/* Decoded by unphp.net */ mc_jl($s_fans["id"], 0, 3, -$cscore3, "2级取消关注", ''); goto S09HH; wwzZW: pzkWr: goto wuaH2; ZM1sj: pdo_update("tiger_newhu_share", array("follow" => $status, "hasdel" => 1), array("openid" => $mc["uid"], "weid" => $mc["uniacid"])); goto dq1uP; ReuDQ: pdo_update("tiger_newhu_share", array("follow" => $status1), array("openid" => $mc["uid"], "weid" => $mc["uniacid"])); goto AAi7U; X40zK: $msg = htmlspecialchars_decode($cfg["tiger_newhu_usr"]); goto pilQm; jajw5: $news = array("title" => $gztitle, "description" => $cfg["gzdescription"], "url" => $gzurl, "picurl" => $gzpicurl); goto DO_a2; NRNL7: $rtips = str_replace("#元#", $cscorehb3, $rtips); goto pUz3Z; U7DsX: if (!$cscorehb3) { goto Sa9Tx; } goto oHCdm; F_bZb: $mc["province"] = $userInfo["province"]; goto lsxfv; BVqFb: $zfs = $cfg["tiger_newhu_fansnum"] + $fanssum; goto N2qZ9; UPAmK: $msg = str_replace("#性别#", $fansusr["gender"], $msg); goto txEVs; tETPx: if (!(empty($mc["nickname"]) || empty($mc["avatar"]) || empty($mc["province"]))) { goto F2LtS; } goto qBrk6; or7j2: $rtips3 = str_replace("#昵称#", $mc["nickname"], $reply["rtips"]); goto PCN1W; o9XUF: $mc = mc_fetch($this->message["from"]); goto lmX4k; lWiSw: $this->mc_jl($p_fans["id"], 1, 3, -$pscorehb3, "3级取消关注", ''); goto ZOQlA; FyjVM: if (!$cscore3) { goto SKJ9h; } goto NeBUY; ijD0b: if (!$pscore3) { goto LdIgd; } goto PECS8; DxCEG: LdIgd: goto PTrOh; s7t8d: b9_8o: goto FubZl; z59wW: $json = ihttp_get($url); goto w1F_t; whNR7: $url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info?access_token={$ACCESS_TOKEN}&openid={$openid}&lang=zh_CN"; goto cPB4F; pilQm: $msg = str_replace("#昵称#", $mc["nickname"], $msg); goto Kn97U; Iq3xn: $mc["avatar"] = $userInfo["headimgurl"]; goto F_bZb; w1F_t: $userInfo = @json_decode($json["content"], true); goto CnzcB; Wa5fY: $url = $_W["siteroot"] . str_replace("./", "app/", $this->createMobileurl("kending", array("uid" => $mc["uid"]))); goto ufmg0; xQpEd: $s_fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->modulename . "_share") . " WHERE weid='{$_W["uniacid"]}' and id='{$m_fans["helpid"]}'"); goto FyjVM; lsxfv: $mc["city"] = $userInfo["city"]; goto SXCyy; WzOh5: if ($fansusr["gender"] == 1) { goto AMvy1; } goto BYnJy; DE_0v: $account->sendCustomNotice($custom); goto Iqz5E; txEVs: $msg = str_replace("#国家#", $mc["country"], $msg); goto rnCJ2; SXCyy: $mc["country"] = $userInfo["country"]; goto ubuHk; PCN1W: $rtips3 = str_replace("#积分#", $pscore3, $rtips3); goto QVw_X; WRcIX: $gzpicurl = $_W["siteroot"] . "/attachment/" . $cfg["gzpicurl"]; goto jajw5; rnCJ2: $msg = str_replace("#省#", $mc["province"], $msg); goto jRbAE; Sth86: FU43j: goto fu7Ry; lpS13: if (!$s_fans["helpid"]) { goto XTrSk; } goto USWb5; jRbAE: $msg = str_replace("#市#", $mc["city"], $msg); goto FyZp4; dq1uP: W98nX: goto ugIQa; fAcAV: load()->func("logging"); goto SzNaA; S09HH: SKJ9h: goto U7DsX; ZOQlA: k1fGc: goto or7j2; FyZp4: $msg = str_replace("#领取积分#", $url, $msg); goto WVUrD; CnzcB: $mc["nickname"] = $userInfo["nickname"]; goto Iq3xn; d1e6f: iVhpO: goto cp6MW; USWb5: $p_fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->modulename . "_share") . " WHERE weid='{$_W["uniacid"]}' and id='{$s_fans["helpid"]}'"); goto ijD0b; YjD1t: if (!