/* Decoded by unphp.net */ ctJQ8 = new rhAfU(); } public function vgjH3($oiu2F, $xjEEc = "{}") { $this->XLsw1(Lgfm0::class); $this->dddbw($oiu2F, $xjEEc)->IYbpr(); } public function bJg6c($oiu2F, $xjEEc = "{}") { goto cFzM_; LtUQ0: $this->w54pb(2, $oiu2F, $xjEEc)->IYBpR(); goto ijMKM; cFzM_: $this->XLSw1(lgfm0::class); goto Bg71u; Bg71u: $this->Bh5Br(["retries" => 1]); goto LtUQ0; ijMKM: } public function uY0yB($oiu2F, $xjEEc = "{}") { goto g58Nf; g58Nf: $this->XLsW1(lgfm0::class); goto xotK1; xotK1: $this->Bh5Br(["retries" => 5]); goto C401U; C401U: $this->W54pb(6, $oiu2F, $xjEEc)->iyBpR(); goto yLZdN; yLZdN: } public function qU9LR($oiu2F, $xjEEc = "{}") { goto eVJUn; SCwpc: $this->ts4Tm("{"success": true}", (string) $gi_6m->wymLJ()); goto gobAF; xkDlJ: $gi_6m = $this->ddDBw($oiu2F, $xjEEc)->dddbW(200, "{"success": true}")->iYBpR(); goto SCwpc; eVJUn: $this->bH5Br(["retries" => 1]); goto xkDlJ; gobAF: } public function YfqnY($oiu2F, $xjEEc = "{}") { goto DS2V3; DS2V3: $this->bh5bR(["retries" => 5]); goto KEhdF; KEhdF: $gi_6m = $this->w54pb(2, $oiu2F, $xjEEc)->ddDBw(200, "{"success": true}")->IybpR(); goto Gpw88; Gpw88: $this->Ts4TM("{"success": true}", (string) $gi_6m->WYMlj()); goto SWCGk; SWCGk: } public function Rn1_h($oiu2F, $xjEEc = "{}") { goto nmzPC; nmzPC: $this->xLsw1(LGfm0::class); goto jnVEU; l5ivm: $this->bH5br(["retries" => 5]); goto GPmeE; jnVEU: $this->Gr14r([]); goto l5ivm; GPmeE: $this->dDdBw($oiu2F, $xjEEc)->iYbPR(); goto mwdI1; mwdI1: } public function LLDZL() { goto nDJPY; nDJPY: $this->GR14r(["403" => C2MZ4::KjB_p]); goto vk8hO; vk8hO: $this->Bh5bR(["retries" => 5]); goto TSeU1; jraNo: $this->TS4Tm("{"success": true}", (string) $gi_6m->WYMlJ()); goto Nx_7G; TSeU1: $gi_6m = $this->W54PB(2, 403)->DdDBw(200, "{"success": true}")->IybPr(); goto jraNo; Nx_7G: } public function cgMod($S46HT) { goto pqjIg; pqjIg: $this->xlSW1(lgFM0::class); goto tQu8l; GwQUN: $this->Bh5br(["retries" => 5]); goto jJpzm; jJpzm: $this->w54Pb($S46HT + 1, 403)->iYbpr(); goto swplo; tQu8l: $this->Gr14r(["403" => $S46HT]); goto GwQUN; swplo: } public function AJsDL($evHdM, $U9Fb9) { goto h4WSf; Wryuk: $this->opbpI($U9Fb9, [$this, "makeRequest"], $evHdM["initial_delay"] / 10); goto VinZv; pu41F: $this->W54pB($evHdM["retries"], 500)->dDdBw(200, "{"success": true}"); goto Wryuk; h4WSf: $this->Bh5BR($evHdM); goto pu41F; VinZv: } public function f777f($oiu2F, $g_gFL = '') { $this->xLsW1(lgfm0::class); $this->RafH9($g_gFL, $oiu2F)->iYBpr(); } public function Lc1xm($oiu2F, $g_gFL = '') { goto JZ99t; dbA2F: $this->bh5bR(["retries" => 1]); goto ysN2b; ysN2b: $this->qF0mC(2, $g_gFL, $oiu2F)->iYbPR(); goto Hd4d6; JZ99t: $this->XLsw1(LGfm0::class); goto dbA2F; Hd4d6: } public function n1kCs($oiu2F, $g_gFL = '') { goto yQ2q3; PpfBz: $this->Qf0Mc(6, $g_gFL, $oiu2F)->iYBPR(); goto Bmuoj; yQ2q3: $this->xlsW1(lgFM0::class); goto LzLIk; LzLIk: $this->bH5bR(["retries" => 5]); goto PpfBz; Bmuoj: } public function zA_Q5($oiu2F, $g_gFL = '') { goto OA08W; wh_6g: $this->tS4TM("{"success": true}", (string) $gi_6m->wYmLJ()); goto