/* Decoded by unphp.net */ array(), "field" => array("invalid_type" => "Invalid field type used :type.", "options_method_invalid_model" => "The attribute ':field' does not resolve to a valid model. Try specifying the options method for model class :model explicitly.", "options_method_not_exists" => "The model class :model must define a method :method() returning options for the ':field' form field.", "colors_method_not_exists" => "The model class :model must define a method :method() returning html color HEX codes for the ':field' form field."), "widget" => array("not_registered" => "A widget class name ':name' has not been registered", "not_bound" => "A widget with class name ':name' has not been bound to the controller"), "page" => array("untitled" => "Untitled", "not_found" => array("label" => "Page Not Found", "help" => "The requested page cannot be found.", "back_link" => "Go back to the previous page"), "access_denied" => array("label" => "Access Denied", "help" => "You don't have the required permissions to view this page.", "cms_link" => "Return to the Backend"), "no_database" => array("label" => "Database Missing", "help" => "A database is required to access the back-end. Check the database is configured and migrated before trying again.", "cms_link" => "Return to the Homepage")), "partial" => array("not_found_name" => "The partial ':name' is not found.", "invalid_name" => "Invalid partial name: :name."), "ajax_handler" => array("invalid_name" => "Invalid AJAX handler name: :name.", "not_found" => "AJAX handler ':name' was not found."), "account" => array("impersonate" => "Impersonate User", "impersonate_confirm" => "Are you sure you want to impersonate this user? You can revert to your original state by logging out.", "impersonate_success" => "You are now impersonating this user", "impersonate_working" => "Impersonating...", "impersonating" => "Impersonating :full_name", "stop_impersonating" => "Stop impersonating", "signed_in_as" => "Signed in as :full_name", "sign_out" => "Sign Out", "login_prompt" => "Welcome back! Please login to your account to continue.", "login_placeholder" => "username", "password_placeholder" => "password", "enter_email" => "Enter your email", "email_placeholder" => "email", "apply" => "Apply", "cancel" => "Cancel", "delete" => "Delete", "ok" => "OK"), "dashboard" => array("menu_label" => "Dashboard", "widget_inspector_title" => "Widget Configuration", "widget_inspector_description" => "Configure the report widget", "widget_columns_label" => "Width :columns", "widget_columns_description" => "The widget width, a number between 1 and 10.", "widget_columns_error" => "Please enter the widget width as a number between 1 and 10.", "columns" => "{1} column|[2,Inf] columns", "widget_new_row_label" => "Force new row", "widget_new_row_description" => "Put the widget in a new row.", "widget_title_label" => "Widget title", "widget_title_error" => "The Widget Title is required.", "reset_layout_success" => "Layout has been reset", "make_default_success" => "Current layout is now the default", "collapse_all" => "Collapse all", "expand_all" => "Expand all", "status" => array("widget_title_default" => "System status", "update_available" => "{0} updates available!|{1} update available!|[2,Inf] updates available!", "updates_pending" => "Pending Software Updates", "updates_nil" => "Software is Up to Date", "updates_link" => "Update", "warnings_pending" => "Some Issues Need Attention", "warnings_nil" => "No Warnings to Display", "warnings_link" => "View", "core_build" => "System Build", "event_log" => "Event Log", "request_log" => "Request Log", "app_birthday" => "Online Since"), "welcome" => array("widget_title_default" => "Welcome", "welcome_back_name" => "Welcome back to :app, :name.", "welcome_to_name" => "Welcome to :app, :name.", "first_sign_in" => "This is the first time you have signed in.", "last_sign_in" => "Your last sign in was", "view_access_logs" => "View Access Logs", "nice_message" => "Have a great day!"), "widget_data_source" => "Data source", "widget_data_source_required" => "Please select a data source", "widget_dimension" => "Dimension", "widget_dimension_required" => "Please select a dimension", "widget_metric_required" => "Please select metric(s).", "widget_title" => "Title", "widget_title_required" => "Please provide the widget title", "widget_title_optional_placeholder" => "Leave empty to hide the