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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://..
Decoded Output download
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 3.0.0
* @license MIT License
namespace Cake\Test\TestCase\ORM\Association;
use ArrayObject;
use Cake\Database\Exception\DatabaseException;
use Cake\Database\Expression\IdentifierExpression;
use Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression;
use Cake\Database\TypeMap;
use Cake\ORM\Association\HasOne;
use Cake\ORM\Entity;
use Cake\TestSuite\TestCase;
use Mockery;
* Tests HasOne class
class HasOneTest extends TestCase
* Fixtures to load
* @var array<string>
protected array $fixtures = ['core.Articles', 'core.Authors', 'core.NullableAuthors', 'core.Users', 'core.Profiles'];
* @var \Cake\ORM\Table|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
protected $user;
* @var \Cake\ORM\Table|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
protected $profile;
* @var bool
protected $listenerCalled = false;
* Set up
public function setUp(): void
$this->user = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Users');
$this->profile = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Profiles');
$this->listenerCalled = false;
* Tests that setForeignKey() returns the correct configured value
public function testSetForeignKey(): void
$assoc = new HasOne('Profiles', [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
$this->assertSame('user_id', $assoc->getForeignKey());
$this->assertEquals($assoc, $assoc->setForeignKey('another_key'));
$this->assertSame('another_key', $assoc->getForeignKey());
* Tests that the default foreign key condition generation can be disabled.
public function testDisableForeignKey(): void
$table = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Users');
$assoc = $table
$user = $table->find()->contain(['Profiles'])->orderByAsc('')->first();
$this->assertSame('mariano', $user->profile->first_name);
'Profiles.first_name' => 'larry',
$user = $table->find()->contain(['Profiles'])->orderByAsc('')->first();
$this->assertSame('larry', $user->profile->first_name);
* Tests that the association reports it can be joined
public function testCanBeJoined(): void
$assoc = new HasOne('Test');
* Tests that the correct join and fields are attached to a query depending on
* the association config
public function testAttachTo(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'property' => 'profile',
'joinType' => 'INNER',
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$query = $this->user->find();
$results = $query->orderBy('')->toArray();
$this->assertCount(1, $results, 'Only one record because of conditions & join type');
$this->assertSame('masters', $results[0]->Profiles['last_name']);
* Tests that it is possible to avoid fields inclusion for the associated table
public function testAttachToNoFields(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$query = $this->user->find();
$association->attachTo($query, ['includeFields' => false]);
* Tests that using hasOne with a table having a multi column primary
* key will work if the foreign key is passed
public function testAttachToMultiPrimaryKey(): void
$selectTypeMap = new TypeMap([
'' => 'integer',
'id' => 'integer',
'Profiles.first_name' => 'string',
'first_name' => 'string',
'Profiles.user_id' => 'integer',
'user_id' => 'integer',
'Profiles__first_name' => 'string',
'Profiles__user_id' => 'integer',
'Profiles__id' => 'integer',
'Profiles__last_name' => 'string',
'Profiles.last_name' => 'string',
'last_name' => 'string',
'Profiles__is_active' => 'boolean',
'Profiles.is_active' => 'boolean',
'is_active' => 'boolean',
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
'foreignKey' => ['user_id', 'user_site_id'],
$this->user->setPrimaryKey(['id', 'site_id']);
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$query = $this->getMockBuilder('Cake\ORM\Query')
$field1 = new IdentifierExpression('Profiles.user_id');
$field2 = new IdentifierExpression('Profiles.user_site_id');
'Profiles' => [
'conditions' => new QueryExpression([
'Profiles.is_active' => true,
['' => $field1, 'Users.site_id' => $field2],
], $selectTypeMap),
'type' => 'LEFT',
'table' => 'profiles',
* Tests that using hasOne with a table having a multi column primary
* key will work if the foreign key is passed
public function testAttachToMultiPrimaryKeyMismatch(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot match provided foreignKey for `Profiles`, got `(user_id)` but expected foreign key for `(id, site_id)`');
$query = $this->getMockBuilder('Cake\ORM\Query')
->onlyMethods(['join', 'select'])
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
$this->user->setPrimaryKey(['id', 'site_id']);
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$association->attachTo($query, ['includeFields' => false]);
* Test that saveAssociated() ignores non entity values.