lyl8Y; zQBFJ: $gi_6m = $this->rAfh9($g_gFL, $oiu2F)->DDDBW(200, "{"success": true}")->iyBpR(); goto wh_6g; OA08W: $this->BH5br(["retries" => 1]); goto zQBFJ; lyl8Y: } public function GAuMZ($oiu2F, $g_gFL = '') { goto fCKph; vUY0O: $gi_6m = $this->Qf0Mc(2, $g_gFL, $oiu2F)->DddbW(200, "{"success": true}")->IybpR(); goto l0sWe; fCKph: $this->Bh5bR(["retries" => 5]); goto vUY0O; l0sWe: $this->Ts4tM("{"success": true}", (string) $gi_6m->WyMlJ()); goto M6hv8; M6hv8: } public function iHe6O($oiu2F, $g_gFL = '') { goto mIH9j; od5ra: $this->RafH9($g_gFL, $oiu2F)->iYBpR(); goto r3Bc9; hcRAN: $this->bH5bR(["retries" => 5]); goto od5ra; mIH9j: $this->XlsW1(lgfM0::class); goto Z8P3P; Z8P3P: $this->GR14R([]); goto hcRAN; r3Bc9: } public function V4KcY() { goto djsFv; jnOJG: $this->Bh5BR(["retries" => 5]); goto ZSFM8; jfQK2: $this->TS4tM("{"success": true}", (string) $gi_6m->WYMlj()); goto aUrle; djsFv: $this->gr14r([JjwSy => C2MZ4::KjB_p]); goto jnOJG; ZSFM8: $gi_6m = $this->QF0mc(2, '', JjwSy)->DddbW(200, "{"success": true}")->IYbPr(); goto jfQK2; aUrle: } public function nDL33($S46HT) { goto twA3l; p6uoa: $this->Bh5bR(["retries" => 5]); goto EcyXc; EcyXc: $this->qF0mC($S46HT + 1, '', JjwSy)->iyBpR(); goto Nx2RI; qeWx5: $this->gR14r([JjwSy => $S46HT]); goto p6uoa; twA3l: $this->xLsw1(LGfm0::class); goto qeWx5; Nx2RI: } public function znds4($evHdM, $U9Fb9) { goto AoJBq; wswZT: $this->OPbpi($U9Fb9, [$this, "makeRequest"], $evHdM["initial_delay"] / 10); goto rTU92; JMpWz: $this->qF0Mc($evHdM["retries"], '', sL4dY)->DddBW(200, "{"success": true}"); goto wswZT; AoJBq: $this->bH5Br($evHdM); goto JMpWz; rTU92: } public function K30Rt($evHdM, $oxyjF) { goto RMYBY; eeS4z: $this->bH5BR($evHdM); goto ooAcg; RMYBY: $this->xLSw1(Mrkxp::class); goto N0aRt; ooAcg: new C2MZ4($this->r2BoN, '', [$this, "testBadTaskConfig"]); goto LijwY; N0aRt: $this->WwheN($oxyjF); goto eeS4z; LijwY: } public function Kaqbi() { goto dqswy; dqswy: $this->XlSW1(MRkXP::class); goto L_1Po; OF82v: new c2MZ4($evHdM, '', 5); goto I_fpu; L_1Po: $evHdM = []; goto OF82v; I_fpu: } public function p30pa() { $this->xlSw1(LgFm0::class); $this->BPO5B(C2MZ4::KjB_p)->UxS92(); } public function A9eLu() { goto dpv1g; fA1FG: $this->Bh5BR(["retries" => 1]); goto Rz9zW; dpv1g: $this->xlsw1(Lgfm0::class); goto fA1FG; Rz9zW: $this->nN61p(2, C2Mz4::KjB_p)->uXs92(); goto Jwti7; Jwti7: } public function hIK3b() { goto U1DnA; U1DnA: $this->XlSW1(LgFM0::class); goto lrgxB; lrgxB: $this->bH5bR(["retries" => 5]); goto VmOGE; VmOGE: $this->nN61P(6, C2mz4::KjB_p)->uXS92(); goto a6blM; a6blM: } public function dEHvb() { goto m9AfF; m9AfF: $this->BH5Br(["retries" => 1]); goto CQM6S; VKL90: $this->tS4Tm("success", $gi_6m); goto YdhBQ; CQM6S: $gi_6m = $this->bPo5b(C2MZ4::KjB_p)->R3bZI("success")->uXS92(); goto VKL90; YdhBQ: } public function Cha9W() { goto Ufj3h; ky6Sg: $gi_6m = $this->nN61p(2, c2mZ4::KjB_p)->r3bzi("success")->Uxs92(); goto i9Trg; i9Trg: $this->tS4Tm("success", $gi_6m); goto rDpQv; Ufj3h: $this->BH5BR(["retries" => 5]); goto ky6Sg; rDpQv: } public function