/* Decoded by unphp.net */ CxVG3 = $ssDhP; goto a_X2S; tx0xo: mN4s_: goto tWtt6; LvuDV: if (!(true === $e1k1w->hasReturnType() || $e50zE)) { goto CjRsh; } goto rdOlD; ti_xb: if ($jGIFG instanceof ReflectionUnionType) { goto mN4s_; } goto hIm7a; W_YYz: jI0ta: goto gZJBJ; uFOV3: goto jI0ta; goto qGRk7; q07Qk: rLNHj: goto xIGIJ; hIm7a: throw new V3enX(sprintf("Can not add prophecy for a method `%s::%s()` as its return type is not supported by Prophecy yet.", get_class($eBVJL), $ssDhP), $this); goto uFOV3; p2qmD: $e50zE = method_exists($e1k1w, "hasTentativeReturnType") && $e1k1w->hasTentativeReturnType(); goto LvuDV; yqmIF: throw new V3EnX(sprintf("Can not add prophecy for a method `%s::%s()`\xa" . "as it is a final method.", get_class($eBVJL), $ssDhP), $this); goto q07Qk; uuVbX: if (!("void" === $dSoft)) { goto MGNU9; } goto WoXP2; zZ8bv: $jGIFG = $e1k1w->getTentativeReturnType(); goto QEXqg; mj10m: $this->SuQ91(function ($OkMBU, EH97l $ouWcY, u4WSl $zi1iI) use($dSoft) { goto q9N79; LXJR3: na0Fu: goto dkPLC; Wj7GN: kze9_: goto LXJR3; q9N79: switch ($dSoft) { case "void": return; case "string": return ''; case "float": return 0.0; case "int": return 0; case "bool": return false; case "array": return array(); case "true": return true; case "false": return false; case "null": return null; case "callable": case "Closure": return function () { }; case "Traversable": case "Generator": return (function () { yield; })(); case "object": $uaKqk = new fnjsc(); return $uaKqk->E8yry()->JRtAL(); default: goto BqdEv; BqdEv: if (!(!class_exists($dSoft) && !interface_exists($dSoft))) { goto QQSmu; } goto SagDC; SagDC: throw new v3enx(sprintf("Cannot create a return value for the method as the type "%s" is not supported. Configure an explicit return value instead.", $dSoft), $zi1iI); goto Ur3LS; Ze_zt: $uaKqk = new FnJSc(); goto iYbmX; iYbmX: return $uaKqk->e8yrY($dSoft)->JRtAl(); goto vbjLx; Ur3LS: QQSmu: goto Ze_zt; vbjLx: } goto Wj7GN; dkPLC: }); goto b1D_d; jd7_9: $jGIFG = $e1k1w->getReturnType(); goto QtqA5; Lws1U: $this->jgURX = $jZM07; goto AFRsy; pVnHG: $dSoft = $jg6vn[0]; goto uuVbX; Mdkby: if (!$e1k1w->isFinal()) { goto rLNHj; } goto yqmIF; MjRvv: ndBd_: goto Lws1U; J90Mk: if ($jGIFG instanceof ReflectionNamedType) { goto P2RoD; } goto ti_xb; da6wS: if (method_exists($eBVJL, $ssDhP)) { goto ndBd_; } goto WGXpi; gZJBJ: $jg6vn = array_map(function (ReflectionNamedType $zOhm_) { return $zOhm_->getName(); }, $jg6vn); goto CxTkh; QEXqg: rqJZn: goto J90Mk; bVnDz: X3qAd: goto zZ8bv; SZTXT: $jg6vn = [$jGIFG]; goto xicRB; B521D: $eBVJL = $jZM07->JRtAl(); goto da6wS; QtqA5: goto rqJZn; goto bVnDz; eEPS8: MGNU9: goto mj10m; WoXP2: $this->nNiZi = true; goto eEPS8; tWtt6: $jg6vn = $jGIFG->getTypes(); goto W_YYz; rdOlD: if ($e50zE) { goto X3qAd; } goto jd7_9; WGXpi: throw new ByfiY(sprintf("Method `%s::%s()` is not defined.", get_class($eBVJL), $ssDhP), get_class($eBVJL), $ssDhP, $XybM5); goto MjRvv; a_X2S: $e1k1w = new \ReflectionMethod($eBVJL, $ssDhP); goto Mdkby; b1D_d: CjRsh: goto RMaa5; xIGIJ: $this->o2_vE($XybM5); goto p2qmD; qGRk7: P2RoD: goto SZTXT; CxTkh: usort($jg6vn, static function (string $fLygn, string $Y602f) { goto aVcDN; c724e: return 1; goto kmUl9; OjkRn: goto Kc2DG; goto nrHXV; aVcDN: if ($Y602f == "null") { goto jvyFh; } goto eb_YM; Q6A9q: CKyB6: goto UzhNh; h9Pob: return -1; goto j46el; eb_YM: if ($fLygn == "null") { goto CKyB6; } goto OjkRn; BH7r7: return 0; goto yVUHK; UzhNh: return 1; goto VN694; P0RwY: goto ZjNg_; goto jR0ro; emer7: if (!