public function testSaveAssociatedOnlyEntities(): void
$mock = Mockery::mock('Cake\ORM\Table')
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $mock,
$entity = new Entity([
'username' => 'Mark',
'email' => '',
'profile' => ['twitter' => '@cakephp'],
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$result = $association->saveAssociated($entity);
$this->assertSame($result, $entity);
* Tests that property is being set using the constructor options.
public function testPropertyOption(): void
$config = ['propertyName' => 'thing_placeholder'];
$association = new HasOne('Thing', $config);
$this->assertSame('thing_placeholder', $association->getProperty());
* Test that plugin names are omitted from property()
public function testPropertyNoPlugin(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
$association = new HasOne('Contacts.Profiles', $config);
$this->assertSame('profile', $association->getProperty());
* Tests that attaching an association to a query will trigger beforeFind
* for the target table
public function testAttachToBeforeFind(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
$query = $this->user->find();
$this->listenerCalled = false;
$this->profile->getEventManager()->on('Model.beforeFind', function ($event, $query, $options, bool $primary): void {
$this->listenerCalled = true;
$this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\Event\Event', $event);
$this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\ORM\Query', $query);
$this->assertInstanceOf('ArrayObject', $options);
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$this->assertTrue($this->listenerCalled, 'beforeFind event not fired.');
* Tests that attaching an association to a query will trigger beforeFind
* for the target table
public function testAttachToBeforeFindExtraOptions(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
$this->listenerCalled = false;
$opts = new ArrayObject(['something' => 'more']);
function ($event, $query, $options, bool $primary) use ($opts): void {
$this->listenerCalled = true;
$this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\Event\Event', $event);
$this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\ORM\Query', $query);
$this->assertEquals($options, $opts);
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$query = $this->user->find();
$association->attachTo($query, ['queryBuilder' => function ($q) {
return $q->applyOptions(['something' => 'more']);
$this->assertTrue($this->listenerCalled, 'Event not fired');
* Test cascading deletes.
public function testCascadeDelete(): void
$config = [
'dependent' => true,
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
'cascadeCallbacks' => false,
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$this->profile->getEventManager()->on('Model.beforeDelete', function (): void {
$this->fail('Callbacks should not be triggered when callbacks do not cascade.');
$entity = new Entity(['id' => 1]);
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 1]);
$this->assertSame(1, $query->count(), 'Left non-matching row behind');
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 3]);
$this->assertSame(1, $query->count(), 'other records left behind');
$user = new Entity(['id' => 3]);
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 3]);
$this->assertSame(0, $query->count(), 'Matching record was deleted.');
* Tests cascading deletes on entities with null binding and foreign key.
public function testCascadeDeleteNullBindingNullForeign(): void
$Articles = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Articles');
$Authors = $this->getTableLocator()->get('NullableAuthors');
$config = [
'dependent' => true,
'sourceTable' => $Authors,
'targetTable' => $Articles,
'bindingKey' => 'author_id',
'foreignKey' => 'author_id',
'cascadeCallbacks' => false,
$association = $Authors->hasOne('Articles', $config);
// create article with null foreign key
$entity = new Entity(['author_id' => null, 'title' => 'this has no author', 'body' => 'I am abandoned', 'published' => 'N']);
// get author with null binding key
$entity = $Authors->get(2, ...['contain' => 'Articles']);
$query = $Articles->find();
$this->assertSame(4, $query->count(), 'No articles should be deleted');
* Test cascading delete with has one.
