/* Decoded by unphp.net */ form = new DmLamitecForm($oZ8vz); goto uIQX0; sv7fi: $this->name_of_class = get_class($this); goto OHcht; OHcht: $this->module = $oZ8vz; goto A4gCF; A4gCF: $this->help = new DmLamitecHelp($oZ8vz); goto lA0UT; uIQX0: } public function init() { goto Av6zy; Hxhza: return $this->getForm(); goto LVzQy; rb3AK: poLAz: goto Sm_XT; cLs2E: return false; goto iGT8T; ZLGfM: lb6D5: goto yZS8Q; Yb1sQ: return $this->infoRegister(); goto OZqgF; Av6zy: if (!($this->module == false)) { goto yc3Ng; } goto cLs2E; iGT8T: yc3Ng: goto mV6FG; mV6FG: $F3Woa = Context::getContext(); goto gO0Rq; OZqgF: goto JXcTE; goto rb3AK; gO0Rq: $pbZoA = (int) Configuration::get("PS_SHOP_DEFAULT"); goto Do6_4; yZS8Q: return $this->getForm(); goto VBzo0; W_vCX: if ($JFNmI == "localhost") { goto RgZ1r; } goto ybdHQ; VuQIC: return $this->infoUnauthorized($OcORN); goto IBO0s; Tj8Vk: $eiS3Z = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../crt/" . $this->module->name . ".crt"; goto W_vCX; yo9UF: $OcORN = $this->checkLicense($SlgyV); goto C1bR3; ybdHQ: if (file_exists($eiS3Z)) { goto poLAz; } goto Yb1sQ; VBzo0: z085I: goto QTuQR; Do6_4: $JFNmI = $this->getUrlDefaultStore($pbZoA); goto Tj8Vk; IBO0s: goto z085I; goto ZLGfM; C1bR3: if ($OcORN["state"] == 1) { goto lb6D5; } goto iOn10; tUrFy: goto sPKJb; goto ty4nR; LVzQy: sPKJb: goto ous9F; VpFM3: $SlgyV = $this->decrypt($Ln8Sp); goto yo9UF; Sm_XT: $Ln8Sp = Tools::file_get_contents($eiS3Z); goto VpFM3; iOn10: Module::disableByName($this->module->name); goto VuQIC; ty4nR: RgZ1r: goto Hxhza; QTuQR: JXcTE: goto tUrFy; ous9F: } public function l($UvcUp, $cwvJN = null) { goto CWMtt; J1gJ8: iR81y: goto YE_c6; CWMtt: if (!is_object($this->module)) { goto iR81y; } goto Pooer; a3959: return $this->module->l($UvcUp, $cwvJN); goto J1gJ8; nQs2m: $cwvJN = strtolower($this->name_of_class); goto Q4tJj; Q4tJj: ZeZ7O: goto a3959; YE_c6: return $UvcUp; goto Kfuaz; Pooer: if (!is_null($cwvJN)) { goto ZeZ7O; } goto nQs2m; Kfuaz: } public function getForm() { goto bLwTF; lYaEs: $MBnYv .= "\xd\xa " . (file_exists('' . $this->module->path_temp . $this->module->temp_file_category . ".xml") && Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_TYPE") == 1 ? "

" . $this->l("Aktu\303\xa1ln\303\xad pozice skriptu u kategori\xc3\xad:") . "
" . $this->l("Posledn\303\xad zm\304\233na souboru:") . " " . DmLamitecTools::getTimeLastChange('' . $this->module->path_temp . $this->module->temp_file_category . ".xml") . "
" . $this->l("Aktu\303\xa1ln\xc3\255 pozice:") . " " . Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_STOP_NUMBER") . " " . $this->l("z") . " " . $uHCYX . "
\xa module->name . "_CATEGORY_STOP_NUMBER") . " " . $this->l("z") . " " . $uHCYX . "" style="width:100%" min="0" max="100" low="25" high="75" optimum="100" value="" . Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_STOP_NUMBER") / ($uHCYX / 100) . "">\xd\xa

" : '') . " \xa "; goto qcQ4o; R54Pp: g4Tbg: goto BEuZq; BL9Cf: $MBnYv .= "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategorySettingTypePairingCategoryFromProductFeed(((Tools::getValue("pagePairing") ? Tools::getValue("pagePairing") : 1) - 1) * $this->module->limit_list, $this->module->limit_list)), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesCategoryTypePairingCategoryFromProductFeed(((Tools::getValue("pagePairing") ? Tools::getValue("pagePairing") : 1) - 1) * $this->module->limit_list, $this->module->limit_list)) . "