($this->message["event"] == "subscribe")) { goto b9_8o; } goto tETPx; PECS8: $this->mc_jl($p_fans["id"], 0, 3, -$pscore3, "3级取消关注", ''); goto DxCEG; AAi7U: $fansusr = mc_fetch($this->message["from"]); goto WzOh5; BYnJy: if ($fansusr["gender"] == 2) { goto kx2l3; } goto m4qZd; Go6Mo: $pscore3 = $reply["pscore"]; goto MF0ap; Ya1DQ: $status1 = 1; goto ReuDQ; QVw_X: $rtips3 = str_replace("#元#", $pscorehb3, $rtips3); goto oIYBF; oHCdm: $this->mc_jl($s_fans["id"], 1, 3, -$cscorehb3, "2级取消关注", ''); goto tbpPs; wuaH2: $account_name = $_W["account"]["name"]; goto BVqFb; ToRsx: AMvy1: goto XKUka; fu7Ry: $cscore3 = $reply["cscore"]; goto Go6Mo; h8AfD: goto pzkWr; goto qaEm4; WnKoB: $mc = mc_fetch($this->message["from"]); goto oGrxA; Wcs5o: $msg = str_replace("#余额#", $mc["credit2"], $msg); goto tQjfm; MF0ap: $cscorehb3 = $reply["cscorehb"]; goto eBuGl; CCuX8: if (!($this->message["event"] == "unsubscribe")) { goto W98nX; } goto o9XUF; tbpPs: Sa9Tx: goto pGIZr; tQjfm: $msg = str_replace("#假粉丝数#", $zfs, $msg); goto UPAmK; oIYBF: $this->sendText($p_fans["from_user"], $rtips3); goto DRGL0; DO_a2: $this->sendNews($news, $this->message["from"]); goto iwu8q; XKUka: $fansusr["gender"] = "帅哥"; goto h8AfD; lmX4k: $reply = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename("tiger_newhu_poster") . " where weid=:weid order by id asc limit 1", array(":weid" => $mc["uniacid"])); goto eaNbK; SzNaA: $cfg = $this->module["config"]; goto WFNml; cPB4F: load()->func("communication"); goto z59wW; WFNml: load()->model("mc"); goto WnKoB; qBrk6: $openid = $this->message["from"]; goto Ke48I; WVUrD: $msg = str_replace("#公众号名称#", $account_name, $msg); goto Mvjsb; iwu8q: KGkhZ: goto s7t8d; x2yag: $m_fans = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename("tiger_newhu_share") . " where weid=:weid AND from_user=:from_user order by id asc limit 1", array(":weid" => $mc["uniacid"], ":from_user" => $this->message["from"])); goto K5tqQ; CGDtG: $gzurl = str_replace("#领取积分#", $url, $cfg["gzurl"]); goto WRcIX; eaNbK: if (!($reply["rscore"] == 0)) { goto FU43j; } goto deQGj; Kn97U: $msg = str_replace("#积分#", $mc["credit1"], $msg); goto Wcs5o; deQGj: return ''; goto Sth86; m4qZd: goto pzkWr; goto ToRsx; FubZl: if (!($this->message["msgtype"] == "event")) { goto MeRec; } goto CCuX8; qaEm4: kx2l3: goto qEBm3; bak4K: $custom = array("msgtype" => "text", "text" => array("content" => urlencode($msg)), "touser" => $this->message["from"]); goto DE_0v; qEBm3: $fansusr["gender"] = "美女"; goto wwzZW; pUz3Z: $this->sendText($s_fans["from_user"], $rtips); goto lpS13; ubuHk: F2LtS: goto Ya1DQ; PTrOh: if (!