "attribute_role"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); } function mo_check_certificate_expiry() { $rx = openssl_x509_parse(get_site_option("mo_saml_current_cert"))["validTo_time_t"]; $Bt = $rx - time(); $eW = round($Bt / (60 * 60 * 24)); return $eW < 60; } function mo_saml_roll_back_available() { return get_site_option("mo_saml_certificate_roll_back_available"); } function mo_saml_is_customer_registered_saml() { $ni = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email"); $LV = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_customer_key"); if (!$ni || !$LV || !is_numeric(trim($LV))) { goto qpc; } return 1; goto tYl; qpc: return 0; tYl: } function mo_saml_is_trial_active() { $ni = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email"); $LV = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_customer_key"); $tK = get_site_option("mo_saml_customer_token"); $mp = AESEncryption::decrypt_data(get_site_option("t_site_status"), $tK); if ($mp != "true" || !$ni || !$LV || !is_numeric(trim($LV))) { goto SKr; } return 1; goto gim; SKr: return 0; gim: } function mo_saml_trial_expiry() { $Lb = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s.u", sanitize_element()); return $Lb->format("F j, Y, G:i:s"); } function check_plugin_state() { echo ""; if (!mo_saml_is_customer_registered_saml()) { goto sEY; } if (!mo_saml_is_customer_license_key_verified()) { goto lQc; } if (!mo_saml_is_trial_active()) { goto TJT; } echo "
      You are on Trial version of the plugin and it will expire on "; echo mo_saml_trial_expiry(); echo ". "; if (site_check()) { goto CM5; } echo "If you have already purchased the license click here to activate."; goto TQa; CM5: echo " "login"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "">Click here to activate your license."; TQa: echo "
      "; TJT: goto IKN; lQc: echo "
      "; if (signElement() && !site_check()) { goto hSK; } echo "Please enter your "login"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . ""> license key to activate the plugin."; goto g8n; hSK: echo " "login"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "">Click here to activate your 5 days FREE Trial for the plugin."; g8n: echo "
      "; IKN: goto FpV; sEY: echo ""; FpV: echo ""; } function mo_saml_display_account_information() { echo "

      Your Profile"; if (!get_site_option("sml_lk")) { goto IQb; } echo " \xa \x9   

      "; IQb: echo "\xd \x9
      "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_check_license"); echo "\xd\xa\x9
      \xd "; echo " \x9\x9 \x9 \xd \x9\x9\xd\xa \x9\xd \x9 \x9\x9\x9 \x9\x9 \xa \xa\x9
      miniOrange Account Email" . get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email") . "
      Customer ID" . get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_customer_key") . "
      \xd \x9\xd\xa

      "; if (!get_site_option("mo_saml_license_expiry_date")) { goto bFE; } echo "

      License Details

      \xd\xa\x9 \xd \x9 \x9\xd\xa\x9 \x9\x9 \xa\x9 \x9\xd\xa \x9 \xa\x9\x9\x9 \xa \x9 \xd\xa \x9 \x9 \x9
      License Expiry Date" . get_site_option("mo_saml_license_expiry_date") . "
      License Renewal Link Renew your support license.

      "; bFE: echo " \xa
      "; wp_nonce_field("mo_saml_go_back"); echo " \xa
      \xd "; } function mo_saml_is_customer_license_key_verified($g4 = false) { $tK = get_site_option("mo_saml_customer_token"); $mp = AESEncryption::decrypt_data(get_site_option("t_site_status"), $tK); $G_ = get_site_option("sml_lk"); $ni = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_email"); $LV = get_site_option("mo_saml_admin_customer_key"); $gt = AESEncryption::decrypt_data(get_site_option("no_sbs"), $tK); $j8 = false; if (!get_site_option("no_sbs")) { goto OIV; } $oL = Utilities::get_sites(); $j8 = $gt < count($oL); OIV: if ($mp != "true" && !$G_ || !$ni || !$LV || !is_numeric(trim($LV)) || $j8) { goto rSr; } return $g4 ? '' : 1; goto b7m; rSr: return $g4 ? "disabled" : 0; b7m: } function mo_saml_display_attrs_list() { $gi = maybe_unserialize(get_site_option("mo_saml_test_config_attrs")); if (empty($gi)) { goto hMG; } echo "

      Attributes received from the Identity Provider:

      \xa\x9 \x9\x9 \xd \x9\x9 "; foreach ($gi as $b5 => $El) { echo ""; echo " \x9 \x9 \x9\x9"; nk8: } pg9: echo " \xa\x9\x9\x9\x9\x9\x9
      " . $b5 . "" . implode("
      ", $El) . "
      \x9 \xa \x9

      NOTE : Please clear this list after configuring the plugin to hide your confidential attributes.
      \xd\xa \x9 \x9\x9Click on Test configuration in Service Provider Setup tab to populate the list again.

      \xd\xa \x9 \x9\x9
      "; wp_nonce_field("clear_attrs_list"); echo " \xa \x9
      \xd \x9\x9\x9\x9
      "; hMG: } function mo_saml_display_subsite_box() { $DH = maybe_unserialize(get_site_option("sso_settings_site")); if ($DH) { goto V4U; } $DH = "DEFAULT"; V4U: echo "
      \xd \x9\xd\xa \x9\x9 \xd\xa \x9 \xa\x9\x9\x9 \xa\x9 \xd \x9\x9\x9\xd \xd\xa\x9\x9
      Selected site:
      NOTE : "; if ($DH == "DEFAULT") { goto t0S; } echo "These settings will only be applied to the above selected site."; goto nFe; t0S: echo "These settings will be applied to all the sub-sites for which you haven't configured them yet . "; nFe: echo "
      \xd "; } function mo_saml_is_sp_configured() { $Qm = get_site_option("saml_login_url"); $On = get_site_option("saml_x509_certificate"); if (!empty($Qm) && !empty($On)) { goto N7M; } return 0; goto Jil; N7M: return 1; Jil: } function Multisite_enabled() { if (!is_multisite()) { goto phC; } return "enabled"; phC: return "disabled"; } function filter_empty_values($Kr) { return $Kr != NULL && $Kr != FALSE && $Kr != ''; } ?>