public function testCascadeDeleteCallbacks(): void
$config = [
'dependent' => true,
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
'cascadeCallbacks' => true,
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$user = new Entity(['id' => 1]);
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 1]);
$this->assertSame(1, $query->count(), 'Left non-matching row behind');
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 3]);
$this->assertSame(1, $query->count(), 'other records left behind');
$user = new Entity(['id' => 3]);
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 3]);
$this->assertSame(0, $query->count(), 'Matching record was deleted.');
* Test cascading delete with a rule preventing deletion
public function testCascadeDeleteCallbacksRuleFailure(): void
$config = [
'dependent' => true,
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'cascadeCallbacks' => true,
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$profiles = $association->getTarget();
$profiles->getEventManager()->on('Model.buildRules', function ($event, $rules): void {
$rules->addDelete(function () {
return false;
$user = new Entity(['id' => 1]);
$matching = $profiles->find()
->where(['Profiles.user_id' => $user->id])
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($matching));
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 3.0.0
* @license MIT License
namespace Cake\Test\TestCase\ORM\Association;
use ArrayObject;
use Cake\Database\Exception\DatabaseException;
use Cake\Database\Expression\IdentifierExpression;
use Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression;
use Cake\Database\TypeMap;
use Cake\ORM\Association\HasOne;
use Cake\ORM\Entity;
use Cake\TestSuite\TestCase;
use Mockery;
* Tests HasOne class
class HasOneTest extends TestCase
* Fixtures to load
* @var array<string>
protected array $fixtures = ['core.Articles', 'core.Authors', 'core.NullableAuthors', 'core.Users', 'core.Profiles'];
* @var \Cake\ORM\Table|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
protected $user;
* @var \Cake\ORM\Table|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
protected $profile;
* @var bool
protected $listenerCalled = false;
* Set up
public function setUp(): void
$this->user = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Users');
$this->profile = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Profiles');
$this->listenerCalled = false;
* Tests that setForeignKey() returns the correct configured value
public function testSetForeignKey(): void
$assoc = new HasOne('Profiles', [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
$this->assertSame('user_id', $assoc->getForeignKey());
$this->assertEquals($assoc, $assoc->setForeignKey('another_key'));
$this->assertSame('another_key', $assoc->getForeignKey());
* Tests that the default foreign key condition generation can be disabled.
public function testDisableForeignKey(): void
$table = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Users');
$assoc = $table
$user = $table->find()->contain(['Profiles'])->orderByAsc('')->first();
$this->assertSame('mariano', $user->profile->first_name);
'Profiles.first_name' => 'larry',
$user = $table->find()->contain(['Profiles'])->orderByAsc('')->first();
$this->assertSame('larry', $user->profile->first_name);
* Tests that the association reports it can be joined
public function testCanBeJoined(): void
$assoc = new HasOne('Test');
* Tests that the correct join and fields are attached to a query depending on
* the association config
public function testAttachTo(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'property' => 'profile',
'joinType' => 'INNER',
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$query = $this->user->find();
$results = $query->orderBy('')->toArray();
$this->assertCount(1, $results, 'Only one record because of conditions & join type');
$this->assertSame('masters', $results[0]->Profiles['last_name']);
* Tests that it is possible to avoid fields inclusion for the associated table
public function testAttachToNoFields(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$query = $this->user->find();
$association->attachTo($query, ['includeFields' => false]);
* Tests that using hasOne with a table having a multi column primary
* key will work if the foreign key is passed
public function testAttachToMultiPrimaryKey(): void
$selectTypeMap = new TypeMap([
'' => 'integer',
'id' => 'integer',
'Profiles.first_name' => 'string',
'first_name' => 'string',
'Profiles.user_id' => 'integer',
'user_id' => 'integer',
'Profiles__first_name' => 'string',
'Profiles__user_id' => 'integer',
'Profiles__id' => 'integer',
'Profiles__last_name' => 'string',
'Profiles.last_name' => 'string',
'last_name' => 'string',
'Profiles__is_active' => 'boolean',
'Profiles.is_active' => 'boolean',
'is_active' => 'boolean',
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
'foreignKey' => ['user_id', 'user_site_id'],
$this->user->setPrimaryKey(['id', 'site_id']);
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$query = $this->getMockBuilder('Cake\ORM\Query')
$field1 = new IdentifierExpression('Profiles.user_id');
$field2 = new IdentifierExpression('Profiles.user_site_id');
'Profiles' => [
'conditions' => new QueryExpression([
'Profiles.is_active' => true,
['' => $field1, 'Users.site_id' => $field2],
], $selectTypeMap),
'type' => 'LEFT',
'table' => 'profiles',
* Tests that using hasOne with a table having a multi column primary
* key will work if the foreign key is passed
public function testAttachToMultiPrimaryKeyMismatch(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot match provided foreignKey for `Profiles`, got `(user_id)` but expected foreign key for `(id, site_id)`');
$query = $this->getMockBuilder('Cake\ORM\Query')
->onlyMethods(['join', 'select'])
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
$this->user->setPrimaryKey(['id', 'site_id']);
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$association->attachTo($query, ['includeFields' => false]);
* Test that saveAssociated() ignores non entity values.
public function testSaveAssociatedOnlyEntities(): void
$mock = Mockery::mock('Cake\ORM\Table')
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $mock,
$entity = new Entity([
'username' => 'Mark',
'email' => '',
'profile' => ['twitter' => '@cakephp'],
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$result = $association->saveAssociated($entity);
$this->assertSame($result, $entity);
* Tests that property is being set using the constructor options.
