/* Decoded by unphp.net */ isStationLicensesLimited() == true)) { return true; } $Jxlqy = 0; if (!isset($Itvt4["station"]) || !is_object($Itvt4["station"])) { $Bh0wt = null; } else { $Bh0wt = $Itvt4["station"]; $Jxlqy = $Itvt4["station"]->getID(); } $W3DPd = "select type_id, count(*) as quantity from station as a, company as b where a.company_id = b.id AND a.status_id = 20 AND b.status_id = 10 AND a.id != '" . TTUUID::castUUID($Jxlqy) . "' AND a.deleted = 0 and b.deleted = 0 GROUP BY type_id"; $VgWKN = $db->Execute($W3DPd)->GetAssoc(); $q2Wz3 = $this->checkStationLicenses($VgWKN, $Bh0wt); if ($q2Wz3 === false) { return "station"; } if (!($q2Wz3 !== true)) { return true; } return "station_" . $q2Wz3; ?>