title", "widget_metrics" => "Metrics", "widget_metric" => "Metric", "widget_metric_value" => "Value", "widget_icon_status" => "Icon status", "widget_href" => "Link URL", "widget_icon" => "Icon", "widget_icon_required" => "Please select an icon", "widget_link_text" => "Link Text", "apply_changes" => "Apply changes", "section_show_interval" => "Show Date Interval", "dimension_date" => "Date", "widget_chart_type" => "Chart type", "widget_chart_type_bar" => "Bar", "widget_chart_type_stacked_bar" => "Stacked Bar", "widget_chart_type_line" => "Line", "widget_loading_error" => "Error loading the widget data. See the browser error console for details.", "widget_click_here" => "Click here", "widget_configure_prompt" => "to configure the widget.", "sort_by" => "Sort by", "sort_by_required" => "Select sorting metric or dimension", "sort_by_placeholder" => "Select a dimension and metrics", "sort_by_dimension" => "Dimension", "sort_by_metric" => "Metric", "sort_order" => "Order", "sort_asc" => "Ascending", "sort_desc" => "Descending", "group_sorting" => "Sorting", "value_not_set" => "[not set]", "limit" => "Limit", "limit_placeholder" => "Display all records", "limit_number" => "Enter a positive number or leave empty to display all records.", "limit_min" => "The limit value must be at least 1", "empty_values" => "Empty values", "empty_values_hide" => "Hide", "empty_values_display_not_set" => "Display [not set]", "empty_values_dimension" => "Dimension", "date_interval" => "Date interval", "date_interval_dashboard_default" => "Dashboard interval", "date_interval_this_week" => "This week", "date_interval_this_month" => "This month", "date_interval_this_quarter" => "This quarter", "date_interval_this_year" => "This year", "date_interval_past_hour" => "Past hour", "date_interval_past_days" => "Past X days", "date_interval_past_days_value" => "Number of days", "date_interval_past_days_invalid" => "Enter a positive number", "prop_date_interval" => "Display", "date_interval_past_days_placeholder" => "1 day (today) if not set", "widget_bar_direction" => "Direction", "widget_bar_direction_vertical" => "Vertical", "widget_bar_direction_horizontal" => "Horizontal", "colors" => array("red" => "Red", "orange" => "Orange", "amber" => "Amber", "lime" => "Lime", "green" => "Green", "teal" => "Teal", "cyan" => "Cyan", "sky" => "Sky", "blue" => "Blue", "indigo" => "Indigo", "violet" => "Violet", "pink" => "Pink", "rose" => "Rose", "slate" => "Slate"), "color_required" => "Select the metric color", "prop_color" => "Color", "tab_general" => "General", "tab_sorting_filtering" => "Sorting & Filtering", "prop_records_per_page" => "Records per page", "records_per_page_placeholder" => "Leave empty to disable pagination", "records_per_page_invalid" => "Enter a positive number or leave empty to display all records.", "pagination_records" => "Records", "pagination_of" => "of", "pagination_page" => "Page", "pagination_next_page" => "Next page", "pagination_prev_page" => "Previous page", "prop_display_totals" => "Display totals", "prop_display_relative_bar" => "Display relative bars", "prop_extra_table_fields" => "Extra table fields", "filter_operation_equal_to" => "Equal to", "filter_operation_greater_equal" => "Greater or equal to", "filter_operation_less_equal" => "Less or equal to", "filter_operation_greater" => "Greater than", "filter_operation_less" => "Less than", "filter_operation_starts_with" => "Starts with", "filter_operation_includes" => "Includes", "filter_operation_one_of" => "One of", "prop_operation" => "Operation", "prop_value" => "Value", "prop_values" => "Values", "prop_values_one_per_line" => "One value per line", "prop_filter_attribute" => "Attribute", "filter_select_attribute" => "Select an attribute", "filter_select_operation" => "Select an operation", "filter_enter_value" => "Enter the filter value", "prop_filters" => "Filters", "no_records_found" => "No records found", "icon_status_info" => "Information", "icon_status_important" => "Important", "icon_status_success" => "Success", "icon_status_warning" => "Warning", "icon_status_disabled" => "Disabled", "previous_period" => "Difference with the previous period", "range_today" => "Today", "range_yesterday" => "Yesterday", "range_last_7_days" => "Last 7 days", "range_last_30_days" => "Last 30 days", "range_this_month" => "This month", "range_last_month" => "Last month", "range_this_quarter" => "This quarter", "range_this_year" => "This year", "range_this_week" => "This