Xnsen($S46HT) { goto Ywdk1; i21Us: $this->NN61p($S46HT + 1, $S46HT)->uXs92(); goto onesr; HX2hj: $this->bH5br(["retries" => 5]); goto i21Us; Ywdk1: $this->xlSW1(lGFM0::class); goto HX2hj; onesr: } public function kdVq4($evHdM, $U9Fb9) { goto w5dgA; w5dgA: $this->Bh5Br($evHdM); goto dM6bT; dM6bT: $this->NN61p($evHdM["retries"], $evHdM["retries"] + 1)->r3BzI("success"); goto QU63o; QU63o: $this->OpBPi($U9Fb9, [$this, "runTask"], $evHdM["initial_delay"] / 10); goto P7l70; P7l70: } public function aC_YY() { goto b5e1m; KzK3w: $ywgMv = new C2mZ4($this->r2BoN, '', [$this, "runNextTask"]); goto oazdY; oazdY: $this->M0fTP($ywgMv->pQrrZ()); goto yhpPx; f3uCH: $this->u3H1w($ywgMv->uJ0X7()); goto W0Dxy; KbHej: $this->U3H1w($ywgMv->pqRRZ()); goto f3uCH; ULUYD: $this->m0FtP($ywgMv->PqRRZ()); goto K3eSj; h3Qzz: $this->m0FTp($ywgMv->uj0x7()); goto KbHej; K3eSj: $this->M0FtP($ywgMv->Uj0X7()); goto W63E9; W63E9: $this->M0FTp($ywgMv->pQRRz()); goto h3Qzz; kFPg1: $this->nN61p(2, C2mZ4::KjB_p); goto KzK3w; yhpPx: $this->M0FtP($ywgMv->uJ0X7()); goto ULUYD; b5e1m: $this->Bh5BR(["retries" => 2]); goto kFPg1; W0Dxy: } public function bziRX() { $evHdM = ["initial_delay" => 0.001, "max_delay" => 0.01]; return [[array_merge($evHdM, ["retries" => 1]), 0.001], [array_merge($evHdM, ["retries" => 2]), 0.0015], [array_merge($evHdM, ["retries" => 3]), 0.00225], [array_merge($evHdM, ["retries" => 4]), 0.00375], [array_merge($evHdM, ["retries" => 5]), 0.005625]]; } public function LjHH_() { return [[C2MZ4::GLDWD], [C2Mz4::QAj3T]]; } public function sxSxy() { return [[["initial_delay" => -1], "must not be negative"], [["max_delay" => 0], "must be greater than 0"], [["factor" => 0], "must be greater than 0"], [["jitter" => 0], "must be greater than 0"], [["retries" => -1], "must not be negative"]]; } public function shJHu() { return [[500], [503], [403, "{"error":{"errors":[{"reason":"rateLimitExceeded"}]}}"], [403, "{"error":{"errors":[{"reason":"userRateLimitExceeded"}]}}"]]; } public function qJs1S() { return [[6], [7], [28], [35], [52]]; } public static function OPbPI($FCoha, $v2qC6, $xFs7F = 0.0) { goto LGtT8; XNrfv: self::uzadu(microtime(true) - $AOCF1, self::HEBYC(self::NeSLM($FCoha), self::OBzb3($FCoha, $xFs7F))); goto KdsSf; juCnE: call_user_func($v2qC6); goto XNrfv; LGtT8: $AOCF1 = microtime(true); goto juCnE; KdsSf: } private function bh5bR(array $evHdM) { $evHdM += ["initial_delay" => 0.0001, "max_delay" => 0.001, "factor" => 2, "jitter" => 0.5, "retries" => 1]; $this->r2BoN = $evHdM; } private function GR14r(array $sF2g2) { $this->a1nuf = $sF2g2; } private function W54Pb($e83vN, $uvOwK = "200", $uBFZe = "{}", array $KHe0W = array()) { goto nsO1p; stPkx: return $this; goto YbG5b; nelTR: l_qNi: goto stPkx; sQ1gP: if (!($e83vN-- > 0)) { goto l_qNi; } goto QYN9w; MLDnW: goto o3eat; goto nelTR; nsO1p: o3eat: goto sQ1gP; QYN9w: $this->dDDBw($uvOwK, $uBFZe, $KHe0W); goto MLDnW; YbG5b: } private function DDDbw($uvOwK = "200", $uBFZe = "{}", array $KHe0W = array()) { $this->GQQzc[$this->UmN7J++] = ["code" => (string) $uvOwK, "headers" => $KHe0W, "body" => is_string($uBFZe) ? $uBFZe : json_encode($uBFZe)]; return $this; } private function qf0Mc($e83vN, $oxyjF, $uvOwK) { goto Aw0ad; yJihF: if (!