"; goto W1XZz; T9c3h: $MBnYv .= ""; goto khJiE; qNku8: return $MBnYv; goto INai6; Wz639: $MBnYv .= "\xd\xa
\xd \xa
\xd\xa "; goto e5Tnv; Tvvlw: $MBnYv .= "\xd
\xa \xa

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormFeaturesGroupPairing()), $this->form->getConfigFeaturesGroupPairing()) . "


" . $this->module->renderListFeaturesGroupPairing($this->form->getListFeaturesGroupPairing(), $this->form->getFieldListFeaturesGroupPairing()) . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormFeaturesValuePairing()), $this->form->getConfigFeaturesValuePairing()) . "


" . $this->module->renderListFeaturesValuePairing($this->form->getListFeaturesValuePairing(), $this->form->getFieldListFeaturesValuePairing()) . "

"; goto Cpx00; Ubhgi: $MBnYv .= "
"; goto qNku8; e5Tnv: $MBnYv .= "\xd

" . $this->help->helpCategory() . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategoryTypeSetting()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesTypeCategory()) . "

\xa " . (Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_TYPE") == 1 ? "

" . $this->help->helpCategoryTypImportXML() . "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategorySettingTypeImport()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesCategoryTypeImport()) . "

" : '') . "\xd\xa " . (Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_TYPE") == 1 && Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_VIEW_SETTING") == 1 && Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_FILE_URL") != '' ? "

" . $this->help->helpCategoryXML() . "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategoryFields()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesImportFileCategory()) . "

" : '') . "

" . (Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_TYPE") == 2 ? '' . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategorySettingTypeId()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesCategoryTypeId()) . '' : '') . "


" . (Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_TYPE") == 4 ? '' . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategorySettingTypeString()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesCategoryTypeString()) . '' : '') . "


" . (Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_TYPE") == 7 ? '' . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategorySettingTypeAllInOne()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesCategoryTypeAllInOne()) . '' : '') . "

\xa "; goto KyPCW; JsNeC: XawSP: goto R54Pp; fu1R2: $MBnYv .= Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_VIEW_SETTING") == 1 && Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_FILE_URL") != '' ? '' . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategoryFields()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesImportFileCategory()) . '' : ''; goto xqV0g; RVaCB: $MBnYv .= "

" . $this->module->getPagination($uHCYX, $this->module->limit_list, Tools::getValue("pagePairing") ? Tools::getValue("pagePairing") : 1) . "

"; goto Y6v1h; xqV0g: if (!(file_exists('' . $this->module->path_temp . $this->module->temp_file_category . ".xml") && Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_VALUE") != '')) { goto XawSP; } goto RVaCB; Y6v1h: $MBnYv .= "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategorySettingTypePairingCategory(((Tools::getValue("pagePairing") ? Tools::getValue("pagePairing") : 1) - 1) * $this->module->limit_list, $this->module->limit_list)), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesCategoryTypePairingCategory(((Tools::getValue("pagePairing") ? Tools::getValue("pagePairing") : 1) - 1) * $this->module->limit_list, $this->module->limit_list)) . "

"; goto aly9U; Dn40T: O176v: goto T9c3h; MMO6M: $MBnYv .= "\xd\xa

" . $this->form->licenceWindow() . "

\xd\xa "; goto Ubhgi; qcQ4o: $MBnYv .= " \xa " . (file_exists('' . $this->module->path_temp . $this->module->temp_file_product . ".xml") ? "\xd\xa


\xd " . $this->l("Aktu\303\xa1ln\303\xad pozice skriptu u produkt\305\257:") . "
\xd\xa " . ($this->module->ajax_import ? "\xd
\xd " . $this->form->buttonForProductMeter() . "\xd\xa " : "\xd
" . $this->l("Posledn\xc3\255 zm\xc4\233na souboru:") . " " . DmLamitecTools::getTimeLastChange('' . $this->module->path_temp . $this->module->temp_file_product . ".xml") . "
" . $this->l("Aktu\xc3\xa1ln\303\255 pozice:") . " " . Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_STOP_NUMBER") . " " . $this->l("z") . " " . $ueWed . "
\xa module->name . "_PRODUCT_STOP_NUMBER") . " " . $this->l("z") . " " . $ueWed . "" style="width:100%" min="0" max="100" low="25" high="75" optimum="100" value="" . Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_STOP_NUMBER") / ($ueWed / 100) . ""> \xa " . $this->form->buttonForProductMeter() . " \xa
\xd ") . " \xa