week", "interval_day" => "Day", "interval_week" => "Week", "interval_month" => "Month", "interval_quarter" => "Quarter", "interval_year" => "Year", "group" => "Group", "interval" => "Interval", "compare_totals" => "Compare Totals", "compare_prev_period" => "Prev period", "compare_prev_year" => "Same period last year", "compare_none" => "Disabled", "not_found" => "The requested dashboard could not be found.", "no_access" => "You don't have access to any dashboards.", "no_dashboards" => "No dashboards have been set up yet.", "no_edit_permissions" => "Your account doesn't have permissions do create or edit dashboards.", "not_found_by_slug" => "Cannot find a dashboard with the specified slug: ":slug".", "updated_successfully" => "The dashboard was successfully updated.", "edit_dashboard" => "Edit Dashboard", "rename_dashboard" => "Rename or Change Access", "delete_dashboard" => "Delete Dashboard", "export_dashboard" => "Export Dashboard", "create_dashboard" => "Create Dashboard", "import_success" => "The dashboard was successfully imported", "new_dashboard" => "New Dashboard", "import_dashboard" => "Import Dashboard", "select_dashboard" => "Select Dashboard", "dashboard_name" => "Dashboard Name", "dashboard_name_required" => "Please enter the dashboard name", "dashboard_slug" => "Slug", "dashboard_slug_required" => "Please enter the dashboard slug", "dashboard_slug_invalid" => "The slug can only include Latin letters, digits, and hyphens", "dashboard_created" => "The dashboard was successfully created.", "dashboard_updated" => "The dashboard was successfully updated.", "dashboard_icon" => "Icon", "dashboard_icon_required" => "Please select an icon", "dashboard_global_access" => "Global Access", "dashboard_global_access_description" => "Dashboards with Global Access enabled can be viewed by any user, but this doesn't grant editing permissions.", "slug_already_exists" => "A dashboard with the specified slug already exists: ":slug".", "add_widget" => "Add widget", "delete_confirm" => "Delete the dashboard? This action cannot be reversed. All users with access will be affected.", "delete_success" => "The dashboard was successfully deleted.", "menu_item_custom" => "Custom", "menu_item_delete_row" => "Delete row", "widget_type_indicator" => "Indicator", "widget_type_section_title" => "Section Title", "widget_type_notice" => "Text Notice", "widget_type_chart" => "Chart", "widget_type_table" => "Table", "configure" => "Configure", "auto_update" => "Refresh every minute", "notice_text" => "Notice text"), "user" => array("name" => "Administrator", "list_title" => "Manage Administrators", "new" => "New Administrator", "first_name" => "First Name", "last_name" => "Last Name", "full_name" => "Full Name", "email" => "Email", "role_field" => "Role", "role_comment" => "Roles define user permissions, which can be overridden on the user level, on the Permissions tab.", "groups" => "Groups", "groups_comment" => "Specify which groups this account should belong to.", "avatar" => "Avatar", "password" => "Password", "password_confirmation" => "Confirm Password", "permissions" => "Permissions", "account" => "Account", "superuser" => "Super User", "superuser_comment" => "Grants this account unlimited access to all areas of the system. Super users can add and manage other users. ", "send_invite" => "Send invitation by email", "send_invite_comment" => "Sends a welcome message containing login and password information.", "delete_confirm" => "Delete this administrator?", "return" => "Return to Admin List", "allow" => "Allow", "inherit" => "Inherit", "deny" => "Deny", "activated" => "Activated", "last_login" => "Last Login", "created_at" => "Created At", "updated_at" => "Updated At", "deleted_at" => "Deleted At", "show_deleted" => "Show Deleted", "group" => array("name" => "Group", "name_field" => "Name", "name_comment" => "The name is displayed in the group list on the Administrator form.", "description_field" => "Description", "is_new_user_default_field_label" => "Default group", "is_new_user_default_field_comment" => "Add new administrators to this group by default", "code_field" => "Code", "code_comment" => "Enter a unique code if you want to access the group object with the API.", "list_title" => "Manage Groups", "new" => "New Group", "delete_confirm" => "Delete this administrator group?", "return" => "Return to Group List", "users_count" => "Users"), "role" => array("name" => "Role", "name_field" => "Name", "name_comment" => "The name is displayed in the role list on