Your purchase code is not valid. If you have a valid purchase code then claim a valid purchage code here: | +8801737346122
\xa \x9 \xa\x9\x9\x9/* Decoded by */ define("APPNAME", "Modern-POS"); define("APPID", "26d9653505b49794718ac566f5f79a98"); $timezone = "America/New_York"; if (!function_exists("date_default_timezone_set")) { goto Muej9; } date_default_timezone_set($timezone); Muej9: define("ENVIRONMENT", "development"); switch (ENVIRONMENT) { case "development": error_reporting(-1); ini_set("display_errors", 1); goto nOkEw; case "production": ini_set("display_errors", 0); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3", ">=")) { goto tA7xg; } error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_USER_NOTICE); goto TlSD2; tA7xg: error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_USER_NOTICE & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED); TlSD2: goto nOkEw; } wFiTi: nOkEw: if (!(version_compare(phpversion(), "5.6.0", "<") == true)) { goto H1VE6; } exit("PHP5.6+ Required"); H1VE6: if (isset($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"])) { goto AURkM; } if (!isset($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])) { goto jom_5; } $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] = str_replace("\", "/", substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], 0, 0 - strlen($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]))); jom_5: AURkM: if (isset($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"])) { goto haqcQ; } if (!isset($_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"])) { goto l3wR5; } $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] = str_replace("\", "/", substr(str_replace("\\", "\", $_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"]), 0, 0 - strlen($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]))); l3wR5: haqcQ: if (isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) { goto c3qjY; } $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = substr($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], 1); if (!isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) { goto kDwlo; } $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] .= "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; kDwlo: c3qjY: if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) { goto MBTES; } $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] = getenv("HTTP_HOST"); MBTES: if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on" || $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "1")) { goto NHVlP; } if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO"]) && $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO"] == "https" || !empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL"]) && $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL"] == "on") { goto rCOuY; } $_SERVER["HTTPS"] = false; goto W0LkW; NHVlP: $_SERVER["HTTPS"] = true; goto W0LkW; rCOuY: $_SERVER["HTTPS"] = true; W0LkW: require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config.php"; define("PROTOCOL", isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on" ? "https" : "http"); $subdir = SUBDIRECTORY ? "/" . rtrim(SUBDIRECTORY, "/\") : ''; define("ROOT_URL", PROTOCOL . "://" . rtrim($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], "/\") . $subdir); function autoload($class) { $file = DIR_INCLUDE . "lib/" . str_replace("\", "/", strtolower($class)) . ".php"; if (file_exists($file)) { goto IRLYg; } return false; goto lM9z6; IRLYg: include $file; return true; lM9z6: } spl_autoload_register("autoload"); spl_autoload_extensions(".php"); require_once DIR_VENDOR . "php-hooks/src/voku/helper/Hooks.php"; $registry = new Registry(); if (PHP_SAPI === "cli" or defined("STDIN")) { goto Cun6Q; } $session = new Session($registry); $registry->set("session", $session); Cun6Q: $log = new Log("log.txt"); $registry->set("log", $log); $loader = new Loader($registry); $registry->set("loader", $loader); $registry->set("hooks", $Hooks); $dbhost = $sql_details["host"]; $dbname = $sql_details["db"]; $dbuser = $sql_details["user"]; $dbpass = $sql_details["pass"]; $dbport = $sql_details["port"]; require_once DIR_HELPER . "language.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "network.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "setting.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "common.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "countries.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "file.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "image.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "pos.