$MvyS2($fLygn) && $MvyS2($Y602f)) { goto DGs0J; } goto P0RwY; KKjbl: $MvyS2 = static function ($zOhm_) { return class_exists($zOhm_) || interface_exists($zOhm_); }; goto AYn45; j46el: goto ZjNg_; goto NRyOx; NRyOx: DGs0J: goto c724e; VN694: Kc2DG: goto KKjbl; nrHXV: jvyFh: goto lunNd; v6bzF: goto Kc2DG; goto Q6A9q; AYn45: if ($MvyS2($fLygn) && !$MvyS2($Y602f)) { goto gaHH1; } goto emer7; kmUl9: ZjNg_: goto BH7r7; jR0ro: gaHH1: goto h9Pob; lunNd: return -1; goto v6bzF; yVUHK: }); goto pVnHG; RMaa5: } public function o2_ve($XybM5) { goto RS_qu; Vt6q7: return $this; goto ziNPo; tpeHa: c1YlN: goto XT1I8; bpuJ2: $XybM5 = new ry4m7\OpqnG($XybM5); goto tpeHa; e1G3s: $this->U9FBU = $XybM5; goto Vt6q7; RS_qu: if (!is_array($XybM5)) { goto c1YlN; } goto bpuJ2; XT1I8: if ($XybM5 instanceof RY4M7\OpqNg) { goto AY3y_; } goto vuzgl; vuzgl: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Either an array or an instance of ArgumentsWildcard expected as\xa" . "a `MethodProphecy::withArguments()` argument, but got %s.", gettype($XybM5))); goto ASg40; ASg40: AY3y_: goto e1G3s; ziNPo: } public function SUQ91($jJpil) { goto LMb9c; cEBUE: if ($jJpil instanceof PpQUg\L8DLW) { goto tK2Pt; } goto VQAms; VQAms: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expected callable or instance of PromiseInterface, but got %s.", gettype($jJpil))); goto XiuTR; r81gI: ivYVK: goto cEBUE; Qr2vS: return $this; goto aQxKQ; XiuTR: tK2Pt: goto flyHM; cxryd: $this->QHSJv = $jJpil; goto Qr2vS; NRGNz: $jJpil = new ppqug\rnX00($jJpil); goto r81gI; LMb9c: if (!is_callable($jJpil)) { goto ivYVK; } goto NRGNz; flyHM: $this->e_Bez(); goto cxryd; aQxKQ: } public function XHlV4(...$DnuWP) { goto G4ZZj; ic7Z9: return $this->suQ91(new pPquG\C6kbT($DnuWP)); goto KvSHi; Px0Ev: yOTIf: goto ic7Z9; BV6oj: throw new V3ENX("The method "{$this->CxVG3}" has a void return type, and so cannot return anything", $this); goto Px0Ev; G4ZZj: if (!$this->nNiZi) { goto yOTIf; } goto BV6oj; KvSHi: } public function d_cYg($IKr2A, $DnuWP = null) { goto N2kfX; nAeXT: $IW58X = function () use($IKr2A, $DnuWP) { yield from $IKr2A; return $DnuWP; }; goto GDVVT; N2kfX: if (!$this->nNiZi) { goto LohWX; } goto DiHAx; v2WVP: if (is_array($IKr2A)) { goto WDp7M; } goto jIAaF; DiHAx: throw new V3EnX("The method "{$this->CxVG3}" has a void return type, and so cannot yield anything", $this); goto ezKJG; jIAaF: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expected array, but got %s.", gettype($IKr2A))); goto Jf_K8; Jf_K8: WDp7M: goto nAeXT; GDVVT: return $this->suQ91($IW58X); goto uLP6B; ezKJG: LohWX: goto v2WVP; uLP6B: } public function DeOq0($yja4z = 0) { goto JzkK5; JzkK5: if (!