the Administrator form.", "description_field" => "Description", "code_field" => "Code", "code_comment" => "Enter a unique code if you want to access the role object with the API.", "list_title" => "Manage Roles", "new" => "New Role", "delete_confirm" => "Delete this administrator role?", "return" => "Return to Role List", "users_count" => "Users"), "preferences" => array("not_authenticated" => "There is no an authenticated user to load or save preferences for."), "trashed_hint_title" => "This account has been deleted", "trashed_hint_desc" => "This account has been deleted and will be unable to be signed in under. To restore it, click the restore user icon in the bottom right"), "list" => array("default_title" => "List", "search_prompt" => "Search...", "no_records" => "There are no records in this view.", "missing_model" => "List behavior used in :class does not have a model defined.", "missing_column" => "There are no column definitions for :columns.", "missing_columns" => "List used in :class has no list columns defined.", "missing_definition" => "List behavior does not contain a column for ':field'.", "missing_parent_definition" => "List behavior does not contain a definition for ':definition'.", "behavior_not_ready" => "List behavior has not been initialized, check that you have called makeLists() in your controller.", "invalid_column_datetime" => "Column value ':column' is not a DateTime object, are you missing a $dates reference in the Model?", "pagination" => "Displayed Records: :from-:to of :total", "first_page" => "First page", "last_page" => "Last page", "prev_page" => "Previous page", "next_page" => "Next page", "refresh" => "Refresh", "updating" => "Updating...", "loading" => "Loading...", "check" => "Check", "create_button" => "New :name", "delete_selected" => "Delete selected", "delete_selected_empty" => "There are no selected records to delete.", "delete_selected_confirm" => "Delete the selected records?", "delete_selected_success" => "Deleted selected records.", "column_switch_true" => "Yes", "column_switch_false" => "No"), "object_list" => array("prop_cant_be_empty" => "Property :property cannot be empty", "key_value_exists" => "Value is already defined: :property_value"), "fileupload" => array(), "form" => array("create_title" => "New :name", "update_title" => "Edit :name", "preview_title" => "Preview :name", "restore_success" => ":name Restored", "reset_success" => "Reset Complete", "missing_id" => "Form record ID has not been specified.", "missing_tab" => "Missing a valid tab definition.", "missing_model" => "Form behavior used in :class does not have a model defined.", "missing_definition" => "Form behavior does not contain a field for ':field'.", "action_confirm" => "Are you sure?", "create" => "Create", "create_and_close" => "Create and close", "creating" => "Creating...", "creating_name" => "Creating :name...", "save" => "Save", "save_and_close" => "Save and Close", "saving" => "Saving...", "saving_name" => "Saving :name...", "delete" => "Delete", "deleting" => "Deleting...", "confirm_delete" => "Delete record?", "confirm_delete_multiple" => "Delete selected records?", "deleting_name" => "Deleting :name...", "restore" => "Restore", "restoring" => "Restoring", "confirm_restore" => "Are you sure you want to restore this record?", "reset_default" => "Reset to Default", "resetting" => "Resetting", "resetting_name" => "Resetting :name", "undefined_tab" => "Misc", "field_off" => "Off", "field_on" => "On", "add" => "Add", "apply" => "Apply", "insert" => "Insert", "cancel" => "Cancel", "close" => "Close", "confirm" => "Confirm", "reload" => "Reload", "complete" => "Complete", "ok" => "OK", "or" => "or", "confirm_tab_close" => "Close the tab? Unsaved changes will be lost.", "behavior_not_ready" => "Form behavior has not been initialized, check that you have called initForm() in your controller.", "preview_no_files_message" => "There are no files uploaded.", "preview_no_media_message" => "There is no media selected.", "preview_no_record_message" => "There is no record selected.", "select" => "Select", "select_all" => "Select All", "select_none" => "Select None", "insert_row" => "Insert Row", "insert_row_below" => "Insert Row Below", "delete_row" => "Delete Row", "concurrency_file_changed_title" => "File was changed", "concurrency_file_changed_description" => "The file you're editing has been changed on disk by another user. You can either reload the file and lose your changes