/* Decoded by unphp.net */ get_sp_list(); $Al = !$Q4 || !$rt ? "disabled" : ''; $zc = $_GET["page"]; $rA = isset($_GET["action"]) ? $_GET["action"] : ''; $pU = $rA == "add_wsfed_app" ? "WSFED" : ($rA == "add_jwt_app" ? "JWT" : "SAML"); $wE = remove_query_arg(array("action", "id"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $KS = remove_query_arg(array("action", "id"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $hu = add_query_arg(array("page" => $tx->_menuSlug), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $vB = add_query_arg(array("page" => $Dz->_menuSlug), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $zs = add_query_arg(array("action" => "delete_sp_settings"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "&id="; $sf = add_query_arg(array("action" => "add_sp"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $Ql = add_query_arg(array("action" => "show_idp_settings"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "&id="; $c2 = "Copy and Paste the content from the downloaded certificate " . "or copy the content enclosed in 'X509Certificate' tag (has parent " . "tag 'KeyDescriptor use=signing') in SP-Metadata XML file"; $A6 = "Copy and Paste the content from the downloaded certificate or " . "copy the content enclosed in 'X509Certificate' tag (has parent tag " . "'KeyDescriptor use=encryption') in SP-Metadata XML file"; $h9 = TRUE; if (isset($rA) && $rA == "show_idp_settings") { goto ox; } if (isset($rA) && $rA == "delete_sp_settings") { goto mD; } if (isset($rA) && ($rA == "add_sp" || $rA == "add_wsfed_app") || $rA == "add_jwt_app") { goto XH; } if (empty($LT)) { goto kb; } $FY = MoIDPUtility::gssc(); $Qj = get_site_option("mo_idp_sp_count"); $UK = max((int) $Qj - (int) $FY, 0); $x6 = $dbIDPQueries->get_users(); $UV = get_site_option("mo_idp_customer_token"); $Bk = \AESEncryption::decrypt_data(get_site_option("mo_idp_usr_lmt"), $UV); $fD = MoIDPUtility::isBlank($Bk) ? null : $Bk - $x6; $il = get_site_option("mo_idp_show_sso_users") ? "checked" : ''; require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_LIST; goto aY; kb: $Oc = $pU == "SAML" ? "ADD NEW SAML SERVICE PROVIDER" : ($pU == "JWT" ? "ADD NEW JWT APP" : "ADD NEW WS-FED SERVICE PROVIDER"); $r5 = ''; $Lm = ''; if ($pU == "JWT") { goto lD; } if ($pU == "WSFED") { goto sz; } require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_SETTINGS; goto KS; sz: require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_WSFED_SETTINGS; KS: goto JD; lD: require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_JWT_SETTINGS; JD: aY: goto ap; XH: $Lm = ''; $FY = MoIDPUtility::gssc(); $Qj = json_decode(MoIDPUtility::ccl(), true); $Oc = $pU == "SAML" ? "ADD NEW SAML SERVICE PROVIDER" : ($pU == "JWT" ? "ADD NEW JWT APP" : "ADD NEW WS-FED SERVICE PROVIDER"); $r5 = ''; $CF = MoIDPConstants::HOSTNAME; $YP = $CF . "/moas/login"; $QQ = get_site_option("mo_idp_admin_email"); if (strcasecmp($Qj["status"], "SUCCESS") == 0 && $Qj["noOfSP"] > $FY) { goto x0; } require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_ERROR; goto Z1; x0: update_site_option("mo_idp_sp_count", $Qj["noOfSP"]); if ($pU == "JWT") { goto Rl; } if ($pU == "WSFED") { goto ve; } require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_SETTINGS; goto UM; ve: require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_WSFED_SETTINGS; UM: goto gJ; Rl: require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_JWT_SETTINGS; gJ: Z1: ap: goto b0; mD: $Lm = $dbIDPQueries->get_sp_data($_GET["id"]); require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_DELETE; b0: goto I_; ox: $Lm = $dbIDPQueries->get_sp_data($_GET["id"]); $Oc = "EDIT " . (!empty($Lm) ? $Lm->mo_idp_sp_name : "IDP") . " SETTINGS"; $h9 = FALSE; $Ig = $Lm->mo_idp_protocol_type == "JWT" ? "test_jwt" : "testConfig"; $r5 = site_url() . "/?option=" . $Ig . "&acs=" . $Lm->mo_idp_acs_url . "&issuer=" . $Lm->mo_idp_sp_issuer . "&defaultRelayState=" . $Lm->mo_idp_default_relayState; if ($Lm->mo_idp_protocol_type == "JWT") { goto zc; } if ($Lm->mo_idp_protocol_type == "WSFED") { goto IQ; } require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_SETTINGS; goto Ke; IQ: require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_WSFED_SETTINGS; Ke: goto um; zc: require_once MoIDPConstants::VIEWS_IDP_JWT_SETTINGS; um: I_: ?>