$this->nNiZi) { goto laiPu; } goto z2Dla; z2Dla: throw new v3ENX("The method "{$this->CxVG3}" has a void return type", $this); goto CLeBE; oNaVA: return $this->suq91(new Ppqug\n_ZX3($yja4z)); goto QxMaY; CLeBE: laiPu: goto oNaVA; QxMaY: } public function p4Ugf($A14Qx) { return $this->sUQ91(new pPQUg\JWBGU($A14Qx)); } public function NemdZ($zn2gn) { goto VVyAL; zrBIx: $zn2gn = new XOWsA\ZG4FI($zn2gn); goto ZzNdh; PxyO2: $this->kTKyR = $zn2gn; goto XIPny; CVBIE: $this->e_bEz(); goto PxyO2; XIPny: return $this; goto p9Gja; ZzNdh: AgT7N: goto FaGdX; FaGdX: if ($zn2gn instanceof XoWSa\hhZh5) { goto Tl01q; } goto h_Pwg; h_Pwg: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expected callable or instance of PredictionInterface, but got %s.", gettype($zn2gn))); goto zzzM8; VVyAL: if (!is_callable($zn2gn)) { goto AgT7N; } goto zrBIx; zzzM8: Tl01q: goto CVBIE; p9Gja: } public function jU6Pz() { return $this->NemdZ(new xowSa\yeJfv()); } public function PoRkw() { return $this->NEmDz(new xOwSa\vo1Qm()); } public function tTSBR($fRk1e) { return $this->NeMDz(new xowsa\pjxri($fRk1e)); } public function hVnDN() { return $this->tTSbR(1); } public function TR97U($zn2gn) { goto Tiznb; quwzP: return $this; goto kUor8; eEsBA: oGLu4: goto Nmhpp; PvjdS: tu1pX: goto Xzzr6; Pk8az: $zn2gn = new xoWsa\zG4fi($zn2gn); goto eEsBA; Nmhpp: if ($zn2gn instanceof XoWSa\hhZH5) { goto ZsRMv; } goto jfOKq; Tiznb: if (!is_callable($zn2gn)) { goto oGLu4; } goto Pk8az; LIvM1: try { $zn2gn->HjWcP($L9FDJ, $this->ufy3a(), $this); $this->bmC_b[] = $zn2gn; } catch (\Exception $K72D0) { $this->bmC_b[] = $zn2gn; throw $K72D0; } goto quwzP; r1m4p: ZsRMv: goto agR1k; Df0vD: $this->xHLv4(); goto PvjdS; agR1k: if (!(null === $this->QHSJv && !$this->nNiZi)) { goto tu1pX; } goto Df0vD; jfOKq: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expected callable or instance of PredictionInterface, but got %s.", gettype($zn2gn))); goto r1m4p; Xzzr6: $L9FDJ = $this->UfY3a()->Asern($this->BkYh2(), $this->Ph84g()); goto LIvM1; kUor8: } public function WzeKZ() { return $this->Tr97U(new xowsA\YeJFV()); } public function OjZz6() { return $this->tr97u(new XoWSa\VO1Qm()); } public function nq9Ce() { return $this->OJZz6(); } public function QhRzb($fRk1e) { return $this->tR97U(new xOWsA\PJXri($fRk1e)); } public function n2l4U() { return $this->QHrZB(1); } public function Lu_Jl() { goto SX7iM; h5R_3: WVSoh: goto vEleO; SX7iM: if (!(null === $this->kTKyR)) { goto WVSoh; } goto fxzRn; vEleO: $this->tR97u($this->kTKyR); goto dODs5; fxzRn: return; goto h5R_3; dODs5: } public function Mpinc() { return $this->QHSJv; } public function ggv07() { return $this->kTKyR; } public function zKMWw() { return $this->bmC_b; } public function Ufy3A() { return $this->jgURX; } public function Bkyh2() { return $this->CxVG3; } public function PH84G() { return $this->U9FBU; } public function rN9vu() { return $this->nNiZi; } private function E_BEZ() { goto F5kq1; ZpOrC: $this->Dpac7 = true; goto sIuFf; KRsqh: $this->ufY3a()->FM7BT($this); goto ZpOrC; WcQxf: azAXG: goto KRsqh; F5kq1: if (!$this->Dpac7) { goto azAXG; } goto jZPRJ; jZPRJ: return; goto WcQxf; sIuFf: } } ?>