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "pos_register.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "box.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "currency.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "expense.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "income.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "customer.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "invoice.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "quotation.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "purchase.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "pmethod.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "product.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "report.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "store.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "supplier.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "brand.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "user.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "usergroup.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "validator.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "category.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "expense_category.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "income_source.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "unit.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "taxrate.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "giftcard.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "banking.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "bankaccount.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "loan.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "installment.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "transfer.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "postemplate.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "sell_return.php"; require_once DIR_HELPER . "purchase_return.php"; if (is_cli()) { goto DyPZd; } if (!in_array(get_real_ip(), denied_ips())) { goto gihBR; } exit("You are not allowed to access!!!"); gihBR: if (!(!empty(allowed_only_ips()) && !in_array(get_real_ip(), allowed_only_ips()))) { goto sKKfP; } exit("You are not allowed to access!!!"); sKKfP: DyPZd: if (!(file_exists(ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".maintenance") && current_nav() != "maintenance")) { goto t0uw6; } header("Location: " . root_url() . "/maintenance.php", true, 302); t0uw6: try { $db = new Database("mysql:host={$dbhost};port={$dbport};dbname={$dbname};charset=utf8", $dbuser, $dbpass); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); function db() { global $db; return $db; } } catch (PDOException $e) { die("Connection error: " . $e->getMessage()); } $registry->set("db", $db); if (!$dbname) { goto CNbNR; } $statement = $db->prepare("SHOW TABLES"); $statement->execute(); if (!(!defined("INSTALLED") && $statement->rowCount() > 0)) { goto xeAuz; } die("You have activated the installation mode, But selected database ({$dbname}) is not empty!"); xeAuz: CNbNR: if (defined("INSTALLED")) { goto zIrdF; } header("Location: " . root_url() . "/install/index.php", true, 302); zIrdF: $request = new Request(); $registry->set("request", $request); $store = new Store($registry); $registry->set("store", $store); if (!(defined("INSTALLED") && !is_file(DIR_INCLUDE . "ecnesil.php") || !file_exists(DIR_INCLUDE . "ecnesil.php"))) { goto McVQ9; } $file = DIR_INCLUDE . "config/purchase.php"; @chmod($file, FILE_WRITE_MODE); $line2 = "return array('username'=>'','purchase_code'=>'');"; $data = array(2 => $line2); replace_lines($file, $data); repalce_stock_status("false"); @chmod($config_path, FILE_READ_MODE); McVQ9: if (defined("INSTALLED") && is_file(DIR_INCLUDE . "config/purchase.php") && file_exists(DIR_INCLUDE . "config/purchase.php")) { goto XjGdt; } define("ESNECIL", "error"); repalce_stock_status("false"); goto DK_sQ; XjGdt: define("ESNECIL", json_encode(require_once DIR_INCLUDE . "config/purchase.php")); DK_sQ: $timezone = get_preference("timezone") ? get_preference("timezone") : $timezone; if (!function_exists("date_default_timezone_set")) { goto rm5wB; } date_default_timezone_set($timezone); rm5wB: $user = new User($registry); $registry->set("user", $user); $user_preference = $user->getAllPreference(); if (!(isset($request->get["lang"]) && $request->get["lang"] && $request->get["lang"] != "null" && $request->get["lang"] != "undefined")) { goto S1ERk; } if (isset($request->get["ignore_lang_change"])) { goto ByILm; } unset($user_preference["language"]); $user_preference["language"] = $request->get["lang"]; $user->updatePreference($user_preference, user_id()); ByILm: S1ERk: if (!