/* Decoded by unphp.net */ theme_slug . "_license_key_status", $license_data->license); goto tljk3; srLDy: $base_url = admin_url("themes.php?page=" . $this->theme_slug . ''); goto ST2au; vra0G: if (!(false === $license_data->success)) { goto Hk07w; } goto XpRfP; LG9Yl: if (empty($message)) { goto h3xyT; } goto srLDy; HWLv8: wp_redirect(admin_url("themes.php?page=" . $this->theme_slug . '')); goto IBARZ; OnsMi: $license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); goto vra0G; zMeyc: $license_data = json_decode($response); goto OnsMi; BOyd3: $license = trim(get_option($this->theme_slug . "_license_key")); goto i_edu; ST2au: $redirect = add_query_arg(array("sl_theme_activation" => "false", "message" => urlencode($message)), $base_url); goto YWje1; dgFRD: oJAD0: goto LG9Yl; e72Hm: MwRSK: goto HWLv8; tZdWQ: jzAFT: goto dgFRD; uKfY7: die; goto nqSC6; D8W7h: $response = json_encode(["success" => true, "license" => "valid", "item_name" => urlencode($this->item_name), "license_limit" => 0, "site_count" => 999, "expires" => "lifetime", "activations_left" => "unlimited", "customer_name" => "noname", "customer_email" => "admin@admin.com"]); goto zMeyc; BmO07: if (!($license_data && isset($license_data->license))) { goto MwRSK; } goto G8aXQ; XpRfP: switch ($license_data->error) { case "expired": $message = sprintf(__("Your license code has expired on%s.", EXTHEMES_SLUG), date_i18n(get_option("date_format"), strtotime($license_data->expires, current_time("timestamp")))); goto oJAD0; case "revoked": $message = __("Your license code has been disabled and can no longer be used.", EXTHEMES_SLUG); goto oJAD0; case "missing": $message = __("Invalid license.", EXTHEMES_SLUG); goto oJAD0; case "invalid": case "site_inactive": $message = __("Your license is currently inactive on this website.", EXTHEMES_SLUG); goto oJAD0; case "item_name_mismatch": $message = sprintf(__("This license code does not appear to be valid for %s.", EXTHEMES_SLUG), $this->item_name); goto oJAD0; case "no_activations_left": $message = __("Your license code has reached the limit of license activation.", EXTHEMES_SLUG); goto oJAD0; default: $message = __("An error occurred, please try again.", EXTHEMES_SLUG); goto oJAD0; } goto tZdWQ; nqSC6: h3xyT: goto mLcbM; IBARZ: die; goto ukIbp; mLcbM: Hk07w: goto BmO07; i_edu: $api_params = array("edd_action" => "activate_license", "license" => $license, "item_name" => urlencode($this->item_name), "url" => home_url("/")); goto D8W7h; tljk3: delete_transient($this->theme_slug . "_license_message"); goto e72Hm; ukIbp: } ?>