/* Decoded by unphp.net */
?> 0 ) {
$totalsmse_query=mysql_query("select * from user where id='1' ")or die(mysql_error());
$totalsmse_querynum_row = mysql_num_rows($totalsmse_query);
if( $totalsmse_querynum_row > 0 ) {
//$message = "TESTING NEW SYSTEM";
$json = '{"messages":[';
$count = 0;
$ttamount = 0;
$mybalance = 0;
//$receipients = array('2547186673910', '2547164133860');
$numbers = null;
$totalcost = null;
$receiverids = array();
$user_query=mysql_query("select * from attendance where timediffrence ='0' ")or die(mysql_error());
$num_row = mysql_num_rows($user_query);
if( $num_row > 0 ) {
$dateinout = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($originalDate));
$people_query=mysql_query("select * from people where idno='$idno' and phone !='' ")or die(mysql_error());
$peoplenum_row = mysql_num_rows($people_query);
if( $peoplenum_row > 0 ) {
//$comment=$firstname." ".$message." on ".$dateinout." at ".$timeinout;
$comment=$firstname." ".$message." on ".$dateinout." at ".$timeinout.". ".$signature;
$countmessage =strlen($comment);
// $ttamount=0;
}else if($countmessage<=304){
}else if($countmessage<=464){
else if($countmessage<=624){
else if($countmessage<=784){
// $totalcost .= $ttamount;
if ($contacts !== '') {
if ($numbers != null) {
$numbers .= ',';
$numbers .= $contacts;
foreach ($receipients as $key => $mobile_no) {
if ($mobile_no !== '') {
if ($numbers != null) {
$numbers .= ',';
$numbers .= $mobile_no;
//echo replace_vars($message, $mobile_no);
//$user = 'ROBISEARCH';
//$password = 'Robisearch@2019';
//$senderID = 'ROBISEARCH';
//$sms_body = replace_vars($message, $mobile_no);
$sms_body = $comment;
//$sms_body = $comment . ' ' . $key;
if ($count > 0) {
$json .= ',';
$json .= json_encode(array('from' => $senderID, 'to' => $contacts, 'text' => $sms_body));
echo "No member available.Try again";
return false;
if($ttamount > $totalsms){
echo "You have less credit (".$totalsms .") instead of (".$ttamount .") KShs . You need to recharge a minimum of ".$diffent ."for you to send all the messeges";
echo "
$json .= ']}';
//$user = 'ROBISEARCH';
//$password = 'Robisearch@2019';
//$senderID = 'ROBISEARCH';
$auth = $user . ':' . $password;
$auth_base = base64_encode($auth);
$headers = array();
$headers[] = "content-type: application/json";
$headers[] = "authorization: Basic $auth_base";
$headers[] = "accept: application/json";
$message = 'Test long messages 10';
//$text = replace_vars($message, $mobile_no);
//$json1 = '{"from":"'.$senderID.'","to":254717613017","text":"'.$text.'"This is a sample sms"}';
//$to = (array('254728325346','254717613017'));
//$json = json_encode(array('from'=>$senderID,'to'=>$to,'text'=>$text));
$ch = curl_init();
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://api.infobip.com/sms/1/text/single");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://api.infobip.com/sms/1/text/multi");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$err = curl_error($ch);
//$finalcode = curl_exec($ch);
$result = json_decode($output);
echo "Error occurred during Sending Message! Please check on your internet connection or balance or Login details.Try again";
return false;
$messages = $result->messages;
//$smsCount = $result->smsCount;
//$messageId = $result->messageId;
$db_data = '';
foreach ($messages as $key => $value) {
$to = ($value->to);
$status = ($value->status);
$groupID = $status->groupId;
$groupName = $status->groupName;
$name = $status->name;
$description = $status->description;
$smsCount = $value->smsCount;
$messageId = $value->messageId;
$messagesObject = json_decode($json)->messages; //Here you're able to get a custom message for each recepient. If you customized a message for each recepient that is :)-
if ((int) $groupID === 1) {
//Messages were went successfully::Do whatever you like with sent messages
//Have a look at $myJson variable below, it has the data you would like to use
} else {
//This are messages that failed::Do whatever you like, eg resend
//Have a look at $myJson variable below, it has the data you would like to use
//Data to store in db::In my case I'm sending this to my custom sms api thus its formatted as json object
$myJson = json_encode(array(
'TOKEN' => 'This would be a token from my sms api',
'PHONE_NUMBER' => $to,
'STATUS' => $groupName,
'MESSAGE_ID' => $messageId,
'MESSAGE' => $messagesObject[$key]->text,
'COUNT' => $smsCount,
'DESCRIPTION' => $description
if($key > 0) {
$db_data .= ',';
$db_data .= "('$to','".mysql_real_escape_string($messagesObject[$key]->text)."','$smsCount','$groupName','$mybulkId','$description','$date','$companyid','$userid','Single')";
$bulkId = $result->bulkId;
$db_data .= "('$to','".mysql_real_escape_string($messagesObject[$key]->text)."','$smsCount','$groupName','$mybulkId','$description','$date','$companyid','$userid','Mass')";
//$db_data .= "('$to','".$messagesObject[$key]->text."','$smsCount','$groupName','$mybulkId','$description','$date','$companyid','$userid')";
//echo '
// echo$bulkId= $value[0]["bulkId"];
$QUERY= ("INSERT INTO sms (contact,message,cost,status,bulkId,response,postedtime,companyid,userid,qty) VALUE $db_data");
$result1= mysql_query($QUERY);
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET totalsms='$mybalance' WHERE id='$userid' ");
mysql_query('UPDATE `attendance` SET `timediffrence`= "1" WHERE `id` IN ('.join(',', $receiverids).')');
echo mysql_error();
/* Function to format messages */
function replace_vars($string, $phone) {
$members = file_get_contents('dataTableClients.json');
$membersObject = (json_decode($members)->aaData);
foreach ($membersObject as $data) {
$first_name = ($data->first_name);
$middle_name = ($data->middle_name);
$last_name = ($data->last_name);
$phone_number = ($data->phone_number);
$date_of_birth = ($data->date_of_birth);
$passport_number = ($data->passport_number);
$date_of_registration = ($data->date_of_registration);
$group_name = ($data->group);
$email_address = ($data->email_address);
$COUNTRY = ($data->country);
$POSTAL_ADDRESS = ($data->postal_address);
$town = ($data->town);
if ($phone_number === $phone) {
$vars = array(
'{FIRST_NAME}' => $first_name,
'{MIDDLE_NAME}' => $middle_name,
'{LAST_NAME}' => $last_name,
'{PHONE_NUMBER}' => $phone_number,
'{DATE_OF_BIRTH}' => $date_of_birth,
'{ID_NUMBER}' => $passport_number,
'{DATE_OF_REGISTRATION}' => $date_of_registration,
'{GROUP_NAME}' => $group_name,
'{EMAIL_ADDRESS}' => $email_address,
'{TOWN}' => $town,
return str_replace(array_keys($vars), $vars, $string);
} else {
//return $string;
//$data = (json_encode($membersObject->aaData));
//$vars = array('{FIRST_NAME}'=>'Name', '{MIDDLE_NAME}'=>'Value 2', '{LAST_NAME}'=>'Value 3','{BALANCE}');
//return str_replace(array_keys($vars), $vars, $string);
//echo replace_vars('Dear {FIRST_NAME} {MIDDLE_NAME} {LAST_NAME}, thank you for the assistance you have accorded us.', $phone);