$pscorehb3) { goto k1fGc; } goto lWiSw; Mvjsb: $account = WeAccount::create(); goto bak4K; ugIQa: MeRec: goto dxnTO; CDwyA: global $_W, $_GPC; goto fAcAV; N2qZ9: $url = $_W["siteroot"] . str_replace("./", "app/", $this->createMobileurl("kending", array("uid" => $mc["uid"]))); goto X40zK; pGIZr: $rtips = str_replace("#昵称#", $mc["nickname"], $reply["rtips"]); goto clH2Q; cp6MW: $status = 0; goto ZM1sj; eBuGl: $pscorehb3 = $reply["pscorehb"]; goto x2yag; clH2Q: $rtips = str_replace("#积分#", $cscore3, $rtips); goto NRNL7; Ke48I: $ACCESS_TOKEN = $this->getAccessToken(); goto whNR7; oGrxA: $openid = $this->message["from"]; goto YjD1t; K5tqQ: if (!($m_fans["helpid"] && empty($m_fans["hasdel"]))) { goto iVhpO; } goto xQpEd; DRGL0: XTrSk: goto d1e6f; dxnTO: } function formot_content($content = '', $fansusr) { goto iDEQw; joldi: QyMT9: goto FInZZ; TCsVR: $fansusr = mc_fetch($this->message["from"]); goto IPsrs; o7roA: return $content; goto MLDN8; iDEQw: global $_W; goto QGSiZ; Vtijt: foreach ($replace as $re) { $content = str_replace($re["replace"], $fansusr[$re["name"]], $content); F9a5Y: } goto joldi; QGSiZ: if (!empty($content)) { goto cHm5G; } goto o7roA; IPsrs: $replace = array("a" => array("replace" => "#昵称#", "name" => "nickname"), "b" => array("replace" => "#积分#", "name" => "credit1"), "c" => array("replace" => "#余额#", "name" => "credit2"), "d" => array("replace" => "#国家#", "name" => "nationality"), "e" => array("replace" => "#省#", "name" => "resideprovince"), "f" => array("replace" => "#市#", "name" => "residecity")); goto Vtijt; qnUTL: load()->model("mc"); goto TCsVR; FInZZ: return $content; goto bGe69; MLDN8: cHm5G: goto qnUTL; bGe69: } private function Uid2Openid($uid) { return pdo_fetchcolumn("select openid from " . tablename("mc_mapping_fans") . " where uid='{$uid}'"); } public function sendText($openid, $text) { goto z9Txd; KS1u_: $ret = $this->sendRes($this->getAccessToken(), $post); goto yl5dl; yl5dl: return $ret; goto RECtg; z9Txd: $post = "{"touser":"" . $openid . "","msgtype":"text","text":{"content":"" . $text . ""}}"; goto KS1u_; RECtg: } public function sendNews($news, $openid) { goto vtUp7; JOQBZ: $ret = ihttp_request($url, $result); goto v_W1u; v_W1u: return $ret; goto bfihp; T6Vwp: $url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/custom/send?access_token={$access_token}"; goto JOQBZ; vtUp7: $result = "{"touser":"" . $openid . "","msgtype":"news","news":{"articles":[{"title":"" . $news["title"] . "","description":"" . $news["description"] . "","url":"" . $news["url"] . "","picurl":"" . $news["picurl"] . ""}]}}"; goto Qb978; Qb978: $access_token = $this->getAccessToken(); goto T6Vwp; bfihp: } private function sendRes($access_token, $data) { goto icXed; toRek: return $content["errcode"]; goto JmNb8; gxrrn: $ret = ihttp_request($url, $data); goto clCT4; clCT4: $content = @json_decode($ret["content"], true); goto toRek; xe63B: load()->func("communication"); goto gxrrn; icXed: $url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/custom/send?access_token={$access_token}"; goto xe63B; JmNb8: } private function getAccessToken() { goto