(!isset($user_preference["language"]) || !$user_preference["language"])) { goto T5UgT; } $user_preference["language"] = "en"; $user->updatePreference($user_preference, user_id()); T5UgT: $active_lang = $user->getPreference("language", "en"); $language = new Language($active_lang); $registry->set("language", $language); $language->load(); if (!isset($request->get["active_store_id"])) { goto DTpyM; } try { $store_id = $request->get["active_store_id"]; $belongsStores = $user->getBelongsStore(); $store_ids = array(); foreach ($belongsStores as $the_store) { $store_ids[] = $the_store["store_id"]; ROcm2: } bs0sK: if (!($user->getGroupId() != 1 && !in_array($store_id, $store_ids))) { goto AQJjM; } throw new Exception(trans("error_access_permission")); exit; AQJjM: $store->openTheStore($store_id); header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode(array("msg" => trans("text_redirecting_to_dashbaord"))); exit; } catch (Exception $e) { header("HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity"); header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); echo json_encode(array("errorMsg" => $e->getMessage())); exit; } DTpyM: include "functions.php"; $detect = new mobiledetect(); $deviceType = $detect->isMobile() ? $detect->isTablet() ? "tablet" : "phone" : "computer"; $document = new Document($registry); $document->setBodyClass(); $registry->set("document", $document); $currency = new Currency($registry); $registry->set("currency", $currency); function registry() { global $registry; return $registry; } require_once DIR_LIBRARY . "ssp.class.php"; if (!(defined("INSTALLED") && isset($request->get["esnecilchk"]) && rawurlencode($request->get["esnecilchk"]) == rawurlencode(urldecode(hash_generate())) && isset($request->get["action"]) && $request->get["action"] == "unblock")) { goto vX6T4; } repalce_stock_status("false", "unblock"); echo json_encode(array("status" => "Unblocked!", "message" => "App is Unblocked.", "info" => array("ip" => get_real_ip(), "mac" => getMAC(), "email" => store("email"), "phone" => store("mobile"), "country" => store("country"), "zip_code" => store("zip_code"), "address" => store("address"), "user1" => get_the_user(1), "user2" => get_the_user(2), "user3" => get_the_user(3)), "for" => "validation")); exit; vX6T4: if (!(defined("INSTALLED") && isset($request->get["esnecilchk"]) && rawurlencode($request->get["esnecilchk"]) == rawurlencode(urldecode(hash_generate())))) { goto emzMs; } if (!($socket = @fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30))) { goto nvG3W; } fclose($socket); $status = "ok"; if (!(!get_pcode() || !get_pusername() || get_pcode() == "error" || get_pusername() == "error")) { goto SQDLZ; } $status = "error"; SQDLZ: $info = array("username" => get_pusername(), "purchase_code" => get_pcode(), "domain" => ROOT_URL, "action" => "revalidate"); $apiCall = apiCall($info); if (!(!is_object($apiCall) || !property_exists($apiCall, "status"))) { goto jBBXZ; } $status = "error"; jBBXZ: $status = $apiCall->status; if (!($status == "error")) { goto u7g5O; } echo json_encode(array("status" => "Blocked!", "message" => "Invalid Purchase Code", "info" => array("ip" => get_real_ip(), "mac" => getMAC(), "email" => store("email"), "phone" => store("mobile"), "country" => store("country"), "zip_code" => store("zip_code"), "address" => store("address"), "user1" => get_the_user(1), "user2" => get_the_user(2), "user3" => get_the_user(3)), "for" => "validation")); $file = DIR_INCLUDE . "config/purchase.php"; @chmod($file, FILE_WRITE_MODE); $line2 = "return array('username'=>'','purchase_code'=>'');"; $data = array(2 => $line2); replace_lines($file, $data); @chmod($config_path, FILE_READ_MODE); repalce_stock_status("false", "blocked"); repalce_stock_status("false"); @chmod($config_path, FILE_READ_MODE); exit; u7g5O: echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok", "message" => "Valid Purchase Code", "info" => array("ip" => get_real_ip(), "mac" => getMAC(), "email" => store("email"), "phone" => store("mobile"), "country" => store("country"), "zip_code" => store("zip_code"), "address" => store("address"), "user1" => get_the_user(1), "user2" => get_the_user(2), "user3" => get_the_user(3)), "for" => "validation")); exit; nvG3W: emzMs: if (!(defined("INSTALLED") && defined("BLOCKED"))) { goto DtrFT; } die(" \xa\x9
\xa\x9Your purchase code is not valid. If you have a valid purchase code then claim a valid purchage code here: | +8801737346122
\xa \x9 \xa\x9\x9\x9