public function testPropertyOption(): void
$config = ['propertyName' => 'thing_placeholder'];
$association = new HasOne('Thing', $config);
$this->assertSame('thing_placeholder', $association->getProperty());
* Test that plugin names are omitted from property()
public function testPropertyNoPlugin(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
$association = new HasOne('Contacts.Profiles', $config);
$this->assertSame('profile', $association->getProperty());
* Tests that attaching an association to a query will trigger beforeFind
* for the target table
public function testAttachToBeforeFind(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
$query = $this->user->find();
$this->listenerCalled = false;
$this->profile->getEventManager()->on('Model.beforeFind', function ($event, $query, $options, bool $primary): void {
$this->listenerCalled = true;
$this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\Event\Event', $event);
$this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\ORM\Query', $query);
$this->assertInstanceOf('ArrayObject', $options);
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$this->assertTrue($this->listenerCalled, 'beforeFind event not fired.');
* Tests that attaching an association to a query will trigger beforeFind
* for the target table
public function testAttachToBeforeFindExtraOptions(): void
$config = [
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
$this->listenerCalled = false;
$opts = new ArrayObject(['something' => 'more']);
function ($event, $query, $options, bool $primary) use ($opts): void {
$this->listenerCalled = true;
$this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\Event\Event', $event);
$this->assertInstanceOf('Cake\ORM\Query', $query);
$this->assertEquals($options, $opts);
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$query = $this->user->find();
$association->attachTo($query, ['queryBuilder' => function ($q) {
return $q->applyOptions(['something' => 'more']);
$this->assertTrue($this->listenerCalled, 'Event not fired');
* Test cascading deletes.
public function testCascadeDelete(): void
$config = [
'dependent' => true,
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
'cascadeCallbacks' => false,
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$this->profile->getEventManager()->on('Model.beforeDelete', function (): void {
$this->fail('Callbacks should not be triggered when callbacks do not cascade.');
$entity = new Entity(['id' => 1]);
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 1]);
$this->assertSame(1, $query->count(), 'Left non-matching row behind');
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 3]);
$this->assertSame(1, $query->count(), 'other records left behind');
$user = new Entity(['id' => 3]);
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 3]);
$this->assertSame(0, $query->count(), 'Matching record was deleted.');
* Tests cascading deletes on entities with null binding and foreign key.
public function testCascadeDeleteNullBindingNullForeign(): void
$Articles = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Articles');
$Authors = $this->getTableLocator()->get('NullableAuthors');
$config = [
'dependent' => true,
'sourceTable' => $Authors,
'targetTable' => $Articles,
'bindingKey' => 'author_id',
'foreignKey' => 'author_id',
'cascadeCallbacks' => false,
$association = $Authors->hasOne('Articles', $config);
// create article with null foreign key
$entity = new Entity(['author_id' => null, 'title' => 'this has no author', 'body' => 'I am abandoned', 'published' => 'N']);
// get author with null binding key
$entity = $Authors->get(2, ...['contain' => 'Articles']);
$query = $Articles->find();
$this->assertSame(4, $query->count(), 'No articles should be deleted');
* Test cascading delete with has one.
public function testCascadeDeleteCallbacks(): void
$config = [
'dependent' => true,
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'conditions' => ['Profiles.is_active' => true],
'cascadeCallbacks' => true,
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$user = new Entity(['id' => 1]);
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 1]);
$this->assertSame(1, $query->count(), 'Left non-matching row behind');
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 3]);
$this->assertSame(1, $query->count(), 'other records left behind');
$user = new Entity(['id' => 3]);
$query = $this->profile->find()->where(['user_id' => 3]);
$this->assertSame(0, $query->count(), 'Matching record was deleted.');
* Test cascading delete with a rule preventing deletion
public function testCascadeDeleteCallbacksRuleFailure(): void
$config = [
'dependent' => true,
'sourceTable' => $this->user,
'targetTable' => $this->profile,
'cascadeCallbacks' => true,
$association = new HasOne('Profiles', $config);
$profiles = $association->getTarget();
$profiles->getEventManager()->on('Model.buildRules', function ($event, $rules): void {
$rules->addDelete(function () {
return false;
$user = new Entity(['id' => 1]);
$matching = $profiles->find()
->where(['Profiles.user_id' => $user->id])
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($matching));
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | b781235dd1668ebe790366be8757d315 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 109 ms |