/* Decoded by unphp.net */ package = array_merge($installable, $request->all()); $this->slug = $installable["slug"]; $this->namespace = "\Incevio\Package\" . Str::studly(Str::replace("-", "_", $this->slug)); $this->path = $installable["path"]; $this->migrations = str_replace(base_path(), '', $this->path . "/database/migrations"); } public function install() { Log::info("Installing package " . $this->slug); try { $package_data = array_merge($this->package, preparePackageInstallation($this->package)); Package::create($package_data); $this->migrate()->seed(); } catch (\Exception $exception) { Log::info("Package installation failed " . $this->slug); Log::error(get_exception_message($exception)); throw new \Exception("Package Installation Failed " . $this->slug); } Log::info("Successfully installed package " . $this->slug); return true; } public function migrate() { Log::info("Migration started for " . $this->slug); Artisan::call("migrate", ["--path" => $this->migrations, "--force" => true]); Log::info(Artisan::output()); return $this; } private function seed() { Log::info("Seeding package data for " . $this->slug); foreach (glob($this->path . "/database/seeds/*.php") as $filename) { $classes = get_declared_classes(); include $filename; $temp = array_diff(get_declared_classes(), $classes); $migration = Arr::last($temp, function ($value, $key) { return $value !== "Illuminate\Database\Seeder"; }); Artisan::call("db:seed", ["--class" => $migration, "--force" => true]); Log::info(Artisan::output()); WKXas: } mM2J1: return $this; } public function uninstall() { Log::info("Uninstalling Package: " . $this->slug); $file = $this->path . "/src/Uninstaller.php"; if (!file_exists($file)) { goto PQVcm; } include $file; PQVcm: $class = $this->namespace . "\Uninstaller"; if (class_exists($class)) { goto savKd; } Log::info("Uninstaller not found in the package dir for " . $this->slug); throw new \Exception("Uninstaller not found for the package " . $this->slug); savKd: try { (new $class())->cleanDatabase(); $this->rollback(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::info("Package uninstallation failed: " . $this->slug); throw new \Exception("Uninstallation failed: " . $this->slug); } Log::info("Successfully uninstalled package " . $this->slug); return $this; } private function rollback() { Log::info("Roll back called..."); $migrations = array_reverse(glob($this->path . "/database/migrations/*_*.php")); if (!empty($migrations)) { goto OBdW4; } Log::info("No migration to roll back for package " . $this->slug); return $this; OBdW4: foreach ($migrations as $filename) { $migration = str_replace(".php", '', basename($filename)); Log::info("Rolling back: " . $migration); $row = DB::table("migrations")->where("migration", $migration); if ($row->first()) { goto gmmf9; } Log::info($migration . " was not migrated before, probably it\'s a new migration file."); Log::info("Skipping rolled back: " . $migration); goto ZOMJE; gmmf9: $class = Str::studly(implode("_", array_slice(explode("_", $migration), 4))); if (class_exists($class)) { goto lSvD7; } include $filename; lSvD7: (new $class())->down(); if ($row->delete()) { goto aN26W; } Log::info("Rollback FAILED: " . $migration); throw new \Exception("Migration rollback failed: " . $this->slug); goto nID7P; aN26W: Log::info("Rolled back: " . $migration); nID7P: ZOMJE: } whQNh: Log::info("All migrations has been rolled back for package " . $this->slug); return $this; } } ?>