" : '') . "\xd "; goto Wz639; AxO0P: $MBnYv .= "\xd\xa

" . $this->form->cronWindow() . "

\xa "; goto MMO6M; HKn7B: $MBnYv .= "
\xd\xa " . (!in_array(28, explode(",", Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE"))) ? '' . $this->l("Tato funkce je dostupn\xc3\xa1 pouze p\305\x99i importu kombinac\xc3\255!") . "

" : '') . " \xd\xa \xd

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormAttributesGroupPairing()), $this->form->getConfigAttributesGroupPairing()) . "

" . $this->module->renderListAttributeGroupPairing($this->form->getListAttributeGroupPairing(), $this->form->getFieldListAttributeGroupPairing()) . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormAttributesValuePairing()), $this->form->getConfigAttributesValuePairing()) . "


" . $this->module->renderListAttributeValuePairing($this->form->getListAttributeValuePairing(), $this->form->getFieldListAttributeValuePairing()) . "

\xd\xa "; goto Tvvlw; bLwTF: $MBnYv = ''; goto Nft41; X47FA: $qnUuH = count(Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT id_category_feed FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . '' . $this->module->name . "_category_pairing_from_product_feed")); goto Wy6_0; hkYf1: $MBnYv .= " \xa

" . $this->help->helpLog() . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormLogSetting()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesLog()) . "


" . $this->module->renderLogList($this->form->getLogList(), $this->form->getLogFieldList()) . "

\xa "; goto AxO0P; Wy6_0: $MBnYv .= "

" . $this->module->getPagination($qnUuH, $this->module->limit_list, Tools::getValue("pagePairing") ? Tools::getValue("pagePairing") : 1) . "

"; goto BL9Cf; TaTjb: $MBnYv .= "
\xa \xa
\xd " . (!in_array(14, Tools::getValue('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE", explode(",", Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE")))) && !in_array(15, Tools::getValue('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE", explode(",", Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE")))) ? "

" . $this->l("Je definovan\xc3\xa1 n\xc3\241kupn\303\255 cena ve feedu, procenta se aplikuj\303\255 jako mar\xc5\276e!") . "

\xa " : "

" . $this->l("Je definovan\303\241 koncov\303\241 cena z feedu, procenta se aplikuj\xc3\255 jako sleva!") . "

") . "\xd\xa

" . $this->help->helpPriceDefault() . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormPriceSetting()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesPrice()) . "

\xa " . (!in_array(14, Tools::getValue('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE", explode(",", Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE")))) && !in_array(15, Tools::getValue('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE", explode(",", Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE")))) ? "

" . $this->l("Je definovan\xc3\xa1 n\xc3\241kupn\303\255 cena ve feedu, procenta se aplikuj\303\xad jako mar\305\276e!") . "

" : "

" . $this->l("Je definovan\xc3\xa1 koncov\xc3\xa1 cena z feedu, procenta se aplikuj\xc3\xad jako sleva!") . "

") . "\xd\xa

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormPriceRangeSetting()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesPriceRange()) . "


" . $this->module->renderListPriceRange($this->form->getListPriceRange(), $this->form->getFieldListPriceRange()) . "

\xd\xa " . (!in_array(14, Tools::getValue('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE", explode(",", Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE")))) && !in_array(15, Tools::getValue('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE", explode(",", Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE")))) ? "

" . $this->l("Je definovan\303\xa1 n\303\xa1kupn\xc3\255 cena ve feedu, procenta se aplikuj\xc3\xad jako mar\xc5\xbee!") . "

\xd\xa " : "

" . $this->l("Je definovan\xc3\241 koncov\xc3\xa1 cena z feedu, procenta se aplikuj\xc3\255 jako sleva!") . "

") . "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategoryPercent()), $this->form->getConfigCategoryPercent()) . "


" . $this->module->renderPercentList($this->form->getPercentList(), $this->form->getPercentFieldList()) . "

" . (!in_array(14, Tools::getValue('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE", explode(",", Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE")))) && !in_array(15, Tools::getValue('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE", explode(",", Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VALUE")))) ? "

" . $this->l("Je definovan\303\xa1 n\xc3\241kupn\xc3\xad cena ve feedu, procenta se aplikuj\xc3\xad jako mar\xc5\xbee!") . "

" : "

" . $this->l("Je definovan\303\241 koncov\303\241 cena z feedu, procenta se aplikuj\xc3\xad jako sleva!") . "