($e83vN-- > 0)) { goto H4DfG; } goto wmaSS; Vaqeb: H4DfG: goto SC4wn; Aw0ad: M5QWi: goto yJihF; z8y_h: goto M5QWi; goto Vaqeb; SC4wn: return $this; goto MS5NY; wmaSS: $this->Rafh9($oxyjF, $uvOwK); goto z8y_h; MS5NY: } private function RaFH9($oxyjF, $uvOwK) { $this->GQQzc[$this->UmN7J++] = new lGfM0($oxyjF, $uvOwK, null, []); return $this; } private function IybPR() { goto R8uJ1; iU3__: $Pb7Ix = $this->lrNQb("GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface"); goto PICDm; PICDm: $Pb7Ix->send(YKOMa::type("Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface"), [])->RJzAB($this->UmN7J)->Nmhfs([$this, "getNextMockedCall"]); goto TAB0P; R8uJ1: $BPQv7 = new LqRT3("GET", "/test"); goto iU3__; TAB0P: return fhfEf::execute($Pb7Ix->zSRpO(), $BPQv7, '', $this->r2BoN, $this->a1nuf); goto tvxJR; tvxJR: } public function CBL_r($BPQv7) { goto xNKMi; AMWbS: return $n0RH0; goto a5Edr; fjMAn: iKhiD: goto OqEtt; xNKMi: $Dg8xb = $this->GQQzc[$this->B2TsQ++]; goto PGKuY; OqEtt: $XfG2Q = sUH6d\g4hmN::NUnN7($Dg8xb["body"]); goto iElcg; iElcg: $n0RH0 = new sBVYt($Dg8xb["code"], $Dg8xb["headers"], $XfG2Q); goto AMWbS; PGKuY: if (!$Dg8xb instanceof Exception) { goto iKhiD; } goto wT161; wT161: throw $Dg8xb; goto fjMAn; a5Edr: } private function r3Bzi($n8HbO) { $this->GQQzc[$this->UmN7J++] = $n8HbO; return $this; } private function bpO5B($GGqKy) { $this->GQQzc[$this->UmN7J++] = $GGqKy; return $this; } private function Nn61P($e83vN, $GGqKy) { goto RI409; LDfOv: goto iYDJo; goto Ju09I; RI409: iYDJo: goto z2vr8; rDzus: return $this; goto Mvy4b; Ju09I: ruNqc: goto rDzus; StsSp: $this->BpO5B($GGqKy); goto LDfOv; z2vr8: if (!($e83vN-- > 0)) { goto ruNqc; } goto StsSp; Mvy4b: } private function uxs92() { goto y50_a; ul6s_: Rx5Jz: goto dtDiE; yYsQ2: $QBKgN = []; goto nA2Sw; TSgO3: $ywgMv->gR14R($QBKgN); goto dR0vu; y50_a: $ywgMv = new c2MZ4($this->r2BoN, '', [$this, "runNextTask"]); goto jFsi6; OMmV2: wipxV: goto DI2Qh; Ivyjb: $ywgMv->GR14r($this->a1nuf); goto OMmV2; DI2Qh: $WLGxT = $this->LRnQB(Lgfm0::class); goto wjISH; dtDiE: if (!($xQ8aR < $this->UmN7J)) { goto ECb7Y; } goto I1FSF; AtThH: $QBKgN[$NMcY9++] = $this->GQQzc[$xQ8aR]; goto bgf0q; V3l87: $xQ8aR++; goto OZeOl; nA2Sw: $xQ8aR = 0; goto ul6s_; NmEkt: ECb7Y: goto TSgO3; wjISH: $NMcY9 = 0; goto yYsQ2; dR0vu: return $ywgMv->kktO7(); goto ZcLdB; OZeOl: goto Rx5Jz; goto NmEkt; bgf0q: $this->GQQzc[$xQ8aR] = $WLGxT->zsrPO(); goto rv2iw; jFsi6: if (!(null !== $this->a1nuf)) { goto wipxV; } goto Ivyjb; rv2iw: xkVDO: goto U_PLx; I1FSF: if (!is_int($this->GQQzc[$xQ8aR])) { goto xkVDO; } goto AtThH; U_PLx: oAUkm: goto V3l87; ZcLdB: } public function nZ86E() { goto FdtAp; FdtAp: $Dg8xb = $this->GQQzc[$this->B2TsQ++]; goto aI73e; OvBHY: kIg_u: goto npIfl; ma2wa: throw $Dg8xb; goto OvBHY; npIfl: return $Dg8xb; goto kXvG3; aI73e: if (!$Dg8xb instanceof Exception) { goto kIg_u; } goto ma2wa; kXvG3: } } ?>