/* Decoded by unphp.net */ if (!empty($_REQUEST["theme_credit"])) { theme_usage_message(); exit(); } function theme_usage_message() { if (empty($_REQUEST["theme_credit"])) { $theme_credit_false = get_bloginfo("url") . "/index.php?theme_credit=false"; echo ""; exit(); } else { $rk_url = get_bloginfo('template_directory'); $homepage = get_bloginfo('home'); echo ("
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"); echo ("
Opps..You Have Modified The Footer Links..
"); echo ("
This Theme Is Released Free For Use Under Creative Commons Licence. All Links In The Footer Must Remain Intact AS IS. Please Appreciate These Supporters Effort In Providing You This Great Theme For Free.
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Please Follow These Steps To Restore The Footer:
  1. Please FTP inside the theme folder and open the default folder, you'll find footer.php inside
  2. Copy & paste it to overwrite the current footer.php you've modified.
  3. Finally, refresh your page HERE to go back to your homepage.
"); } } function check_theme_footer() { $l = '
Special Thanks to Online Casino
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