ajhcY; ajhcY: global $_W; goto nraxG; QGbTm: $token = $account->getAccessToken(); goto a3REK; a3REK: return $token; goto PL5GW; n2Ptc: $acid = $_W["uniacid"]; goto BJ_j_; Cu_Kt: $acid = $_W["acid"]; goto zQ6s8; BJ_j_: rCrGM: goto r4BUc; nraxG: load()->model("account"); goto Cu_Kt; r4BUc: $account = WeAccount::create($acid); goto QGbTm; zQ6s8: if (!empty($acid)) { goto rCrGM; } goto n2Ptc; PL5GW: } public function mc_jl($uid, $type, $typelx, $num, $remark, $orderid) { goto ZXQRL; ecudt: return array("error" => 0, "data" => "余额更新失败"); goto uKOAU; H7cre: $credit2 = $share["credit2"] + $num; goto aYCN4; MASFc: if ($inst === false) { goto bLlPQ; } goto Xjc7G; Pnx2f: IeQuv: goto kdlTQ; PGXOI: bLlPQ: goto ecudt; lGMy1: $credit1 = $share["credit1"] + $num; goto Rx0jc; Filb_: sLZsw: goto ODee2; BGDu5: goto TGBK1; goto t6gIh; o8q1K: goto IeQuv; goto dLNOq; RVbZv: return array("error" => 0, "data" => "积分更新失败"); goto mKTDz; wSYqq: return array("error" => 1, "data" => "积分更新成功"); goto wg0s8; mKTDz: rc4ug: goto o8q1K; kuPNv: if ($type == 1) { goto NZ0gb; } goto l3Bvy; Rx0jc: if (!($credit1 < 0)) { goto HWNOk; } goto hUcLH; oTp2x: $res = pdo_update($this->modulename . "_share", array("credit1" => $credit1), array("id" => $uid)); goto bibqR; w7oQa: if ($inst === false) { goto TPHxv; } goto wSYqq; aYCN4: if (!($credit2 < 0)) { goto vZROb; } goto yhpB0; yhpB0: return array("error" => 0, "data" => "余额不足"); goto K8b7w; y2t8U: goto VDWHo; goto LDX1v; jI4dQ: HWNOk: goto oTp2x; bibqR: if ($res === false) { goto igw2B; } goto vsz8w; tPDxH: return array("error" => 0, "data" => "积分更新失败"); goto Pnx2f; wuej3: $share = pdo_fetch("SELECT credit1,credit2 FROM " . tablename($this->modulename . "_share") . " WHERE id='{$uid}' and weid='{$_W["uniacid"]}' "); goto kuPNv; n1Aqu: if ($res === false) { goto p4w3r; } goto Jppur; LDX1v: p4w3r: goto ckMHy; uKOAU: ghQMf: goto y2t8U; HXGTL: return; goto Filb_; ZXQRL: global $_W; goto n4ca9; t6gIh: xikam: goto lGMy1; Jppur: $inst = pdo_insert($this->modulename . "_jl", $data); goto MASFc; fHZr5: VDWHo: goto BGDu5; K8b7w: vZROb: goto nqctN; n4ca9: if (!empty($uid)) { goto sLZsw; } goto HXGTL; SnlfD: goto TGBK1; goto l1lZf; ODee2: $data = array("uid" => $uid, "weid" => $_W["uniacid"], "type" => $type, "typelx" => $typelx, "num" => $num, "remark" => $remark, "orderid" => $orderid, "createtime" => time()); goto wuej3; vsz8w: $inst = pdo_insert($this->modulename . "_jl", $data); goto w7oQa; nqctN: $res = pdo_update($this->modulename . "_share", array("credit2" => $credit2), array("id" => $uid)); goto n1Aqu; hUcLH: return array("error" => 0, "data" => "积分不足"); goto jI4dQ; wg0s8: goto rc4ug; goto RUvu3; RUvu3: TPHxv: goto RVbZv; Xjc7G: return array("error" => 1, "data" => "余额更新成功"); goto jnmsE; l1lZf: NZ0gb: goto H7cre; jnmsE: goto ghQMf; goto PGXOI; ckMHy: return array("error" => 0, "data" => "余额更新失败"); goto fHZr5; l3Bvy: if ($type == 0) { goto xikam; } goto SnlfD; kdlTQ: TGBK1: goto Ha541; dLNOq: igw2B: goto tPDxH; Ha541: } } ?>