") . "\xd\xa

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormManufacturerPercent()), $this->form->getConfigManufacturerPercent()) . "


" . $this->module->renderPercentListManufacturer($this->form->getPercentListManufacturer(), $this->form->getPercentFieldListManufacturer()) . "

\xd\xa "; goto HKn7B; Nft41: $MBnYv .= $this->form->functionButton(); goto lYaEs; KyPCW: if (!(Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_TYPE") == 5)) { goto g4Tbg; } goto G5NJ7; G5NJ7: $MBnYv .= "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormCategorySettingTypePairing()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesCategoryTypePairing()) . "

"; goto fu1R2; W1XZz: $MBnYv .= "

" . $this->module->getPagination($qnUuH, $this->module->limit_list, Tools::getValue("pagePairing") ? Tools::getValue("pagePairing") : 1) . "

"; goto Dn40T; aly9U: $MBnYv .= "

" . $this->module->getPagination($uHCYX, $this->module->limit_list, Tools::getValue("pagePairing") ? Tools::getValue("pagePairing") : 1) . "

"; goto JsNeC; Cpx00: $MBnYv .= " \xa

" . $this->form->infoForm() . "


" . $this->form->saveSettingsForm() . "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->uploadSettingsForm()), array()) . "

\xd "; goto hkYf1; BEuZq: if (!(Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_CATEGORY_TYPE") == 6 && file_exists('' . $this->module->path_temp . $this->module->temp_file_product . ".xml"))) { goto O176v; } goto X47FA; khJiE: $MBnYv .= " \xa

" . $this->help->helpProducts() . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormProductSetting()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesProduct()) . "

\xa " . (Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_VIEW_SETTING") == 1 && Configuration::get('' . $this->module->name . "_PRODUCT_FILE_URL") != '' ? "

" . $this->help->helpProductsXML() . "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormProductFields()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesImportFileProduct()) . "

" : '') . "\xd\xa
\xd\xa "; goto nzDKa; nzDKa: $MBnYv .= "
\xd \xa

" . $this->help->helpSettings() . "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormSetting()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValues()) . "


" . $this->help->helpUpdateSettings() . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormUpdateSetting()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesUpdate()) . "


" . $this->help->helpImage() . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormImageSetting()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesImage()) . "


" . $this->help->helpWarehouse() . "

" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getFormWarehouseSetting()), $this->form->getConfigFieldsValuesWarehouse()) . "