or override the file on the disk.", "return_to_list" => "Return to List", "no_options_found" => "No options found", "error" => "Error", "toggle_full_screen" => "Toggle Full Screen"), "treeview" => array("expand" => "Expand", "collapse" => "Collapse", "reorder" => "Reorder", "clear_search" => "Clear Search", "search" => "Search", "command_or_document" => "Command or Document...", "quick_access" => "Quick Access", "open" => "Open", "commands" => "Commands"), "tabs" => array("close" => "Close Tab", "close_all" => "Close All", "close_others" => "Close Others", "close_saved" => "Close Saved", "full_screen" => "Toggle Full Screen"), "modal" => array("close" => "Close"), "dropdownmenu" => array("go_back" => "Go Back", "close_menu" => "Close Menu"), "recordfinder" => array("find_record" => "Find Record", "invalid_model_class" => "The provided model class ":modelClass" for the recordfinder is invalid", "cancel" => "Cancel"), "pagelist" => array(), "relation" => array("missing_config" => "Relation behavior does not have any configuration for ':config'.", "missing_definition" => "Relation behavior does not contain a definition for ':field'.", "missing_model" => "Relation behavior used in :class does not have a model defined.", "invalid_action_single" => "This action cannot be performed on a singular relationship.", "invalid_action_multi" => "This action cannot be performed on a multiple relationship.", "help" => "Click on an item to add", "add" => "Add", "link_selected" => "Link Selected", "cancel" => "Cancel", "close" => "Close", "create" => "Create", "update" => "Update", "preview" => "Preview", "remove_name" => "Remove :name", "delete_name" => "Delete :name", "link" => "Link", "unlink_name" => "Unlink :name"), "reorder" => array("default_title" => "Reorder Records", "no_records" => "There are no records available to sort."), "model" => array("name" => "Model", "not_found" => "Model ':class' with an ID of :id could not be found", "missing_id" => "There is no ID specified for looking up the model record.", "missing_relation" => "Model ':class' does not contain a definition for ':relation'.", "missing_method" => "Model ':class' does not contain a method ':method'.", "invalid_class" => "Model :model used in :class is not valid, it must inherit the \Model class.", "mass_assignment_failed" => "Mass assignment failed for Model attribute ':attribute'."), "warnings" => array("tips" => "System Configuration Tips", "tips_description" => "There are issues you need to pay attention to in order to configure the system properly.", "permissions" => "Directory :name or its subdirectories is not writable for PHP. Please set corresponding permissions for the webserver on this directory.", "extension" => "The PHP extension :name is not installed. Please install this library and activate the extension.", "plugin_missing" => "The plugin :name is a dependency but is not installed. Please install this plugin.", "debug" => "Debug mode is enabled. This is not recommended for production installations.", "backend_uri" => "The backend URL :name is too generic. Please set to something more unique.", "backend_login" => "An account with a generic login :name was found. Please rename this administrator account."), "editor" => array("toolbar_buttons_presets" => array("default" => "Default", "minimal" => "Minimal", "full" => "Full"), "paragraph_formats_comment" => "The options that will appear in the Paragraph Format dropdown."), "tooltips" => array(), "mysettings" => array("menu_label" => "My Settings", "menu_description" => "Settings related to your administration account"), "myaccount" => array(), "branding" => array("accent_color" => "Accent Color"), "backend_preferences" => array(), "filter" => array("all" => "all", "options_method_not_exists" => "The model class :model must define a method :method() returning options for the ':filter' filter.", "options_static_method_invalid_value" => "The static method ':method()' on :class does not return a valid options array.", "date_all" => "all periods", "number_all" => "all numbers"), "import_export" => array("row" => "Row :row", "encodings" => array("utf_8" => "UTF-8", "us_ascii" => "US-ASCII", "iso_8859_1" => "ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1, Western European)", "iso_8859_2" => "ISO-8859-2 (Latin-2, Central European)", "iso_8859_3" => "ISO-8859-3 (Latin-3, South European)", "iso_8859_4" => "ISO-8859-4 (Latin-4, North European)", "iso_8859_5" => "ISO-8859-5 (Latin, Cyrillic)", "iso_8859_6" => "ISO-8859-6 (Latin, Arabic)", "iso_8859_7" => "ISO-8859-7 (Latin, Greek)", "iso_8859_8" => "ISO-8859-8 (Latin, Hebrew)", "iso_8859_0" => "ISO-8859-9 (Latin-5, Turkish)", "iso_8859_10" => "ISO-8859-10 (Latin-6, Nordic)", "iso_8859_11" => "ISO-8859-11 (Latin, Thai)", "iso_8859_13" => "ISO-8859-13 (Latin-7, Baltic Rim)", "iso_8859_14" => "ISO-8859-14 (Latin-8, Celtic)", "iso_8859_15" => "ISO-8859-15 (Latin-9, Western European revision with euro sign)", "windows_1250" => "Windows-1250 (CP1250)", "windows_1251" => "Windows-1251 (CP1251)", "windows_1252" => "Windows-1252 (CP1252)")), "permissions" => array("manage_media" => "Upload and manage media contents - images, videos, sounds, documents", "create_edit_dashboards" => "Create and manage dashboards. Note that users granted this permission can access data from any dashboards and report widgets available in the system.", "access_dashboard" => "Dashboards a user can access are determined by individual dashboard access settings."), "mediafinder" => array("label" => "Media Finder", "no_image" => "The image could not be found", "not_an_image" => "The selected file is not an image", "click_to_select_file" => "Click to select a file"), "media" => array("menu_label" => "Media", "upload" => "Upload", "move" => "Move", "delete" => "Delete", "add_folder" => "Add Folder", "search" => "Search", "display" => "Display", "filter_everything" => "Everything", "filter_images" => "Images", "filter_video" => "Video", "filter_audio" => "Audio", "filter_documents" => "Documents", "library" => "Library", "size" => "Size", "title" => "Title", "last_modified" => "Last Modified", "public_url" => "URL", "click_here" => "Click here", "thumbnail_error" => "Error generating thumbnail.", "return_to_parent" => "Return to the Parent Folder", "return_to_parent_label" => "Go Up ..", "nothing_selected" => "Nothing is selected.", "multiple_selected" => "Multiple items selected.", "uploading_file_num" => "Uploading :number file(s)...", "uploading_complete" => "Upload Complete", "uploading_error" => "Upload Failed", "type_blocked" => "The file type used is blocked for security reasons.", "order_by" => "Order by", "direction" => "Direction", "direction_asc" => "Ascending", "direction_desc" => "Descending", "folder" => "Folder", "no_files_found" => "No files found by your request.", "delete_empty" => "Please select items to delete.", "delete_confirm" => "Delete the selected item(s)?", "error_renaming_file" => "Error renaming the item.", "new_folder_title" => "New Folder", "folder_name" => "Folder Name", "error_creating_folder" => "Error creating folder", "folder_or_file_exist" => "A folder or file with the specified name already exists.", "move_empty" => "Please select items to move.", "move_popup_title" => "Move files or folders", "move_destination" => "Destination folder", "please_select_move_dest" => "Please select a destination folder.", "move_dest_src_match" => "Please select another destination folder.", "empty_library" => "It looks a bit empty here. Upload files or create folders to get started.", "insert" => "Insert", "crop_and_insert" => "Crop & Insert", "select_single_image" => "Please select a single image.", "selection_not_image" => "The selected item is not an image.", "restore" => "Undo all changes", "resize" => "Resize...", "selection_mode_normal" => "Normal", "selection_mode_fixed_ratio" => "Fixed Ratio", "selection_mode_fixed_size" => "Fixed Size", "height" => "Height", "width" => "Width", "selection_mode" => "Selection mode", "resize_image" => "Resize Image", "image_size" => "Image Size:", "selected_size" => "Selected:"), "table" => array("add_item" => "Add item"), "dictionary" => array("key_required" => "The Key field is required", "value_required" => "The Value field is required"), "uploader" => array("uploading" => "Uploading Files", "complete" => "Upload Complete"), "richeditor" => array("upload_from_computer" => "Upload From Computer", "embedding_code" => "Embedding Code", "url_required" => "The URL is required", "url_validation" => "URL must start with http:// or https://", "add_image" => "Insert Image", "add_video" => "Insert Video", "add_audio" => "Insert Audio", "add_file" => "Insert File", "embedding_code_required" => "The embedding code is required", "embedding_code_invalid" => "Please enter valid HTML embedding code", "embedding_code_invalid_title" => "Invalid code", "browse" => "Browse Media Library", "by_url" => "By URL")); ?>