\xd "; goto TaTjb; INai6: } public static function getUrlDefaultStore($q4vco) { goto RZMXh; RZMXh: $cB1TW = array(); goto ExJ8Z; ycrvh: return implode('', $cB1TW); goto M0NEk; CCpJb: $cB1TW["domain"] = Tools::usingSecureMode() ? $jssjm["domain_ssl"] : $jssjm["domain"]; goto ycrvh; ExJ8Z: $jssjm = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow("\xd\xa SELECT `domain_ssl`, `domain`\xd FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "shop_url` WHERE `id_shop` = " . (int) $q4vco . "\xd AND `main` = 1\xd "); goto CCpJb; M0NEk: } public function checkLicense($N9seE) { goto YIlHN; pOiVE: $pfCcf["real_name"] = $t7NBr; goto Fvzii; S5dDr: $pfCcf["state"] = 4; goto TTlhj; Y1kp6: $pfCcf["text"] = $this->l("Licence neodpov\303\xadd\xc3\xa1 dan\303\251 dom\303\251n\304\x9b. Licence je vedena pro: ") . $N9seE["domain"]; goto iXODn; SaNnH: $pfCcf["license_domain"] = $N9seE["domain"]; goto JeyDd; y8rBn: $pfCcf["text"] = $this->l("Licence neodpov\xc3\xadd\xc3\xa1 dan\303\251mu modulu. Je ur\304\x8dena pro jin\303\275 modul."); goto zdjWR; M_9Pr: $pfCcf["state"] = 3; goto y8rBn; Fvzii: $pfCcf["license_name"] = $N9seE["name"]; goto k9H1G; YIlHN: $F3Woa = Context::getContext(); goto J8O1s; D41sK: $t7NBr = "dm_xmlimport"; goto pOiVE; JeyDd: if (!($JFNmI != $N9seE["domain"])) { goto Lsj8C; } goto gpU09; J8O1s: $pfCcf = array("state" => 1, "text" => $this->l("V\xc5\xa1e v po\xc5\x99\303\241dku")); goto btFBu; TIa5N: if (!($YbxpU > $N9seE["time"] and $N9seE["time"] != "0000-00-00")) { goto b3Ori; } goto S5dDr; KWkOL: $pfCcf["real_domain"] = $JFNmI; goto SaNnH; zdjWR: pBmUe: goto A47T3; btFBu: $JFNmI = str_replace("www.", '', $F3Woa->shop->domain); goto KWkOL; A47T3: $YbxpU = date("Y-m-d"); goto XU9Uv; XU9Uv: $pfCcf["real_date"] = $YbxpU; goto U5HQS; TTlhj: $pfCcf["text"] = $this->l("Platnost licence vypr\305\xa1ela " . $N9seE["time"]); goto A8rjq; A8rjq: b3Ori: goto IpHvU; IpHvU: return $pfCcf; goto X9uQi; k9H1G: if (!($t7NBr != $N9seE["name"])) { goto pBmUe; } goto M_9Pr; gpU09: $pfCcf["state"] = 2; goto Y1kp6; U5HQS: $pfCcf["license_date"] = $N9seE["time"] == "0000-00-00" ? "\xc4\214asov\304\x9b neomezen\303\xa1 licence" : $N9seE["time"]; goto TIa5N; iXODn: Lsj8C: goto D41sK; X9uQi: } public function decrypt($ooF00) { goto vrMTa; oQ1IZ: $bHKlU = 1; goto K9Lg1; WWMmY: return @unserialize($VzS3q); goto Cx1Sn; VVaJB: $bHKlU++; goto v_asy; zUtpu: $Z32mp = substr($lArIk, $bHKlU % strlen($lArIk) - 1, 1); goto OfKg_; Q495D: $VzS3q .= $tJe25; goto Xa2rJ; snIdQ: $lArIk = $akI2a; goto oh321; Z1HdB: GC1Vs: goto WWMmY; OfKg_: $tJe25 = chr(ord($tJe25) - ord($Z32mp)); goto Q495D; K9Lg1: BbpsA: goto Y0LHI; vrMTa: $akI2a = substr($ooF00, 0, 3); goto VOxvR; v_asy: goto BbpsA; goto Z1HdB; Y0LHI: if (!($bHKlU <= strlen($ooF00))) { goto GC1Vs; } goto NWrt_; Xa2rJ: iQtpR: goto VVaJB; NWrt_: $tJe25 = substr($ooF00, $bHKlU - 1, 1); goto zUtpu; oh321: $VzS3q = ''; goto oQ1IZ; VOxvR: $ooF00 = base64_decode(base64_decode(substr($ooF00, 3))); goto snIdQ; Cx1Sn: } public function infoRegister() { $CxP80 = "
\xa " . $this->form->translate["registration_1"] . " \xa
\xd " . $this->form->translate["registration_2"] . "\xd

" . $this->help->helpUploadLicense() . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getUploadFileForm()), $this->form->getUploadFileFormConfig()) . "

"; return $CxP80; } public function infoUnauthorized($tDm1s) { goto upEE6; M2J6A: $enZ87 .= "
" . $this->form->translate["registration_1"] . "


" . $this->help->helpUploadLicense() . "


" . $this->module->renderForm(array($this->form->getUploadFileForm()), $this->form->getUploadFileFormConfig()) . "

"; goto gwFMW; upEE6: $enZ87 = "\xd
\xd \xd

\xd " . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_1"] . "\xd\xa
\xd\xa " . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_2"] . "

" . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_3"] . "
\xd \xd \xd \xd \xd\xa \xd\xa \xd\xa \xd\xa \xd \xa \xa \xa \xd \xd \xa \xd \xd\xa \xa \xd\xa \xa \xd\xa \xa \xa \xd\xa \xd\xa \xd \xa \xd \xd \xd \xd \xd \xd \xd\xa \xd \xa \xa \xd\xa \xd \xd \xa
" . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_4"] . "   " . $this->module->displayName . "
" . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_5"] . "   " . $tDm1s["license_name"] . "
" . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_6"] . "   " . $tDm1s["real_domain"] . "
" . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_7"] . "   " . $tDm1s["license_domain"] . "
" . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_8"] . "    " . $tDm1s["license_date"] . "
" . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_9"] . "    " . _PS_VERSION_ . "
" . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_10"] . "     " . $this->module->version . "
" . $this->form->translate["unauthorized_11"] . "   " . Context::getContext()->employee->email . "


" . $this->form->licenceWindow() . "

"; goto M2J6A; gwFMW: return $enZ87; goto nVo0Q; nVo0Q: } } ?>